Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1936, p. 63

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-Evanston, i11111 WIL. 1660 _____________________11ILTN41-itc HOME SPECIA4S- A COZY, BUNGALOW, WELL LO- cated ln. Hubbard Woods, 'hot water het, large Ocreened porch, garage, wooded lot, lust corne on mnarkiet.. ....1.................. at, $6,000.00 A BRICK HOME, EXCELLENT nelghborhood, close, ln for- depots, schools, shopping, with 5 bedrnis., baths, -oh heat, extra width grounds, for .......................$18,50.o MODE RX ENG. RED BRICK HOME of6 rooms, 2 baths and Ist, fi. lav., hot water (011) heat, 2-car garage ..... .... .... ....at $12,000.00 HjII.L &STOE -oL ciln Ave., '4 înietka Wlni. 1541.: ___________111 LTN4Ilî Exquisite French Flouse O N PRIVATE RQAL) IN L~. IN - netka. imported . marble inantol, bronze hardware and paneling, really lovely authentic French dotail, set on Ravine in woods; yet only 3 min. from. Hubbard Woods station. 21ký acres. 10 rms., yet noi unsuitable to a smal family. ZÎ baths, powder rmi., 3-car gar. Aperifcect' country homxie with beau tiful views in every direction. Reduced frony $150,000 to $75,000 for a' sale, this sPring. Mrs. Fuller & Wîn. Pickard 746 Elm Street. Wlnnetka 360M1 i1ILTN41i- WANT BEST OFFER lý0FU FINE home. 5 bedrms., 2% baths, 100-ft. lot. Seê 'ur cominl-te list for sale or rent. WILýMETTE REALTY CO. 513 P'ourtb St. Wilniette 192 1i1LTN41-ltp w&iiTEiD ýiTO au -HOUSES *WkNTED LISTINGS 0FP HOUSES l'on RENT OR SALE. 170'HEREALTY CO. WILMETTE 910 ______________ _____113LTN4i-ltc WANTED TO BUY-PHYSICIAN DE sires home ln either Wilmette or Win- netka. suitable for both office and resi- dence nux-noses. In answerinoe tive full Club & transp††††††††15,000 Glccoe-lge. wooded lot.....,0 Glencoe Ige. lot overlooklng Skokie Golf Club .........7,500 S.B. Highland Park, lge. ravine wooded lot ..... ... $50 per ft. QUINLAN & TYSON, Ime. 151 Sherman Ave. unlv. 9600, Wil. 2602 114LTN41..lte GLENCoE HOMESITES Priced $2, 100 to $8,500 F'RONTVAGES RANGE FROM 62 FFET to 117 feet. Several oierlook the beau- iful Skokie Golf Club grounds. If you Ire Planning to.build you ,hould,învesti- SMART &.iGOLEEË£, Imc. Wil. 2486 Evanstoný Uni. 0283. East Wilmette Near Lake VOODED ESTATE tEING DIVIDED into lots 60x161 it. ,E*eellent nelgh- >orhood. close to transportation. Sandy ieach. Parochial and public sehools. These. lots are prkeed tg seli. QUINLAN,& TYSON, Inc., EXCLUSIVE AGENTS t571 Sherman Ave. -Univ. 26000, Wii. 2602 - 114LTN4-lte 5x150, good locatio)n, -per ft......$3 lOOx]5O, good location, per ft... ý.... 40 100x200, good location, per ft ....... . 50 ()ne acre, ,;evtion fine homes .$8.000 These sites ire in Winnetka, ail in sec- tions of fine.1hoines, other good..values from $30' pér ft. See our jst improved invincibleVa lues-. B. H. BARNETT 526 Center St. Winnetka 965 i 14LTN41-1i FOR SALE BY OWNER: 50x245 PT. lot on l8th St., Wilmette. East front. AIl assessments and. taxes pald. $2,500 for qulck sale. University 8320. -1141TN40-4tp Wtt. to BuIY-GUou.Tgy LOT WANTED-2 OR 4 GRAVE MEMOR.- IAL CEMETERY L OT. QUICK ACTION. PHONE WII4METTE 1455. 121LTN4 1-ite AcRA.izAND EsTATESà INFLATION PROOF 50 FOOT VACANT RESIDENelE LOT,ý restrlcted, 2 left at........ $700Ô each. Small acreage tracts and farms. NORTH OUR SPECIALTY LEWIS T. DODDS GREENLEAF 2738. 