Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1936, p. 55

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closed by bis firm in the past eigh- teen months. The property in- Svoived in the latest transaction. is a 'I building, located on a.50 b.-, 200 foot lot at 907-909 Lin- den avenue. Lt was L. C. 0db sold-for the bond hol1ders to Francis S. and, Virginia Downing Grabamt, of 397 Palos road, Glencoe, for an undisclosed considera- tion. t was an alttaghtra Insaction Three-Story Buil#ding . The property is. improved witb a tbree storyr brick building comprising two store room.s and fourfive-room apartmnents,. and with two brick ga- rages on the rear of the lot. hI is ail uîtder lease. One of the garages is 50 by, 200. feet and..the other 50 by 7S feet. Onie of the store roorns is occupied bv tie- store and shop of Vic J. VilIiani, the plumber, and the other is under Jease to the Walter C. Bruecks mor- tuary. The arger of the two garages« ioccupied bv the Mason,,Auto Serv- ice. Interest . 0%.Increa.. The :turn-over of local' business property during the past five years bas .heen v'ery- small, and Mr. 0db savs that'in so far as hie is aware, the three pieces which bis firm bas s'old are the only sales during that period. Howe ver, bie added, there appears to bé a mnarked revival of interest in in-c vestmients of this nature at the present tim-e.f t Real:Eetate Gains in Fa vor; Time to F Buay Is the P resent BY ÂUSTIN G. SI ITH[ Real estate-in most of it an * phases is, gaining favor. Whether or flot Federal *aid bas, been responsible 0.or even- helpful depends on oîte's poi-I Permit Costs Are Termed Deceptive By FPRANKLIN IVANNER We Cati'ail agraàee that a. revival of, building will help. bring back pros-ý perity. The publishingof recorded, or Permit Costs, without complete price information, may be misleading to, home owners and.buyers, The extra price items which may or ntay- not- be included are-profit, arCehitect's fee. financing, .selling cormmission, ou humner, storm windowvs,. fixtures,' 'netal> weatherý strips, cabinets, decor- ating. and so forth.. The complete cost, of, the.*tew honme wiiJ also il1- clude-lot, garage, drivevay, g rading and landscaping,, sidewalks and fence. Home owne 1rs determine the seil- ing price of their homes by compar- in1gý themn with those. of other homes and( newv bouses. During the depres-, sion, these prices were so low t-hat iiew building cottid not compete. They NwiIl continue lowv, if home owners read about low building permit costs and misunderstand thent. The builder is tiot .comipeting with the home own- er, whlen fair selling prices are asked. In înaiiv instances the home owner is the buver of a niew bouse, if he eau trade or miake a good sale. The building industry cati followv the ex- amnple of the automobile industrY, Lvbichi increased the sale of new cars ,xlhen thev helped to mnaintain fair 'trade in" .and selling prices for used cars. Froinail indications the deinand for home ownersbip mwill be gre-ater this spring thani it has .been for the past six vears. ,..people wno have cielayed building building is nt kept witbin bouinds, a new home apparently are coming we may expect a répétition of condi- to the decision that vacant values wiIl tions existing in the building field flot go lower and as a result there after the last financial collapse" have been numerous sales of vacant property to such prospects. Onein teresting development is the num rExpeets Huge Adv ance of people who are building on larger, An Refrigerator Sale. tracts just' outside of the corporate, limits., Pieces of one of three acres, Wihtempvdpucsngp - are proving very popular." er'iheon sssy sol n '7hi buidin ferownr. ocu-crease during 1936, the electric re- "Thisbuiling or oner ccu-frigeration industr budsl ,0, pacyisa ogca esltoftle ou-000 refrigerators during the year, ac- iîtg shortage and sbould -be a factor c..ig - - . orinba fH in employing additional workers dur-WNodnc paydiriursf ing the 'next twelve ýmonth period.," Gnra-leti honte appliances in said Mr. Hokanson ,iin commentingthserioy oit this situation, "but there is a grave "Cooperativeendeavors of the build- dangr fromspeulaivebuideîs." ing and electrical industries inexhibit- "Baniks, trust companies and loan in» opeeyeupe e mn agencies have an abundance of funds cani homes, bas proved successful for for first mortgage boans and. are off - the builder and bas given -the public a. ering very attractive termis. Thbis satisfactory, demonstration of ail elec- administration' is determined to re- -ric, home appliances, including air con- vive the building industry on a- large ditioning," he says. "If stadrso scale, especially,, during this, election new homes thus cani be raised we may year and it is quite conceivable that expect a great ne w business in coin- governinett funds .will soon be airail' pIeting the eltectrcal eqt*iïment of able at hereto unheard of rates. Un- existing homes." iortunately 'the samne election year %will probibit authorities from de- C OIPLETE CHAPEL mnaltding lower -costs, from the build- .W ork bas begun on thé chapel of ing industry, especiaily union work- thée Eirst Presbyterian church, Wil- ers who are demanding the saine pay mette, by the contractor, the W. 1. scales that were in effect during boom MacLean company. It is pIlaned to. days. To be sure individual workers complete the work on it beforè&?Mil cati be obtained at lower rates by 1, and to dedicate the chapel on special agreements but these are April 5. I NEED MORTCACEMONEY' Loans up to $20.9OOO for construction or reinancing this convenient way cot l ot be healthy when real e-state' was iii. The billions spent and loaned by the Federai Government represeni but a drop in the bucket as compared to the money. put into circulation, by normal activities snd dealings, in the newsPa pers for ten yei associated. wvith Heil and esftte brokers at 1322 C nue Evanstoit, in the' sa shore. Pro/'erties. orlt shnore S, 1is itoz Fleil, reai icago ave- 1of oîorth l for the, Prudential Life Insurance Co.. of A m erice 1564 Sherman Ave. Evanston, 111.

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