FvIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SGIBNTIS Tenth Street and Cenitral Avenue WILMgTTE, ILLINOIS Sunday Services- i i a.m. Wednesdlay-Testimonial Meetig-8 p.m. Suniday School Exercse- :45 a.m. FBRuAR-Y 23, 1936 Subject: MIND) READING ROOM-î i33 Central Avenue Open Diaily (excepit Wcdnesday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P-. M. Saturday 9 A.. M. to 9 ýP. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authorizcd. Christan ieape Literature snay be rtead, borrowed or purchased at the Readmng Room. THE PUBLIC 13 CORIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM MARSHALL.- FIELD &COMPANY EVANSTON STORE Toduif ir Arden Shore board of Wilmette hias written of the work. of that organiza- tion. . Each year,ý Wilmette, citizens appropriate $5,000O of the contribu- tions to the Chest. forý work among this underpnivileged class. This equals about the same amount as. bas, been prevriously raised by Arden Shore, Mr. Fowler said, but 'it obviates the. necessity of another campaign among. Wilmette citizens. Niine agencies now comprise the local Chest. Mis.. Hut- sonl's'letter follows:. Conducte Càxnpa "AIl money received from the Coin- munity chest is sent directly to the treasurer of Arden -Shore association, to be used to carry on the summer camp for womnen and childrenl and the, wîinter camp for boys from 12 to'16. "The summier camp, July and Au- gust 1935, cared for- over 2.000 womnen andl children. wvlTo came 'for, periods> of two wceks. * "The women are înstructed in the care of children, sewing and how to improve their living conditions on~ re- turni home. One womnan wrote: 'The two weeks of good food, rest and pleasant coinpanion shiip, peace and happiness out thiere nmade me quite well againi. I wish i 1could tell the. .wviole NVrld that.' Aid Convalescent Girs "A group of convalescent girls~ stayed al summer, ini order to be completely restorecl to health, "The nature study classes under the expert leader, Mrs. Theron Colton, prepares girls and boys, so well forý teachers that already from previous classes we have a number of girls filling paid positions in girls' summer camnps,'Y.W.C.A. camps, settlement bouses, and. other organizations. "These people, go away feeling Arden Shore leaders *are their friends, to whom they turn in many of their troubles for help and advice. Many tragic experiences are straightened "Our local board of twenty-one women meets each month to. make clothing for the summer camp. Ma- teriaIs are paid for from dues, f rom funds received f rom Economny Shop, for. ser vice as attendants one after- noion each week,, and private, dona- tions. "We provided at Christmas time' three dozen shirts, a. crate of oranges and necktiesý for -the ýwinter camp boys. We spent o ne meeting'.ini De- cember at Camp, darning sweiaters, repînngblankets and other- camnp Siberi"an Singers Will Open.Jubilee Year atcollege CharlesFreeman Davis bas been chosen as the faculty representative on the Jubilee committee of the National College of E duca- tion. A faculty committee headed by Mr. Davis.an- nounces that it will bring the- Siberian, Singers, a maie, choir, to the col-. lege on the eve- ning of March 4, as, the first enitertain,- ment in the Jubilee y e ar and., as a means of increas- C, F. Pavis img the. scholarshnp f und. The board of trustees of the college appointed the Golden Jubilee comimittee to assist with planis for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the school. The committee consists of: Edna Dean. Baker, president of the college; Miss Dorothy Welles, president of the Alum- nae assoJciation;,Charles Freeman Davis, representing the- faculty of the college;i Miss Marguerite Jacobsen, president of the college council of faculty and stu- dents ; Mrs. Earl Graham, representing the parent council of the Demonstration the ideals of good living and good Amenican citizenship. Anmal Houie-Comng "An annual home-coming for Arden. Shore boys is held every May. Last May over a hundred boys returned to voice their love and tell what Arden Shore had done for them. They came, o.1iV UA &vimll. LAnV yVw" iiDe .way until the end of the month. -0- Mr. and Mn.. W. ýJohnsen of Chi- cago announce the birth of a daugh- ter, Cheryl Ann, january 16. The'y have. another. daughter, Gloria Mac, 4 years .old. -Mn.. Johnsen is the formner Gladys Fehien of Wilmette.