Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1936, p. 1

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r LÎ.f4 U U VY M Il nj~. GLOBE TROTTER, AT, SUNDAY CLUB "4Mysterieus India"- Will Be Subject of Illustrated Trrav- elog February 16, The second of the three lectures being added to the 1935-'36 season of the'New Trier Sunday Evening club will be given by Frederic White, world traveler, on "MysteriousIn- dia," Sunday, February 16. The talk will be illustrated with, pictures taken by Mr. White, who, was with Beurton Hoînies for, four seasons, andDwight Elmendorf for six years.: The. prograni, to be held at Newv Trier High schoéol at 7 :30 o'clockg% will open with coQmnmunity singinig 1eO b)y Dr. Davies Lazear -of Winnetk- Mirs. Dwight C. Orcutt of Glencoc music chairman of the club, will bc at thef piano. EncfrtIed'Globe Three Tintes Mr. White bas made three tripe- arouid the world andi bas traveleC. 40-«0 miles 'in'40 countries by land, sea. and air. He was at one timi official lecturer on the world cruiser S. S. Resolute. His travelog Sunday evening will bce a pictoriai bourney in color. coyer- 1February Keal iEstate Review Starting on Page 44 of this issue, NVILMECTTE LIFE provides 14 sQlid .pages of news and advertisirig devoted exclusively to up- to-the-minute. information regarding real estate, building and associated enterprises in this community. Here is presented - latest news concerning ;activity durinîg, the opening weeks of .1936, together wïth conin.ients by experts in. reslpect to the prospects in the generai field of, real. estate and .,uilding .as Spring approaches. Evëry home owner-or prospective homne ownr-wiIlývaM to take advantage of this opportunity to .obitain first hand' exp ert knowledge of the 'remarkable developments now in: progress. in his own neiglhhorhood-dvelopineflts which vitally affect everyp~roperty ownier. jGUEST PREA CHER Invite Villa gers to HearLincoli 'Pro gram OU. Feb. 2 .A' prograin of unusual interest is iyeizsp~onsored by the First division of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church on Friday evening, February 21. at 8 o'clock in the Community hall at the church. The theme of the prograin is based appropriately on "The Life of the Great Emancipator," and will be pro- -vided by Lindsay Lockerby Field, dramatic reader, who will- portray, in the forin of a monodrama, four scenes in the. life of Licol. Mr. Eield adds interest to the drama by - *-io %nni hesaLe 1934 .IN Coli1lectoDr Hale U rges Prompt Paymlent: of Second-PortiOn of Assesmhent Collection of the second instail- ment of the, 1934 general taxes is now in progress. Collector Saiborn Hale reported early this week th#, paymentswere'coming in slowly, b~ expressed the, hope that. by. next week, payments may be sneeded up, as it is by payment of taxes to the local collector that. the varios tax- ing, bodies are enabled to obtain' their much needed portion of the collection more promptly than would be the'case if payment were deferred a nd finally macle to the county col - lector. Payàmnts Nbw Sairs ltâterft It should be borne in mmmd that a number of the school districts. stili have outstanding anticipation war-- rants, which may be retired upon the receipt of these taxes, thereby saving interest to the taxpayers. 1The taxpayer is also reminded there will be but a limited time in which to pay these taxes locally, as Mr. Hale has been informed by County Treasurer joseph L. Gi that he may continue the collection only -ear Madras. He will take his audi etnce to Bijapur,, Bomnbay, Udaipur Delhi, Agra, Benares, Calcutta, Dar- îeeling. Between: the, extrenie souti of India andl the -.H-imaayas are tc be seen much that is picturesqute, ex- quisite architecture,ý primitive indus: tries, and.weird ceremonies. Final Leéture Feýbrury 23 The final lecture of the Nýew Trier Sunday Evening club, as announcec bv W. Fra nk McClure of Wilmette w ill he gaven on Februarv Dr. Horace Greeley Seiith, Presit- den t of Garrett BibIicoi jus! itu te, Evanstopi, anid formierly pastor .of the. iilinette Parish Methodist any member -of the division, are priced so that the entire family tnayý enjoy the evening without jarring the famiiy budget. Reservations must be made for the turkey dinner 'which wili be :servcd from 6 to ,7. preceding the entertain- ment. Division mfembers haveé tickets, for the dinner. Mrs. Carl J. 'Nylund of 1634 Forest -avenue i5,in charge or arrangenientts for the dinner and Mrs. T. Douglas Scarif 443 Hill road, Winnetka, is general program chair- $200.000 and he hopes to_ be able -to do at least thalt well in the present collection. Checks for, payment of taxes should be mnade payable to,> 'Sanborn Hale, Township Collectlor, State Banik of Winnetka." While the- collector will not have the books here for this collection, he witl, hôwever, receipt the bis, as paid. The payrnents then are taken bv Mr. Hale to the office of the ciels, ed. Hilt he talk1 .w U.5ingi n anaU1P iU8Pàc>iAi cgo Assoc1it' 'io .-. ..'..n ic:,- Girl Scoe rs........... L Members of the Wilmette Masonic Hotel Sherman Satutday night, Feb- *ýj will be proviçled by Ari lodge will. commemorate Ljncoln's ruary 15. The dinner-dancebegins at Music....................Tomei of Wilmette, a Birthday at, the regular meeting this 6:30 in the grand ballroom and New Trier News ........ 12 by Charles and Hazel evening (Thursday) in the Masonic. Mannie Sherman's orchestra, stars of Rl4 Estate .......... 44-7 Washington 'avenue, V temple. On Thursday evening, Feb- the College Inn and other night spots ,. aio.. ........ 1 will play on electric gui ruary 20, the lodge meeting will be will provide an evening of entertain- RecretionP .... 26 73 ents will be served.t featured by a program commemùoratý- ment. Dick Ware of the Paramount - . auxiliary, after which ing Washingtons Birthday club will be master of ceremonies. dancing._____________

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