Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1936, p. 1

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ýN-UP ~AREA Home O w ner s Association Wants -Improvemient. Near New Post Office Site Among thc: communications, re- ceived by the Village board at its Tuesdal night Meeting vas one f rom the WTlnette Homne Owners associa'- tionv, ini, hich it is suggested that sometiniigbe donc looking toward an improvement of conditionis on1 Central avenue, ýbetween Main street and the nlew post office building. The letter directs attent ion to the un- sightly appearance of the lots at the rear of stores facing on M.fain street,- and also ini the rear of the garage at 1225 Central avenue. *No reconîrnendation is made tp the board by, the association, but. the suggestion is made that. steps be taken by the board to secure, thé cool)eration of propertv owvners ý ii a laudable effort to imiprove the getneral appearance of the rneigh- l)orlool. The lètter reads as: follows: "Febuary17, 1936 -~T4) the President and "B~Ioard of Trustees, *'Y<our attention is directed tr, the un- sigbtl.y, condition of the vacant spaces in the re.ir of the stores on Main street, in Clear view froin Central avenue. i. in i'ear of the Hs garage on Central "In view of the faut thait So many of' mur peoffle now use Central avenue in going to and fromn the post fiffice, this Association respieetf.ully suggests thlat sonie.;stelis hu taiçen*by.the Board to se- vure the cooperatiofl of property, owners to. attain. a more. prementable appear- tAn asirtane this organization raul give the Board will be gladly given. *"rytruiy yours, -'Wiilette Homne Owflers Asisoition. Mrs. Beulah Robinson, social %?vrker in charge of the WNilnilette W'elfare board office. is just now stressing the emn- Iployniieiit division of lier work. She announices that she bas Ca-Ils for a nurse inaid, houisekeeper, ful and part tirne mnais and1 others? Anv resident of Wilnette wrhetber on the county relief roîls or not, is eligible to, register-.at the Welfare office for employ- nient, and Mrs. Robinson urges.every esn a rwmn to corne in, and, register nowv, in .order that 'she miay provide* help for those seeking i t.* Lt is also emphasizedthat citizens, requiring help, either part or* full time, ýshould caîl the Welfare office' and state their needs. The Welf are office is at 1117 Greenleaf, avenue. The tele- plone is Wilmnette 2550. The bours are 9 to 12 a.m. AUl Wilmette, persons who are unemploycd, or are employed only part time, should register, Mrs. Robinson states. Dr., Spaeth to Preseut Forum Talk Tuesday On iTucesday eveninig. February 25, thé Xorth'Shore Congregation Forumi Counicil. Glcncoe, Nvill present Dr. S.Iiund( Spaeth. popular speaker and -writer, Iin mie of bis niost in.- structive and entertaining lectutres, "Adventurcs of a lune Detective." The lecture will begin at 8:15 o'clock.~ This will b e the sixth ini the 19,36, series of lectures sponsorcd hy the forum. Dr. Spaeth bias firmly cstablislicd himself in the world of music, prin- cipally through bis radio work as an original music commentator. In this he bias exhibited that rare quai- ity, the ability to place music and bis, own interpretations mrithin, the' reacb of the average person. It is stated that there are still a fcw combination tickets fQr the three remaining lectures available. Applica- tion sbould be made to the Tepl office, Lincoln and Vernon avenues, Wilmette PaStor WilI 1Address Young People l'lie Rey. David R. Kabek of the WVilmiette Englisb Luthieran churcb. Sevcnth street at Greenileaf, avenue, will' bc- the speaker at the annual Younig People's service - of the North Aus- church, Chicago. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Austin Lt iheranI Rev.D.R.-Kabele eacn 1year the Luther league of. tîat church sponsors a special serv- ice for the Young peopie of the clîurch at which service more than a thou- sand Young peopie of the church arc in attendance. At the beginning of bis ministry, the Rev. Mr. Kabele1 servedt thîs church as assistant pastor. St. Francis P.TA. to Villagers Urg.d to Attn "Glans" et New T r ie r.; Mo0vies Feature The second of a',series of four Safe Driving schools to be provided by the chiefs of police of Mimette, Kenil- worth, Winnetka, and Glencoe, ini co-. operation witb various civic groups, will be beld at New Trier Township Highý scbool, Monday evening., Feb- ruary 24. The session wilI 'open promptly at 8 o'clock and.close at 9 o'clock. This class is expected to surpass ini intensity of interest and attendance the first session, which attracted, a large number of New Trier residents, to whom the school is open withott charge. The principal speaker ill be Robert Forster, director of safetSr. education in charge of the municipal testing station, Evanston Police de- par tment, who has chosen for bis subject, "Keeping the Car Fit." Mr. Forster is eminently qualified to handle this subject, being an out- standinge proponent of safety Another feature of the programn will bie the sbowing of the' thrilling movie film, "D'eatb Takes No Holi- day." It is.,wortb seeing-and heed- inig. Motor laws and regulations will bc' explainied by Edwin A. Robson, Vil-, lage pr osecutor of Wilmette. This is an important part of ,the program, as a thorough knowledge of auto- mobile laws is essential to driving qualifications. ork. ISotti expressed tneir on W umette avenue w on of the board's action in Ridge 'road will be clos the Ijealth Center a permit Saturday, February 22, M day on April 6, to raise. birthday. The Center isi carrying-oir-thc wor.k. the Wilmette Recreation qews... ............ i:'5 "Y'i 50Ciety ra g«s...u s 'v Yackel of Kenilw 38 son of Winnetka .6 of Glencoe. Cc 35 were sixty-eigbt ifour vâlages. ofthek apprec grantil for a funds

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