Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1936, p. 64

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that's whef yoia get eoch woek là* the memsages o OUR ADVERTISERS ADVE RTISER' Biemarck Hotel ............2M Béonn, Tii. Tailor......... 4 0o" Nook, Thei............ 30 Boulevard Dei Store ...... 4,6 B3randi Slnmber Shop....... 29 Chandler's ................36 Chicago Oill Hest. Committee 35 Chef Wash Go ........ ..i.21 chldire.sSchool ...........27 Christuan Science C hurch« .. 6 Commuinity Theatre ......... 59 Consumers Co....... Cover IV Co-op, The............... 30 Davis Furniture Grultanieà ..21 DeNelda Beauty Salon ...... 4 E-dgewater Beach Hotel...31 Enyart, Van Camps & Feiu . 41 Erlanger Theatre.... ...... 58 Erickson, Ben .. . ..ý*....... 58 Bsther's Beauty Shop. i....... 5 Poley Motors ..............15 Fox Head Sales Co.......... 59 GIasraft Mfg Ço........ 43 Great Atlantic & Pacifie TesiGo ...............12,13 Halteman's Photo Shops ..... 6 Henna, N. A ............... 29 Heating Service ............ 25 Homestend, The.......29 Illmnois Bell Telephone Co... .35 Jewel Food Stores..........il11 Jones. Betty. School of Dancing...............58 Kelling Nut Co., The....... 6 irre is. agmu %ew ........au Fuller &Pickerd........... 51 Hesting Service ............ 54 Heniphili, C. A ............. 50 Hultinsi, W. C. ........... 49 PAGE ADVERTISER PAGE Marshall Field & Go.........1!7,30, 37J,39,41 Mercer Lumber Go. .. Gover IV. Moto,, Service, mea. .-.Cover IV Murine Go ............. 16,27 North Shore Art Center....4 North Shore Refirigeration . .25. Pagliarulo, D............. Peacocik, G. -Dý- .-.. ......31 Peicock Içe Cream........ 4 Pool& Ppe............... 3 Public Service Co........ 14, 16 Rensch Warehouse......... 63 Schaefer's ..........58 Schloesser's................7 Sniyth, John M., Go...... 18. 19 Snider-Cazel Drug Go........ 5 Standard Oi Go ...Cover 111 Stevens, Edgar A., bIc ....... 27 Teatro del Lago ........... 5 Union Pacifie Rîilroad ....... 25 Valencia Theatre... ....... 5- Van Deusen .... ............ 2 Vursity Theatre...........5< *Weathered, Marthu .........4~ Wichelhaus, Paul ........... 41 Wieboldt's.................2 William's N. R ............ 21) Wilmette Beauty Shop......-.6 Wilmette Bicycle Shop.....4 Wilinette Gon'ectionery.......6 Wilmette State Bank . .Cover Il. Wilmette. Theatre......... 59, Wintér, Geo. B........ . .22, 23 Ze!da Beauty Shop.......... 4 Skokie Valley CagI......... 56 Sanart & Gole ............ 55 Wanner, Franklin.......... 49 '.'Whitaker, R. B., Go....44, 53 Teain Standings Won -Loit. Pct. AYg,. 1. Bapt1st ....38 13 ' .745- .830 2. st. John's,..31 15 .674 828 3. Congregational 20 26 .435 825 4. Methodist . 8 .& 43 .159 752 HIg--4ÉhreBe games-Baptist .»2,696 2nd, hlgh-Three games-St. John's 2,694 Hjgh---Stngle gaMe-Baptisit....... 973 2nd lgh.SlglegameBapast...96( High-Threée gameis-Ugollii ....... 582 Sind high-Three games-DarlIng. 569 Hi-Slngle game-Cook . .247 2dhlgh-Slnglesaggnie-M. Guy . 235 NMATIO NAL TEA BU TCHERas (Wilmnette Bowling Afleys> Tuesday night of Iast week Behoff's team which is ini the' Jead, took two out of three games.. from. Duster's team and Swoda's iscreeping up by taking two fromu Beecher's. Runge. on. Swoda's team ,had the high, score for the eveninig of 521 and high for single gamieof .209., Team Standinigs Won Lost Pet. Avg. 1. Behoff's......3M 11 .755 72C 2. Dusters ..... 