Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1936, p. 43

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*.history. traditioni and historical facts %verc closelv followcd. The play wvas l)erformie( at a tea wvhic1î Mrs. George Leachi. Nrs. \V. A. Nabors, and, Miss Niarjorie Leach gve at their home. 145(j Ridgeavne - *The characters were L.ady An FHc>.stouni. wi.fe of G;eo)rge MIclntosh o f Cumbherland 1i sand, Georgia (plày-, t:lI 1wy .Mrs. NV. G. , .\ackeiizie); Mistress Elizabeth Callahian. wife of CaPt. james- Thomas, of Edgefield. l)ist. 96. South Carolifna, (played by Mrs. Nabor-). and Mistres-4,I)orothy Stanian. econd %vife of Samnuel \\ebvlster anîd nother o flDavid, \V c Ws t e r. RevoltioiarNv soldier, <played bhv1NI rs, Jacksoný., ilhe three omn have corne toi P hiladelphia. -The ar is 1795,. to- waril the é lose. (f, \Va'shînlgto&is -sec-D ond terni the tinw. 'about 5 ôoclock ck -a ..atrdav atroo.aithé p)lace aninn Jiwhvru NI istress \Vebster is lodging, Lady Amti and Mlistress Thomas conie to ca1i on lier. L.adv' Anii is to take Mistress \Vebs.tcr to Lady Wasigton's reception, and she and(l Mistress,,Thom-as, at lier re- quest, Show lier how she isto on duct hertseif at the reception..l'lie dialogue is very lively, gossipy, anid. full of 'at.utsing aniecdotes. M istrcss Thonmas. tells, of ridinig ceighty miles on horseback to attend the hall ini honior of LaFayette. The magnolia gardens of Charleston which are mien tioried were famnous eveni theni. A story is told about a chiid of the Thomas family, stolcn bv' I rîdiatis and recovered by bis peop)le wvhile the Indians slept. Mrs. Lewis Shernian, in coloniial costumne, read the prologue. NIrs. Walter. Gore Mitchell read an old faily letter, written iii Boston in 1828 by a father .-) his - son. The boy is.,startinig out for South 'Amier- ica., f rs. 'Mitchell was attired in the Duuliesse lace gown %vbich bis grand- (aùglbter, Mrs. George P. Gore, * wore at the bail given for the Prince *of Waes (E-Idward VII) ini Boston. The ' mtrv of the 2clntinn ofthie dale, and Mrs. Samuel H. C jack Cbapman's orchestra will for the party. Friday of nextN the club is sponsoring a dinner-bri T1he hostesses on this occasion mri M rs. Ralph Starr: and Mrs. Fi Ketcham. over \vjju tfroini 10to .10:30)Mon- day mnornings.1 . With the prograin for February 17,l liot yet announced, the broadcast for February 24, will be on "Civil Service. tor of the Civil Service, issemnbl, H. F. Hubbard, assistant directr of: the Civil Service assemblv. and* Mrs. Paul Gebhard speaking. The broadcasts.are presented.jit ly. by the University Of Chicago, Nortliwecsterni university, and. De Paul university, which mnake.,up the Uniiversity Broadcasting. cotinci1, ini cooperation with the League of 0om*en Voters. When ,several speakers participate, tbe broadca-sts are given in the forni'ofetmpr anecous conversations. Since the league's better g overn- ment personnel camnpaign. ainis solely to mobilize public opinion, the power, of the printed word'has. beenl sum- mope(1 in the enlarged issue of the Illinois Voter, the. !eague's mionthly' publication. Ih carnies alinost ex- clusively. brilliantly written articles on varied aspects of the camnpaigi. and the need for it. Among the con- tributors are: Mrs. Orville N. Fore- mian of-Jacksonville, state chairmian of the Personnel Campaigni commnit- tee; Mrs. E. Todd Wheeler of Ev- anston, chairman of the canipaign in Cook coulity; Mrs. I. G. Spiesmian of Oak Park, Mrs. Laura Hughies Lunde of Chicago, Mrs. -Guy Alan Tawniey of Uùbania, Mrs. W. G. Hibbard of Wiinetka, and Mrs. H. B. Taylor ofî _Chicago. Brings Patriotic Message to Legion, Auxiliary. .Unit' At, the mneeting hield by the WVil- mette unit of the Amiiericani Legion auxiliary Monday evening comimittee play ers, as a celegate to the Woman's veek Patriotic conference, had occasion to idge. visit both houses of Congress in ses- il beý sion. She considers intelligent voting ank the chity of every woman. Mrs. Suùthers endorses the, Legion's. plan, fered as ber encore, was a happy con- "Charleston Gardens." trast ii musical miood and comnposi- Other guests introduced at the LonArD'S Wtd tDGE CLU meeting %were M.,rs. 'May, president of 0F NIRCDO the Peter Hnierter un it; Mrs. J. ýK. modayW NeSRUCTINrs Farley, Jr., regent of' the- Skoikie. and iaturday afternoons. $1 chapter of> the. D.A.R.; Mrs.- R. B. ýmo(nthIy. You will, *njoy It. DcVinhy~, president, of the Logan- LQRDS-ýmf ci@ol Sque Howard P.T.A.;. and Mrs. Ira L. _________________ Reynolds of the.Girl1 Scout organ1iza- ORS&G:LA SS* tion. Mrs. F. J. Dowd, past-d istrîct direc O AC rD At tor.- an-Ms.Grtrude. Johnson, Jun- ior Past. President of the unît, pre- My.10.O sided at the tea table.UN.f3I Arrangements for this meeting in claa, ve Eanee were mae1y the president, -Mrs. 'You Can Purchaa e. Nov Yogr SUMMER CLOTHES.. . from at a tremendous Scsving Sp ecial. Selling If these beautiful pieces wereut go delicat. we could hold them until the warm weather Weathewed misses Sh.p 950 N. MICHIGAN ai OAK

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