On Tuesday of next week Mrs. johin L. Griffithis w~ill open her home at 717. WVajden road, Winnietka, for th e reguila r nonthly meeting and. te.a. of the North Shore auxiliary of Chicago Materitity center. 1 rs. Henry G. Zander. Jr.,. of Keuilworth will read .,Son of Marietta", by johial Fabricius, a 'trilogy. The author is. Dutchi. His first volume won a p rize in HiHollanid -Which is comparable to Harper's or theý At-I Jantic Monthly prize nii this country. Siuîce that iimée he rote two other volumes and put' thiem together._ Mrs. Kenneth L.. 'Wilsonij as host-. ess to the regular meeting of the board of the auxiliary :4t lier home M.Nonday-, February 10. To Review PlaIy Mlrs . .G, Suthers, deparmenI. pretsidepit of the au.riliary3 of t he . ncrica,î Lelioli, gave .nircè- isinî'as thec fapievoflier f alk oiflicý ineetinq of Jf'îlief le uid if..nur- icapi Leeqion i îxiiûrv. .llopday WVells Club6 Pres ents to De given Dby iton M. Utley, director of the Chicago Counicil of Foreign Relations. Mr. Utley's lec- tures, to.be given Wednesday mnorn- ings at 10:30. o'clock at the home. Q)f Mes. George 13. Dryden, ini Evans- toni, will deal with current events. .The first is to be given Mardi .4, .,the remainder following on the suc- ceeding Wednesdays. North shore residents interested in hearing Mr. .Utley's course may ob- V~an Kirk, welknown. for bis humor- ous readings, is tentatively scheduled for the March first meeting. These mee:tings a 're open to ail young peo- ple of the north shore. .1f, LlOyd The Aiphi Phi alumnae are meet- ing Wednesday, February 19, at 1 o'clock. at the home of Mrs.* Herbert. 'Harker, 2735.- Colfax street, E%,ans- ton. The hostess for the' day will bè Mrs. ýHarold Tideman of Kenilworth. O,1 lier comimittee are 'Mrs. Edwin H, 'Badger, Mrs.'Edwin Mack, Mrs. Donald iMercier, M'Irs. Alfred Vilt- berger, Mrs. Charles Strickland, Mr5. Ceç'u Meredith, Mrs. Carolin Whip- pie. Mrs. Gýeorge McCalIum, Mrs. T. H.. Boyd, 'Mrs. A. W.T Finlley, andL Mrs. John MICfonald. The ýusual business meeting takes place after luncheon. Two stidents of the School of Speech of North- western univcrsityv ill give the pro- gram. Next of. Fotnghtis Is to Be Valentne Party The second of a series of six dànces given by the WVilmette Fortnightlies, a group of freshmen and sophomnores of New Trier i ncluding boys and girls froin\V1 imette to Glencoe. ivili be a Valentine party at the \Vil- mette Masonic temnple Friday evening, February 14, at 8:30 o'clock. -Orchestra music, refreshnc.nts, and al things that goto make it a real 'party" will be Ini evidence, according to the committee. Mrs. Theron WVoolson is dîrector of the group. *Reservations are beinsg taken by Qmega Pi Announce Style Show, Bridge 'fle Northwestern Aluninae 1li) of1 Phi.,Oméega Pi antici-. 1)ates its third.annual card party. and fashion show Friday, Feb- mary 21, at 8 in. the evening, in ,the Crystal- ballroom of the Edgewater Beach hotel. ýDay- tinie and ,evening. clothes forý b)oth men and wonîen wvill. be exhibited and table prizes anci favors ivili be given. The Chapter House fund will de- rive benefit from the proceeds: of the. eventý which is being arranged by Mrs. Stephen S. Scoughton and Mrs. Casimner Benowitz of. Chicago, gen-ý eral co-chairmen, and 'Mary: Louise' Ragel, fashioni show chairmani; J. Mercedes lsmoiîd.of cgo n Virginia Milis -of Blackhawk ro_*7 Vilimette, publicîty; Mrs. W. WV. Buffmire, Dorothy Mohr, and Mrs.. \Vallace M-uehlberg, of Evanston, and Lillian -Hedlar -of Chicago, prizes. Mrs. Richard Bergren is president,. Gertrude Muellcr, is -Vice -president, Lorraine Burkland is. treasurer, and, Mrs. .Frank Denton is secretary of, the organizatio'n. They are ail resi- dents of Chicago. The Aluninae club of Phi Omiega Pi is organized of alumnae of Epsilon. chapter at Northwestern university. Its active niembership consists of about 50, its total mcmnbership Mrs., D., Porter Emnpfield. of 915 nmesmr hn10 Greenlea f avenue. Wilnictte, chair-, ian of Oie coniiiittet. Te Speok in Wilmette Legare-Lovring PI>oto Fa.roil of tIVillî,etk-t Wriýqht, popukwr speaker. The ne.rt of the series, given it der auspices of the Wilmette League of Woinen Voters, is February 17. The lec- titres ar»e opeun fa fie public. Mrs. Louis J. Brucli of Evanston %vas hostess to ber reading. circle, Mfonday.A number of tht e mibers reside ini Wilmette. gf Auustine',s Gluilds toMet Ail Day Fr'day TlWXomnan'sý Associated (;iiildsý of St. Augustine's Episcopal church %vill have a regular monthly meceting Friday of this week in the. Pari'sh Mv. runniey, 126 Abingdon avenue, will be hostess to the Chase guild, The WJîitehouse guild will meet witlî Mrs. Claude M. Bakcer, 44 Brier street, Winnetka, and the McLaren guild with M4rs. Herbert V. Mesick, 331 Essex road.ý