22 23 .489 67- 3.* Swoda's...... 18 27 .:400 682 4. Beeeher's ,.. 16 29 .355 670 Hlgh team-Three games- Behof 's...... ................ 2,344 2nd high team-Three games- -Behoff's.................. .... 2,28q High single game-Behoff's....... >837 2nd high single game-Swoda's ..811 Individuai'hnors High-Three games-Behoif ....... 583 2nd'high-Three garnes-Swoda ..562 Hlgh-Single game-Swoda ......226 2nd high-Single game-Behoff . .... 222 A lively time was bac! in the contest last Friday night between 'Moody's teamn (3rd place) and Lindberg's (lst. place) the latter losing two out of t.hree games. Lindherg rolled 237 in bis first game but the total 'for bis teani, 945, was hlot - enough for, the persistency of. Moodys crew who r-olled 953. Ini the second gamie ail of j.ind- berg's men dropped except Harold Mohr who tied his first.game. Lind- mt Iwo UJ s )Crier's Buffet took ree from Wil- mette Tailors. Broq Cafe won tbrée from Bleser's A adeny, first-balf champs. Wilmette Ice took a pair from Meier's Tavern. Night's. best series.,. W. Ferrarinii, 561; P. Scbwall, 560; Paul Bleser,.539;. P. Thalman, 528. Night's best, individual efforts: J. Schmitz, 219; P. Schwall, 210; A. Schwvall,' 204., Second-half. standings: Won White's Grocers ........12 Krier's Buffet ..............10l Meier'.s Tavern:............. 9 Teatro del Lago ............. 8 Bronx iCafe..............7 - - Bleser's Academy ............ 5 Wlimette Ice .......... .... 5 Wilniette TaIlbrs........... 4 L.o.t 3 Hiigh teani ser ies: White's Grocers, 2,73ligh team! gamne: Wilmette Tailors, 940. High individual çeries:' J. Lechner, 633; M. Braun, 602. ýHigh .individuiia gane.: M. Braun, Z.37; P. Hillinger, 235, KENILWORTH CLUB Standing of Kenilworth Bowling League week ending February 4.: Team-Capt, Won L<bst Ablndon's-Warren........ 12 3 Warwick's-KCnoop .........50 Kents-Pendieton.. >.......9 4$ 13rier's-Gage.. .............8 1Ra.eigh's-Danforth....... .. 8 4 Leicester's-Toel ............ . Sterlilhg's--Clemnents.........7 8 ,Oxfrds-Oin .............7î 8 Roiw -ý i m ..-... - 5 10 Tudor's.-Màrtin ..... .. 3 12 Team i hgh gaine-.-Warwick's. 1,097 HIgh net three garnes-Colton....572 Hlgh gross three ganes-Colton 728 High gaRine net Feb. 4, 1936-Paxton 245 Feb. 4, 1936-Paxton ........28#1 HIgh net-One game Gage.......... ...........246 Paxton ............... 245 Clements ..._.............;..... 230 C6lton.............21] Peterson............... ....... 219 Hiigh ýgross---One gamne Gg.............. ....... ... 292 Paxton... ................... 286 Paldar..............2R4, Colton.............273 Clenients . .. . . .. . . . .271 lindiividuai Leadters 1-Cr-ane.>............... 2-Peterson...............16?, nidb1h-SinglFe gmeLlndberg 237 ps he eisMrs. been living ini Palestin, K. 0F C. LEAGUE . has worked Untiringly, <Bleser Bowling Alicys) German refugees. She v Teatro del Lago took two outof experiences as a Germai three gamnes from Wbite's Grocersfof berý life in Palesti.ne. l, where she 1aiding the Will tell of her p refugee and

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