Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1936, p. 40

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for Candlelight Wedding Feb.ý 14 Mis Vimr ili> Pp wilbe maid of 'honor. and ol-v attenda.nt for her sister. 'Shir- ley, when she hbeco'mles'>the bri4de cif Robert J.L[.echner at a candle- light c eremiony. the eveniig ot St.. V:alentinc's day. The ceremony will bc performed ait . , o'clock in.,the. Popp residenlce, 52(6 :Laurel avenue,' hy the Rev.* James. I<-awler of St. 'Francis panish, a re-, ception following., Miss .Popp is.the daughter of Mr.,and Mrs. William . -. opp. M.L-echner, the son of Mr. .and Mrs Joseph \W. L.chnier of 1445' Wilmnette',avenue., will have Richard' Burc hili of Towanda, Pa., for his best man. Mr. Burchili arrivéfl Mol.- day f rom the cast to be present for the entertaining. precedilng the wed- ding.. Hieand Mr. lcchiier were Classmates at Notre D>ame university. The youn1gest mùmbeCr of the wecl- ding party is 1oriiia Leelineir, the, four-year-old sister of. tht bride- groom, who ivill bc theSfower girl. l'is evcnitig (Thursday) prcceding. the rehearsai, Mr. and Mrs. Popp- are giving a bridai dinnier at their home. Last evening Miss PoDU en- 'of Wj'mette was hostess at 'a buffet ciifner party 'for the bride and bride- groom Tuesday evening, and Sunday the bride's gran dmother,' Mrs. \ViI- liam Popp, Sr., of Chicago' entcr-, tandfor, thérm at 'a buffet supper. Sunday a weck ago, Nr. and Mrs. WiVlliam F. Meyer, of Evanston. 'uncle and aunt of the bride, %wer host. and hostess at a buiffèt supper for the bride and groom. An even- ing party at the Ilote] Sherman %vas given Thursday' of last \vecek hy C 'A "n n .c u t7i d'i".o~da nd Under-wo Photo Mlrs. Curt Tcic IlJr.,I'ri/IfSchzmidt u *If ili lite. Sh e <mid lier lhuslban;d, zwlru bas Iivcd MinGIJioc s ii Jiur v 30, -frimi XXe'u' I .ork oii hfpali'h yun ThIcv z'/ ii bc ï foi.<"crl iion ths, ((d I/Pril 1~j, rii nr u lIres ide ' Ic',n d; Iz si. Ca pron-Broughton Weddng ards Ou+ Invitations have been isue or the -wNeddIinig of Miss Helen 1I)orotllCapr 'on of Rockfordl, MI., to 6;eor9gcý R. Boghton of Rockford, soni or Mrs. Annîa Broughitoti of Kenilworth, the ceintg of Saturday, February 22. Thlic cremiony wviJI be perforniud at 8, Ini the Enimantiel icoa My ers-Caldwell Wedding Solemnized February 6 'lhli marniage of Ms Reva Myers anid 1)elna W.- Caldweilltook place Thursday ecvening, Fubruari. 6, at the home' of the bride's sister, Mrs. Hcoward Miller, 1001 Greenleaf avenue '. Wililette. The Rev. john G. Hinidley 4À the First Coiigregatjinal elurclh Weddin9 Day WiII Be February 26 In t4lie ir-st Congregatiorial, ('ltirliof J¼',anston at 8 :30 o'eh>kWedlncsday ,.evening. l'euurv26, Mi'ss Athalie Cae- sar1 itie <latglter of Orville S. i c sa rof -Rlarrington, vil1 hbe ,îaridto A\rthur T. Mclntos,i 1-r., the. son of Arthur T.,M n tsi'f521 Ro.slynroad, Ken il- %vorth.. A reception at Iuidiaxi Hill club) will follô%w the ceremonÏy, which ~iibe I)erf)rint(i by the Rev. Herbert .- W\illett of the Kénilworth Union church. Miss .,Doris Ca.sar wvill at- tend lier sister. as maid of honor. The l)nidesmnaids ivili be ýMiss fane Mc- intosh, sister of the ýbriderom Miss« Betty Fisher' of Evanston, M iss Marion Heýdrick of Kenilworth. andl Mliss L-etitia Bear of Evanston. Gilbert MNcln'tosh is to ser .ve his brother as best mar', with Robert Joslin and :Hunter Hicks of Kenîl- .,.vorthi, Vay Thompsýon of Glencoe. anid Eugene Greeni of Chicago. as n shers. MNiss Caesar wag a guest at the Nic- Intoshi home the paàt week-mend.. She ýcamne' into Chicago for a tea in hlonor of the'bride and bridegroomn, Sunday. at the home of Mr. Green. M-Nean- w~hile the roads to Barrington be- came snowbound, necessitating.lier remnaining for several davs. Still other entertaiîiing before the vved- (liflg wIl be a dinner wdîich- the. ushers are giving at tilt Blackstofne .hotel Wednesday, Februarv 19, and a. spin.ster dinner, Monday evening, February 24. Misýs j ane ýMclntosh wvill be hostess at her. home ini Ken- ilworth for the latter party. After a 'vedding trip, Mr. Mç- l-ntosh and is bride expect to iniake their homein i Evanstoni. Announced s. Oscar Moli 'The weddWng, a v ry quiet affair at the b.ide's home, will be followed bya reception. Mrs. H. E. Rieke of Evatistoji il. giving' a miscellanleous sowrfor Miss Kanberg on Fniday. sit, Yrs. NX îuian iM. iiunn, aiso of Evanston, and at a family dinner party at the 'homne of Mr. Andersen. Mrs. James Ra.!ph Starr, 320 Ra-' While no definite date has been leigh road, Kepilworth, will, be host- set for the wedding, it is expected ess to, her bridge club next Tuesday. to take place ini the near future. Miss Geraldine and Miss Lticille Hoffman, the daugters ofý Mr. and .Nrs. J. B. H-offman, 1510' W7asing-" ton avenue,. were hostesses at a nis- cellaneous' shomer and bridge party M.ond(ay nlighit lu homor of Miss Ger- trud.e. Goelz ofWÎilmette who m-ilI be married February 2, t.'Hao* Schiaefgen 9 f Wilmette.

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