or OJak ark store susequent pay- ments, made weekly or monthly. will Prescott, Iot ughter, Mrs. group of vouing peo rLatiderdale, jN H., for several sports. of winter g /0 arMAe2! &k? dl THE Nw o~ GENTL"E HANO" USE IT, FREE! AMLILR9 hA 1! veloped and perfected after years. of effort, it combines the best features of ail previous washing methods to give you faster, cleaner, safer, and more thorouýgh washihgs. Before yoù buy, try kt at our expense. Special introductory offer ... model illustrated only $59.50, terms as low as $2 clown, 77c a week. (SraaU carryipg charge for deferd pay*entsj a *worktr îor thne uerocratic partv~ anid lus public ýervice iii .Wilnteta anid ou~ the iîorthi shore. Ntr. Snyvder lias resided iiin\Vinl- ,etka siice 195 and lias been ýa practicing attorney for twcntv-two years. He is a member 'of the Clhi- Icago Bar. association, Illittois State Bar, association, American Bar asso.- ciation, and a memberof the Bar of the Suprerne> Court of :the United .States. He has heen actively- identified with local: iistitutionis. inicludinliii n- provement associations and the \Vin netka Village goverrument. He served with distinction for three ternis as a trustee of the, Village of W\;innetka and for sevêral yvears hasý been a ineml)er .of the -.\orth Shore Plan- n iing commission. He isý Past Coin- mander of Aviation Post of Aineri- cati' '1Legion and a former president of the :University of Michigan Club of Cliicago. Together.with the late Ros- %ivell B. Mason 'he arranigerf for the splenldid "Thonupson for oeor rallv iii 1928 alid presided ht thec Demnocratic rallv hield last vear at the X7em Trier Highi school. 111 1929 lie served as niationial president of theC Deniocratic Aviation league. Mr. SINvder more, than fullfilis, the, specifica.tions of the N. Trier ' zenis' league and other puli'srritè-l": bodies, includiîîgabiljty. iîtegritv aiidf findepetîdence Of judentt.>He s 'lotuld nuake an aible Di'trict 'oiîîîiitteenîiaii for the Denîocratic partv. Situation Right for ý,Re-Financing Loans Constructioni and re-flnancing loans throuigh Draper & Kra.mer have in- creased sitîce the recent appointnîent of that firm as authorized bian sot- licitor of thie Prudenitial. Insurance comnpany. according to Adolph -F. Kram er. prlesident of Draper & Kramer. "This m iakes moîth.ly amort .izai- tion paynîent boans of 5 te 10 years' duration available for refinancing 'nd construction on 'residences, apart- ments, anid commercial properties," 'i ev-y Wei..siay ev-ina et SEE. IT! I:Oft Ilouei 'IV OU*