Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1936, p. 46

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BARD &WARNER INC. su2 Davis St.,: Evanston, Greoemf 18S5 Wimetk 495 Te RN#. gRil Regardless of what vurrec the knowledge and facilitic invest, you m ay_ speculate, or remodeL. If.- you wilIo Vinced that there are real c sales Homes Vacant, Renti Home ApartmE IlStorei I 5je Davis Stre - ONSTRUC'I As excluive reprq NORTHWESTE LIFE INSUR -the present tanseasotial activity, re- T'le first six weeks of 1936 have markable whèn the' sub-zero weather shownî unmnistakable signs of the conditions are considered, that indi- sharpest upturn ini sales activity that cate we are on the -verge of an un- th mrktias known silice te »precedented deniand. The most sig- ~the niaret îiflcant of these omens is the treenl- ward trend began more than two(usd adfo vaatpprt years ago. While'this two-y ear 1period dwhen eahrnd to n make it a ,has been niarked by an, exceptional inost hazardous to even in sect the volume'of turn-over. coupled with a noticeable firming of pricies, the actual 1Iroperty. Gratif.ying as it was,' it ap- increase in the price level bas been pasnwta h tomlindla very slight. It la lagged far behindI buildin1g record in New Trier town- _______________________________ship ini 1935, will be far outstripped % vhen the permit. books are comipiled for 1936. F or--igtorrear Thî Home Building Feasible Thsmay be due ini hartAt( the quirenentsinias be, uc have irniing- up of asking. prices on the part of home owners who .have been es to serve you. You nia>. anticipating, rather than experienc- ,you inav buy, seli, buiid ing, higher offer. A great part, of course, is dite simply to the fact that ookyouwil becme on-people ha.ve always, and will continue,. opportunities in réal. estate.. to denîand homes that are designed to meet their owin peculiar require-i ýing ina n gments. This is espeèially true wiei, ingn iflelCfl homes can bc built, containing es Mrtgaal the Iatest contributions that, sci- Mrgges ence .and craftsmanship have added to C onsutn the miodern home, at a cost not mnuch s Lons . greater, if any, than the prices asked for existing and out-moded houses. ~L4 J' e On the nortb shore the niargin.. be- oe ween existing bouse prices and repro- ~et, Evanstonl duction coat lbas narrowed to a. marked degree. Newv construction. af 1166 therefore, is regarded in a* far more, -favorable light than during the so- called bargain era. ExetRite In Coes . To offset this temporary advantagej is the. almost certain knowiedge that 'NTIALbuilding costs will continue to rise. NTIA.LAlso the supply of w(Al located vacant property at reasonable prices is defi- 110N OANS nitely limited. When this is absorbed] î the swing will be toward improved property, occupying as i os h esenatie ofthemost advantageous and desirahie b-', cations. Unless the proper balance between new and old construction is M..UýTUmaintained, eitheroixe or the other ~.N M T AL iwill enjoy àdisproportioniaté hreo activity. Regardless, however, of the rela- tAN EIC . ionship between costs, the rate .of LANCE activity, in ,the viitire real estate field bas been se creatly accelerated. in the Ais previouUby ,- i vrteain a inese columnns, their principals have paid all of the special assessrnents on the prop- erty which tbey own and as a resuit the homesites in Indiatu Hill Estates, cat i ow be delivered uithout any spé-, cial assessment btirden. The Bil Realt y, m tc. feels that this will niake thiese sites stili .more interestîng to prospective home builders., 'l'lie saws and hanîmers are showing increased. activity in that area withi three residences under construction at 1l1)reseflt. One, a very lovely Eý'nglisli homne beiàg built for Josepli kazab by George 1Fred Keck, architect: is prac- tically coinpleted. The design of thi. residence ceniters around a picturesque t9wer with 'stone entrance at its base anmi. a vry at tractive-ship weather- .%,aile at ýits peak. The ill work oit this property, whicli is being produceed hy Mr. Kazab'son i, is exception- almv» attractive. Whbite and %Vèer are the architects ait(! 'are sLprvising thle constructioni of ail attractive Cape Cod Colonial' re-sidence for. Rudolph C. Ostetroi on Senieca road. This property bias ýL great deal of cli1arin. and fineç roon, arrangements. It is located on, a baUf- acre l)rope rty, quite nicely wooded. >The Evaniston Construction coni- panly is building for anl out-ô'f-towîîi ouvuer, Wiliianî Lenîke., ail attractive seven-rooni, two-bath residence oit Iroquois roadlin lindian 1Hi11 Ea.:t, which wiil be iiiteresting front aniii - spection standpoint to those conisider- ing construction Of neuv homnes. L. H. Lee, Evanston designer and builder, is just conîpleting a Coloniial residenice for the Howard B. Kerr>, on Elmwood avenue in-the-2400 block, This property adjoinîs the residence just purchased by George A. Rosberg. 'file1> Bills Reaity, hIc., also report that H. 'Ring Clausoi, is about ready to break- ground eariy thlis_ spring f or a very unusuaul, residence to be built .,forlferbert b. Brunîng of Park Ridge. VWith al Cf this earl sprinig activity r.Bis feels that there will be a very decided increase in the Indian Hill area activities during, the year. and the property does look veî-y at- tractive when the platiting is in full ike t 1aaê,~ 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago Phone Central 0227 I 1571 Shernman Ave., Evanston University 2600, Wilinette 2602 ca'pi -alie uo nthe. ia u bord, us meni- capialie upn tem.bers subiscribe to a code of etlîics that .Qffers Soun~d Advice boiled 'down to its simplest forîîî is To pro spective home owners the the creed: "A Square Deal for AL" mlembèrs of the Evanston-Nortit The broker uivhonont only belongs to0 Shore Real Estate board offer this sucb a group b~ut is active in its work, sound advice: must ne cessariîy. acquire a îtigher ÉUY A HOME--or BUILI ONE I sense _of duty towa 'rd lus profession.- But do it NOW! but also a deeper sense o)f res ponsi.- Engage the servicesof trained and bility to bis clients. . , 1

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