Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1936, p. 65

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FqNNILSH, 25, 3%4 yrs. last plate. FRENCH cook, N. S. refs. EXCELLENT SECOND. 25, N. 5. refs. Reinhart Empi. Agency 748 Elmi St. Winnetka 33D9 68LT.N46-1 te COMPETENT WQMAN W AN. T',S. SP1IUNQ HOUSECLEANING AND LAUNDRY. CARE FOR CHILDREN EVENINGS. B E S T REFERENCES. CALL EVES. WINNETKA 3341. _____ ____________68LTN4-t COLORED MAID E['XPl-,RIENCED. REFS. FV'LL on part time. Home nights. Greenleaf 2139. 68LTN46-l tp WANTED- WORK BY THE DAY. Nursing, cooling. serving, -cleaning, iaundry or plain sewing. Sunday dinhers and teas a speialty. Best of rets. WIII go anywhere._Glencoe 1411. SL;TN4S-e4tp VOCAL STUDENT DESIRES WÔRK. Experieneed in store, tea roomi or home. Begin work April lst. Chicago and New York refs.' Write B-118, Box 60, WiI- mette, 1i1. 6SLTN46-tp EXPERIENCED WOMAN WISHES TO TAXE IN WASHING AT HOME. CALL FOR. AND DEIVJU. INORTHI- BROOK 276R. 68L6-tp EXPERIENCED Y O U N G GIRL wishes gerierai housework, nur-se mnaid. Referènces. Phone Davis 7976. A-i SWEtDISH, COMPETENT. 3.7. Second work or general housework In amall, geÎntile faniily. Excellent refer- ences. Winnetka 17719. 68LTN46-Itp FIRST CLASS C O OK. GERMAN. Good references. Write B-126, Box 60, Wilrnette, Illinois. 68LTN46-ltp) SITUATION WANTD-UAI*-- INTELLIGENI., Y O UN G COLORED mnan wsbes position as butler, chauf- feur, housemlan, janitor. Steady, honest, capable. Refs. Hanidy wltti tools. Dela- ware 9648 frorn 8:30 to 4 p._ m. 69LTN45-4tp GARDENER WISHES POSITION ON PRIVATE ESTATE. 5 YEARS LAST PLACE. A-i NORTH SHORE REF. -H6,HLAND PARK 4255 69L46-ltp GARDENER ALSO H1OUSEWORK. GOOD IDRIVER, etc. Best, references. Phone (,le ee 24. 69LTN46-ltp, BIT. WT.-MALE AND FENALE BOHEýMIAN 28 andi33, good refs. 71LT-,46-ltp NURSE GIRL PERMANENT POSITION, GO HOME nightmi. Phone Winnetka 101.. 71LTN46-itc GIRL WHO WANTS PERMANENT position for gen'l hsework. 2 adults andi baby. LIght washinig. Home nights at present after June lst, own roeim. Ph . ]Knilworth 146. 71LTN46-ltp WHITE MAID WVANTED, LOCATION conv. to transp. Room %with bath. Salary according- to experlence.. Wil- mette 1296. References required. 7 1LTN46-1tp GIRL OR WOMAN WHITE FOR CARE of chilsi 3 and 1'ight. hsewk. Wilmette 2198 after 6 p. M. 71LTN46ltp WANTED Real Estate Sale sman, WE HAVE AN OPENING IN our organization for a real estate salesmani to.act as ýour *Winnetka representative. Ex-, -perience preferable but not necessary. Applicafit must live in Winneilca; bha'vè a wide soci1al acquaintance and desirable club connections. An automopbile le required. Only those interestesi in a permanent position willl re- celve consideratiol'. Application ýmust be I writlng, statlng ful experience, if any, and deta ils of other requiremfents. ADDRESS SALES MANAGER 0F QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 1571 Sherman Avenue Evanston, Ili. 72LTN46-ltc RAWLEIGH ROUTES OPEN FOR'RE- hiable men. Goosi profits for bustiers.. Old establishesi Company. No experi- ence necessarY. Pleasant, profitable, dignllled work. Write today. Rawlel*h, Dept. 11,C-.761-P, Freeport, 111. 72LTN46-Itp MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 familles. Good profits for bustier. we train and belp You. Write today. Rawleigh Co., Dept ILC-761-SA2, Freè- port, 111. 