Pt-' U 3-- - y Broster, Dorothy-Dark mile; a. fine historical romance with a. fast inoving plot. Daniel, Hawthorne-Broken Dykes'; a story of the alege of Lyden.-Hendtck von l1rIer and the Duke of Orangé save the city when the. dykes are cut.-Exclt- ing.> Foliett, Mrs. Helen-Stars to Steer By; a. book of unshine anid blue waters and frlendly natives.-The uncertainty and hardships of the sea, and the fine accept- ance of youth., Fox, Genevieve,- Mountain Girl; mtounttalneering, school, nursing,. ro- mance and an Interestlngacharacter in Salry,Ânn. .Janasa, Bessie--Cgurageous Heart; a vigiorous blography of a vigorous hero, Andrew Jackson, glvlng a fine picture ut American lite fromn 1770 to 1845. Kang, Younghll-H*appy Grove.; Kang is a Korean who broko t rom. tradition- walked- 300 mlles to Seoul to recelve a western education, and bas an eagerness for beauty that la contaglous. A timely book very well written.,, Mansefield, Johni-Bird of Dawning; a sea-worthy vessel la found mysteriously abandoned In this story ot square-rigged> teas. hips, racing ftlrmChina. Means, ÉFlorece-Penny for Luck; fine new mystery by a. well-known au- thor. Nolan, Jeannette Young Douglas; a dra.matic story of the Scotch Queen's loyal follower. Robinson, Llncoln-Jack's House,; this milght be the story ot any boy through high school da.ys. The tun anti thought ot these days are weli presented. Scholz-Split Seconds; dramatic stor- les of the cinder track. Smith, Sarah-Feud Mystery; a boys story ot old Sardinla. An exctting mys- toywefl. developed. Wlluiamson-North Atter, Seals; dur- ÉCno wnere caste la not recognlzed. International Relations Institution Opens Offices Announcement has been mhade of the openfing of offices for the: Mid- West Institute of international Rela- tions ini room 309, Garret Biblical Institute, Evanston, MI., by Mrs. George H. Tomlijson, chairman of the izenerat ,,nmmitté-whi m 1Àrt.' Jeant McKenna of Winnetka is one of a quarte t.of young dancers woho will entlertain the inenberts of the Britisk-Americmi club this evening (Thursday), at Winnetka Comnmu- nity Ho use. The occasion is the club's fifteenth annual "Nicht titi B3urlus.", NEW BOOKS SAT THE LIBRARYI Benefeld Valiant la the' Word. for Carrie. James-Home Ranch. Callaghan-They Shall Inherit the Earth. Lawrence-If 1 Have Four Appies. StribIing-The Sound Wagon. Wodehouse-Luck of the Bodkins. Wolfe--Fiom .Death to Mornlng. PSYCHOLOGY-AN» RELIGION Walsh-Peace of Mind and Body. Morgan-Chiid Psychology. Adler-Understanding Humnan Nature. Lee-contempoirary American Portrait Painiterà. Bauer-MuiC Through the Âges. Ewen-Prom Bach to Stravinsky. Howard-Stépheh Poster. Clirk-How to Produce Amateur Playff. Crump-Directing for: the Amnateur Stage. àAubet-Art of Pantoimlme ýMcCartney-Short Cut to Good ]Rîing. LITERATUTRE Weekcs-This Trtuie of Writing. Woofilcott-Woolicott Reader, Daly-Madrlgall.' Girubbs--TrIal Balances. Dbayton-First Lady. Perome-Pride and Prejudîce. Odets-Tlhree Plays. Hausman-Vicetoria.'Regina. Winwar-Romantie Rebels.' Macauay-Casual Commentary. Barlng-Lost Diarles. Sainte-Beuve-Causeries du Lundi. TietJens--Poetry of the Orient . Bea1si-iuey P. Long. Tholnason--dventures of General Mar- bot~ Hawthorne-N]nos Mills of the KCookies. Perry-Ànd GladIy Teaeh. Mllin-CecIl Rhodes' Woodward-TJhree Fllghts Up. XII&TORT Chamberlin-RuXssîa's Iron ÂAge. GrinneU- By heyenne Campflres. Fs-eve1o ent t orAmerican Na- Andrews-Colonial Period of Amerîcan History. Chitwood--Colonial Amnerica. Preston-RevolutIon, 1776. Webb-Texas Rangers. M&Agoffn-Down the Santa Fe Trail and Into Mexico. Dobe--San Trancisco.- Barrows-Hletory of the Philippines. "BREENCE BOOKS Van Hoesen-Bïbllography. Nield-Best Historicai -Novels. Guide to Historleal Literature. Houaeé-Wild Flowers. Revlsed Statutes of the State of Illinoiso, Payyour byFbls - Save Ail Penalties!, TIIERE IS NO OBLIGATION more impor- tant than that, of aying taxes on your home. Race PLAN DINNER Scout leaders who have served dur- ing the past year wilI be dinner guests of the North Shore Area council at its annual meeting -at. 7 o'clock Thursday evening, February* 20, in Ravinia sehool. 1-1aggard-Doctor in Eistory. Bassett.-Mefltal Hyglene in th OQr" munity. Andersonl-Disel Engines. Moyer-Refrigeration. MÀcCaslin-Wood Pattern-Making. »yke-Âutonlobile andi Gasoline Eutcyc-, lopedia,, 1935. PayBackTaxesNow.,