Archilechirai Service Financing 140 CINTER STREET' WINNeTKA 3250-. FIRST:MOltlGAGE No COMMISSION 5%1/9INTEREST RskIsm.twmà rpowti.s edv«i*t. shore.. Sor 19 year torm Semrn-mmu..1 t.#.stpayurnmts. INC. 1 N. ULalleh St., Chicago Cntal0227 1571 Skeuusa Ave, Evanston UBuWrs5gy 2600 ýNN Complete, HOME FINANCING Facilities Jack iiown, who for the past 25~ years bas been identified with me- chanical service lines on the north. shore, announces the opening of a new office at 1139 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. Jack Slown and company will be tfié distributing agents, fér HaàrtOu Burners and Air Condition- ing units, while the Silent Burner and Air Conditioning company will hiandl1, the. Irimken Sulent Auitomatic O1 Burners and air conditioning units., Mr.,Slown is featuring 24-houiri burner service by factory-traïtïd service men. -Recent installations of Har Qb4ri, ers have beeà i made. in the Wý4hett Village, hall, and at the residanjçes of, PFire Chief Walter Zibble and $uper- intendent of Schools J.. ,Ëà"rpçr. ý*. Hart unit has also been installed in the new home of Dr. C. B. Blake on Willow road. west' of Winnetka. Two of the several recent Timkenu air conditîoning installations hai been made. on the homes of C. 1 Miller at 1133 Cherry street, Win- rietka, and E~. F. Bhuler, 315 Wood- land road, Lake Bluff. Mrs. Carl B. Hecker With Margaret E. Byrnt The friends of Mrs Carl B. Hecker w'Ill be interested to know that she is now affiliated with Margaret E. Byrn of Highlandl Park in selling and renting north shore properties. For .many years, Mrs. Hecker has been sociated with the management -and selling division of Quinlan & Tyson,, Inc. réaltors, of Evanston, and with' Harkness & Lloyd of Highland Park. ALTERATIONS ON HOME The one permit issued in Winnetka* from January 1 to 18, inclusive was- for an alteration job at the residence of William B. Hall, at 900 Mt. Pleas- ant street. The cost is $2,100. Baird and Warner, north shore realtors, report active selling during the latter part of 1935. The month of December was by far the most active December the concern has experi- enc ed since 1930, it stated. Recent transfers . negotiated by, Baird and Warner Include, the followig in the north shore towns: -The Trust Company of Chicago act-, ing. as' Trustee sëold the property known- as Lot 1i MacLean's sbdivi- sion, Kenilworthi, to Pearl M..Davies. ,rird and Warner represented by W. 4.cLaughlin of the Winnetka office ,-Wnere the only brokers. Fred L, Stone, connected ýwi th -the Harris Trust 1c orpany, purchasedthe prou rty known as Lot 14 ind the nori 6 feet of Lot 15 Kenilworth QGtrùens from A. H. kraifs Realt y cpjnpany. Baird and Warner repre- sehted'by Byron Smith of the Winnet- ka office, were the only brokers. Legal details' were handled by James F. Thcirpe, l'0O W. Monrôe strèet, acting on behaîf of the seller. Pearl M. Davies purchased the south 50 feet of Lot 15 Kenilworth Gardens from A. H. Kraus Realty company. Baird and Warner repre- sented by W. Mctaughlin of the Win-- netka office were the only brokers. Legal details were handled by-james F. Thorpe, 100 W. Monroe street,. acting on behaîf of the seller. were the Only brokers. Guy A. Osborn purchased the prop- erty known as Lot 13 on Hill road, Winnetka, from Shaw-Butler Syndi- cate. Baird and Warner represented by Ruth Cronk of the Winnetka office cooperating with Richard ýHart were the brokers. The vacant property located at 476 Sheridan road, Winnetka. was )r Chicago Exposition Air conditiôning ini al. of its devel- opments will be revealed at the Fourtiî International Heating and Ventilat- ing exposition toa be held in Chicago under the auspices ýof the, American Society: of, Heating and Ventilatinig Eng ineers frofi january 27 to 31 at the International Amphitheatcr. Prom, indications, it is rcported that more1 than 300 exhibitors will "Ccupv 100.0COsquare feet available, for exhibition purposes.. Ail features of the, hall billion dollar infant indus- try' mill be exploitecLat: the big show. H1eld eývery two years 'inia'different city thekexosition bas shown marked çqrowth at each succeeding period. It,,was inaugurated 'in 1930 at Phila- delfhli' was held in 1932 at Cleveland and the third and last display was t Grand Central. Palace in New York in' 1934. 1The scope of the ex*positioný wifl cover heating and v.entilating, air con- lit-'oninig, refrigeration, piping and al snDePialties and it should offer mnuch of educational value to increasi, public appreciation for the comifort that 'Can be the heating, ventilât- ing and air conditioning industries. Kenilworth Sets Fast Pace in New Buildinig Building .activities so pronounced in Kenilworth throughout 1935 con- tinued unabated with :the turn of the new year, as indicated by the four building permits issuled in tfiat. vil- lage from january 1 to 18, inclusive.. Two of the permits were.for new reside nces, costing $46,000, and two, were for remodeling jobs amiounting to $9,000. One of the, '7-eidences,' costing $26,000, is to be ero!cted by MUr. and Mrs. John W. Ladd, at 257 Woodstock avenue. ht is to be twoan one-haif stories, stone veneer, with an attached two-car garage. Raymohd F. Houlihan, of Chicazo, is the architect andi C. A. Hemphill. and Associates, Of Evanston, are the ýWlnaetàa OLIVER Dayori.ght AÀNSEN plu tuai ne teavesare ofn te trees, gut- clusive, was for a new residence ters should lie cleaned of ail accu- which Herbert D. Wilson will erect at mulated dirt and rubbish s0 that raili 915 Skokie Ridge drive. It is to be a water may pass frt.ely down the two-story building with eiterior of leaders. Besides, clogged gutters will wood shingles. The recorded cost is freeze and often burst the metal and given as $15,000. J. G. Steinbach, is cause consicterable damage. While the architeci and the Stoltzner Build- cleaning the gutters look for. possible ing compAny, thecontractors. cracks and, repair, any you may nd I I