124LTIN41-ltc REAL EBTRYR LO4N8 Mortgage Problems? Glenooe 309 central .141 127Â-"LTN4bý-Otp FIRST .MORTGAGES WEM RAVE ]FUND8 AVAILABLU FOIR lconservative boans on realdenees and Income propert. -43W% to 8% Interest, 5 to 10*y r.Prompîtimrviie and mod- erate Chargea. Joseph C. Cormack & Co. L549 Shernman Avenue Univerulty S35S 1Z7A-LTN2$-tt& HOME LOANS LOAN.S8 Utti H 8ux EHOMES, Borruw up 10 60%, of value. "caveR- sent monthly rep&ymeént plan oveir 6 to lb years. Full details by inquiry at FIral Federal Saving and Loon Assoctiatiozi of Wilmette. Mr. Clitton, Secretary. 1131 Central Avenue, Wilmotte 863. WAýNTEI> -LOW PRICED 60OR 7 RIv. home, east C. & N. W. R. R., in ex- cha(nge for rmY 5 room Park Ridge home. 619 E. Elm. Owner - Richard Rhodus, write or phone Long Beach 9624 or Park-Rldge 235-W. 128LTN41-ltpi FORî UAtlt-HOUSEK"OLD 0000D, We Suggest 'as *Best Buys Of the Month-_ Knabe grand piano), exc. cond. (cost $2,250), $325; antique crotch mah. sofa $29.50; beaut. Eng. oak bedstead, antique finish (cost $180), $95. The Red Flamingo Anitique .& Resale-~ Shop 970 Linden Ave. Wlnnetka 2067 129LTN41-ltc, 100-LB. WHITE ENAMEL ALAK-4 icebox, $10. Gas range, $7; sx»aller range, $3. Chest of drawers and 'mirror, $3. %4 bed, sprlng and mattresa, $12. Arniy cot and pad, wlth chest. of draw- ers, $5. 4 prs. drapes and .2 epreads for % beds, orchid and green brocade, each set $10. 2 reed rockers, $5. Piano $15. Garden tools, lawn mower. Winnetka 2185. _____________19LT1N41-ltp A CIRCASSIAN WAL. CHEST 0F Sdrawers with mirror. Mahog. bedrmù. set (Sieigh, Grand..Rapids), boy's large. maple rollntop desk, .Victor victrola kitchen table and chair. Appt. Saturday [NIiARLY NEWBRUNSWICI-BAILÉ Coliender Pool Table, regulation sise, Complete. Must sacrifie for bot pifer, as=.eare giving Up our recreatton, room, Phn'Briargate,4061. 181LTN41-lte 200 CLASSICAL PHONOGtAPH Kilo- >ords, electricai recording, nioaty sYm- pboýny a.nd pianio. Like new-flbre-pIayed, only. R. P. 1McGraw, 50 Esse"x Rd, Winnetka ,1853. 11T4-t $$OLD CI40THSW Fuit COATS -PO P EVC Martin's Clothing Store 742 Ouater, Evanston Uni. 2220 132LTNS3-tfe, Junk Dealer-Goldman H-IGHES1! PRICES PAIDFO A. kinda of Junk an<l old Clothea. Phon Wiimette 5426. Winnetka 3720.'. Junk Dealer-Phil Schuman Hlghest market price for pape. maga- sines, raga, oid 'trou, acrap metal, batbtuba and meule Oid elothing. Phone Wflmette 349., 182LýTN40-4tp SiUc-ELE.ANKOUS FR EE! STOMACH TILCERS, GAS PAINS, INDIGESTION relieved qulckq$ Get f.ree sample doctor's prescription, Udga, at. Boulevard Drug Store. 134LTN40-6tp James Norman Kraft, who is a student at the University of Wis- consin, is recovering f roui an opera- tion for appendicitis at bis bomne, 1350 Asbland- avenue. PUJBLIC 3NOflCE The followlng resolution wa.s Intro- duced and passed at a meeting of the stockhoiders of the WILMETT'B STATE BANK held la the bank on Thursday, January 9th, 1936, at 7:30 P. I. RESOLVED that the aumber of direct>rs of the Wlmrette State Bank be decreased to: tent. FURTHERý RESOLVED that the ~ft AND IRONER, A-i COIý >C20,UIA> sacrifice for cash. Ph. TEREST_____ )RR, Imc.GERLE mdable Service Fiat Plate Iror 1 Gre. 1080 Factory recondltloned. r ... $39 'nnetka 2771). 129LTN41-ltp WaMurm3 *vuy7317 OP] 1322t ded 's Ove: 1819 os0er WANIMD TO IDUV--Mlac.

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