Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1936, p. 36

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/Icti?'ely j» frre.te'd in»lic iaf,, w/ich the KC;1ilw7orth ci-)llr oflthe' Ifant WeIf are Society of Chicago ;s -inzniîng ail Kenilwor lA womnei Mfonday, February 24, is mrs. Geraldy Van I)oren, thie former Jane IJun'bar, The Cenî ti akes placce inc thé Kenilworrh cuh. Next Recording.Program *Is on Strauss Concert Recordings of thrce selectjolls froin the Strauiss concert to Ibe )yd îetweek by tueCiw Sîjiî~ orhes tr a ill bt' it't<l.1 ilii tlie 1)>rograiln to be presenteci \Vedilesday " venîng, Febriiary 19,, at -t1 4e. fI>îdevý K. 1-Frtcchhome, 503 Hawthoriîl]anle, T 'les(- .t hirve.,a re tdieI ovu Scelie froin * Iletters,îot," iocTI( cf> Jn,"Opus 20, and Ti'n) i>t oelî, "T'imus Spak.e Zarathuistrat," Opus 30. Compjetinigthie concert of rccordings, will be. seiectiolis from tie Chicago group's twenitieti programp of thie Mrs. Augusi Mrs. Johnj Mrs. Johin F William 'RoI W\Narner, Jr. r. ti mr. varnter 90,K .iMunrrogram ing , them, Mr. and Thec North Shore 1Book club is W. Sm~itlî, Mr. and hlolding jts le.xt me,,ting Friday of W. Eddy, Mr, and tis we'k at the home of Mrs. Ralph t Warner, Air. and Colville, '817 Judson avenue, Evans- lerdic, M r. and Mrs. ton. Mlrs. Robert Wienecke is chair- Tobey, and Lansing mani of the 1rograln, whose subject is "PsycholOgy."ý Evening Party Feb. 21I The Kentucky So iety f vanston tand the North Shore is having its annual evening party Friday, Feb- ruary 21, in the ballroom of the Or"-, riington hotel. Dinzuer w'illbe served iat.7.o'clock. Howard R. WilI, tenor,ý iis to sing a group ofselections, and 1tables ,willI be set up for bridge. Dancing will follow~ later on. Nfrs..Presýton H. Williamns, Sr., is Iii charge, of bridge tables.~ Mrs. Norris Embry, assisted by 1Mrs. James H. King, will hé the commlittee on ar- rangements and table decoration s. The program and dancing are ,ini charge of Mrs. Thornas E~. Bosivel'i. Mrs. Charles B. INelson, and Nirs. James H.. Mýulligani are on the hos-l pitality committee, and Mrs. George \V. Rue is -in charge of reservations., Memnbers of the executive board wvif act as hostesses. Ail members of the Evanstoân and North 'Shore Kentucky Society andui their friends are invited t o the part\-, Fe bruarv is b)ringirig two cvenit! PlafIncd i-)% Evanston Friends of thc (hirago Juniotr school for the bénie. fit oi the scholarship fui)(. 911N ondaY, ât I o'clock, a lunch- e .on, ivill lie gîven at the home 'oi Mrs. . Y. .Schnering, 934 Michigan avenue, Evanston. The hostes- vill have a, her assistattsMrs. . H. Allen and, Mrs.. F. 1).' Masters of Evanston, and Mrs. M". C. Lewvis of Chica'go. ln the -afternoon there WRll be, cards for thos e desirinF, to play. The luncheon, to which guests are, iînvited, will be followed twvo ria%,s laè,Fçebruary 19; b3- the flfth mieet- ilgof the. book revi.eW cotir..,( Presented by MiN!ss Eleanor Ii Perkins. The class mleets at. the .