bridge club at Iuncbeon, Tuesday.I STOCK VOUR PANTRY F190M YOUR[ ELI.LE1N@N S NI LL TE LEP N E ce. Duet.IL on currnt attractions. COOK'YS DRAKE .SUPERIOR 2200 H-OTEL M3;làsilrAv"- OFFICE posed of 67 Ford dealers in the . metropolitan Chi- cago area. head of the firm bearing bis name with. agencies .i nI Highland Par k, Winnetka, D e s Plines, and Y..unf Arlington Heigbts. He bas been a Ford, dea.fer, since 1925. Among other activities, he: was president of,,the. Highland Park Rotary club from,1933 to 1934. He is married and the fatber of twvo cbildren, one.boy and on1e girl. V!ice-presideiit of the association for 1936 is Ben T. Wright, of Ben T. Wright, Inc., wbo bas been identified for many years with Ford. The treasurer is J. J. Slurnbrick of Slum- brick Motor Sales; the new directors, Larry Burns of Larry Burns Auto., Sales, and -J:' C.Vesely of Vesely Brothers Motor Sales. The outgoing president is Frank H. Varnall of Glenin E. Holmîes, lue., who will be cbairman of the board' of directors for 1936, the vicc-prcsident,, C.- W. Zepp, of C. Zepp, bIc.; the treasurer, Ray F. Schuster, of Ray F. 1Schuister, hic. The ouitgoing d 'irec-. tors are Lynn Stnow of Snow Broth- rs, J. J. Wright of J. J. Wright Moe tor company, and KarI F. Goy,< of North-Grand Motors, bIc. WiII Repeat, Program Honoring Jewish Leader In response to numerous requests, the program of the newly organized North Shore district of Hadassah, given !ast. Friday at the Nort h Shore Congregation Israel tenmple i Glen-- coe will bc repeated Fridayevening, January 24, at 8 o'clock at the temple. The program consists of* a series of tableaux.depicting the life and ex- periences, of'. Henrietta Szold, leading Jewish womani of the world. SUNDAY SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles D. -Miller of 1 . Ili" -