72LTN45-2tp OPENING FOR 2 MjEN, FOR PLEAS- ant, permanent work. Restrlcted ter- ritory. Caîl Fr1. or Sat. between 6i and 8 p. ni., 1118 Davis St., Evanstofl. 72LTN46-ltp Mý-AN WANTED W¶ITH- GENERAL hardware experielice in North Shore Territory. Asidress- B-122, Box 60, Wil- Our connections with out-of- town dealers permit us to al low froni $25 to $50 pre- mnium on your present car., Your presenit c ar will ý cover the. down payment. T'erm s arranged to suit. The following late model cars .are soûle of our offer- ings:. 1935 FORD TUDOR A beautiful jet black wlth resi trirn. The 'upholstery, original paint, 'original tires are in. perfect condition. The car Ihas actually gone 8,000 miles. Ask. for Ivar Jobnsoii's car. 1935 CIIEVROLET TOWN SEDAN Master DeLuxe model. Deep tan finish wlth cream trim. Built-in trunk, s;pot- lite, heater, double wlndshleld wiper. New turret top .A car witb the RIGT, STYLE, RIGHT-PRICE, RIGHT CON- DITION. LookIng for the RIGHT OWN- -ER. 1934 CHEVROLET SEDAN Mlaster DeLuxe model. Side mounts, built-in trunk. Mohair upholstery. No draft ventilation. Irnmaculate thi every detail. 1934 FORD DELUXE SEDAN Trunk, spectal bot air heater in both front and rear seats. Radio. Side wings. Original tires andi paint. See It to appreciate its real value. MANY OTHERS Ail Under Cover W. W. STEWART, General Manager B. C. WALING, Used Car Manager Evanston Chevrolet 1111 Chicago Avenue 77A-LTN46-ltc 1933 CADILLAC V-12 TOWN SEIDAN Sîde niounts, metal tire covers, trunk & trunk rack. Black finish, This car was recelved from an Oak, Park owner. Has very 10w nilleage and virtually new Goodyear wbite sldewall tires. Original cost $4,400. A real bargain for somneý one at tbis attractive prIce of $1,395. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR CO. 1810 Ridige Ave., Evanston Wil. 956 Winn. 073 190NahSPECIALS. Was Today 1930Nashsedan ...... *....195 9 1931 LaSalle convertible . 495 345 1932 Buick club sesi.....495 465 193.3 Buick victoria.....650 565 1933 Plymxouth spt. cpe. .. 396 335, 1934 Buick DeLuxe sesi. . 895 735 1934 Ford conv ........... 495 445 TOUR INSPECTION, INVI'rED Special Terms-Big Trades WAR VETERANS AS YET THIÉ E T BONUS'PLAN, COME IN AND GET YOUR CAR NOW! North Shore Buiek Co. Maple Avre. at Davis St. EVANSTON University 5962 17A-LTN46-ltc LARGE, PLUIASANT- ROQE IT private bath,' S blocks to, Elr St. Wi- netka. stations. Tel. Wlinnetka, 41à. Very Pleasant Single -Room Central BEast ILocation, Reasonoebie Phone Wilrnette 965-R 82LTN46-1te PLEASANT IIOOM WITH PORCH. Near transportation. East side. Wilmette 1253 82LTN46-ltp 2 Nice Ligyht Rooms COVPLE OR GENTLEMAN PREF. WINNETKA 2669 821,TS46-ltc DOUBLE -OR SINGLE ROOM FOR men. Private bath. Double $5, single $3.50. Priv*ite borne. Breakfast optional. Call any trne, 60>7 Willow Rd., Win- netka. 1 82LTN46-ltp g7Îé]eL4YÉÙfiURNlHE» ROOM WITH samU kitchenette, also grage. $10 per month. Phone Glencoe 139T6. l LIGHT, NEWL97 DECORATED ROOM for onie or two, nlcely furnished. Kitchenette if desiresi. Near. transporta- tion;. Wilniette 2158. 82LTN46-ltp MOAUO AND sNOON KENILWORTH INN CLEAN, HOMELIKE ROOMS, GOOD 1meals, very:desirable for people who want quiet homne surroundings. Reason- able 315 Cumnor Road. !ceniiworth 5491. 86LTN46-lte IN PRIV. .ROME-SUIÎiE 0FPRMS., WHIrFGIRL, FEX generai houseWOrk, $12 per week. Pholne LVUU : ltp 77A-L 111. c 673 Wil. -ltc. LCAR Co. 809w Evanston i IY, Winn. 673 elec.r 17A-LTff6-ltc 1 blk. avis

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