\orth, Shore hotel at 101 o'clock., The %vorks on. business and financial leaders w'hich 'will ocicupy the di.s- course o! the day areû:'"The DuPoitý D~Iynasty" by john K. Wh7iikler, "Tule War of the Copper Kinigs," 1)y C. B._ Glassock, "God's Gold," by John T. Flynn, "Ml.jlon'ls M\illionls," by, Har- very O'Connor, "Lords of1 Creatioîi," 1)y Frederick LwsAile, 1Kn Lehr and the Gilded Age" by Eliza- beth Drexel Lehr, and "MNrs. Asto r%, I lorse" by Stan ley Walker. February, 26 wîll be the jast dav 1the series, when "Poetry-" will b .0he subject. The reviews have macle it p)ossilel to further ýthe work 'of the Junlior scho ol and have enabled ten boys to rece(ive: Part scholarships. Wýithôjuî. ýt1Ch he'lp these childÈeti would 1e î>rohîblitcd from schocôl, an,)Ceing ýid l'd nd undiscýipliniecl,becoîne a iburdlen on) socîety ; but, througîi tue " gienerous rcsponisc of Illem*ibers aid <' frîenids, tliese Young lads, are being traine d to bexcoîne Self -s upporting - a<lsCI-resPcct'iing citizensý.a Lunicheonl reservations, which are.i r' flte-s tcd,' înust bcmacle by tele- : îdoriing M rs. Scillert'ig or Mrs. WV-B..lDavis, 4.33 Male aventue, Wilmnette, or Mrs. 1'. A. Sitiire, 1549 Touhy avenue, Chicago, flot later ~ than Saturday, Fc bruary 15. t h CG CIMb Meeting Changed -r.and .Mrs. Harold O. Darnes, 9 8 Indian Hill1 road, have ilivited a numn- ber of friends in for cocktails, Fri- day eveni1g1, preceding. thç,danct at, the KenilwOrth club. MArs. J-'elen Poesing, zzhiostoo revi cu' Pro grans (alr e îa,,?' ali; the ciortl hore 'ill readJa' COu'l's play, "The First Lad .j'," ut 2 O'clOck, February 2.ý0. ut the Kriiil- zvorth. club, duriny 'te bnfz e the cîzb3, fl ' -,dwrth bloard ()t Pro and Côn of German Field Subject of TGIJC "Both S des of the Germiati Fi1e ld" w Ill be discussed bv Mrs. \Wilhlelni Baumn, at a meeting. of the Chicag'o College club at Il o'cloc k Sattudav rhortîing. Mrs. Baum attainied promni- nence as president of the oia' boardj of- St. Luke's'hospital for nman* Years 1 and as president of the Fort- nightly; *'Shelias spent. considerable .timeý abroad., Mrs. Baumn will be the: club's 'guest at lunch eon after lier talk, which is to be presented mnder the-auspices of the Art cil-;-.i liarionstreet, Evanston. The three co-hostesses were Mrs.' C. B. Gwyn of HIighland Park, Mrs. Walter. Gr'ell of Evanston. and Mrs. Ruth Crumb of Chicago. Mrs.. Donald Johnson of E-Vanstonl is president of the gro up, and Mrs.-lJames G. Badger of WTil~ IIuette i.s -théesocial -chairma -. Sisterhod, Nte The liext ,reg.u lar mingoth Siser ooc o th N rth Shore Con- gregationIsalil be hield at the temple on -Monday, February 17. TheIi dfay's a>ctîvi:ties, tart ivith sewing at 9 O'clock, followed by box lnho noon th buinless Meeting, pro- grain andîcreception. 'l'le programn comlnîittec! lias beeui eury lortunate il, 'securing Heluiz Chandler Washburne, author, lec- urer, andj traveler, as the guet pýJetker on1 this occasion. brs Vas burie Will relate ii h r .ow ] r n i g a n d c o l o r f u l 1 s t y l e ,i e r -v i oil liissof Mexco." M r S. Vàhbre lias lived ifltinîately mong tlue peCople of MeXjCo, ha earned th-eir folkua!taditinsad MroalItY, and lier audience is as- pred. of ai, oriinat l and st iiulating i terpretat ion. There wvill also bc a prograin of 'o li n n m u s ic l)y S Ù e l .k v y , w i Ilown artist. lNmos~,wl Tea nd asocial hiour will folloý%v e progran anid everyole is rcialv linvited to attend.

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