Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Mar 1936, p. 9

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publican seekers for the governor- shp nomination on~ the republican side, M1r. Fowler thinks, bave only limited* support iii thieir hoime coin- munities. Henry A. Gardnler, opposing Mr.. Fowler for Township Committeeman on the Republican, ticket, bas the ac- tive support of the WVomeni's Reput)- lican club of Winnetka, whicbi organ - ization is wagiixg an aggr essii*e cam- paign ini bis interest. Nomineet'Confident Ralpb M. Snyder, democrat, and announced as the andidate for Tlowln- ship Comýmitteemain Of tbc "regular» New Trier deniocratic organization, expresses himself as being highlyý elated witb bhis prospects. A rally of workcrs at the group's beadquarters, 729 Ridge road, Ioda ngbvas largely attendled. ,Ani address by Thomas Johnson, ani attorney, was .a feature. 'Militant Thomias J. yich wo is exuding confidence. througli every pore, bas adopted the war cry, "Keep thé, Kelly-Xasb Mfachine Off the Nortb Shore," At a meeting Tuesday night it, is reported that more Xhan 120 signed pledge cards for Horner and Lynch' were turned in. Mfr.: Lyrîchi states'thbat as Township Com- mnitteemani lie ivill work for a pernia- nent registration bill; that bie is op- posed to coalition judicial siates and. ail bi-Partisan coinbinations, and that hie is and mwill remnain itndelpendent of machine control. One of these fwo staqes icifl be sçeiected asthe modriof, a siieiio;-al Mickey vo» Mclldi;&g, (acher at Neie Trier T7ozcnshiip High school's inusié departienf for' nia»y years, w/to dicd, a vear agio lasi fali. Thte pool will be place'd in the co,,rtyard of, thte reccnt additioni. Mfoney for the project m-as pro- v'ded by last year's graduates as their ciass gift. Tbe money for landscapingý will be raised by the building and, ground s comnmittee of the student counicil. ml,. DR UCi SPECIALs vaoluesý fer, TIIRDA RIAmdSATURDAYý !eription work 4orne at a nov low prie. 12ounce i15Oc Pl sB ottie flP osit IEPsm Salits Extra Fine Quality Fi».pound i i init PoundCIIARM1S C<iid Cr«mnby Colgat. 69C . îag eS' .. . .. . .. .2 3 c - DR. WEST'S TOOTH PASTE 2for miu SP 4RKE DAVIS $I3 Vamilla Extract, pant e3 7FITCH4c SII4MO ..... 4 »Ce HINfl1HR I.fn-1 t B atiez "Machin." roup. Clark E. Nolan, Wilmette citizen, * is the third candidate for Township Committeeniail on the demiocratic side. He is, ini bis own words. inde- pendent of connection witb any nma- chine group, biasevery higb 'ideals re- *garding governnxient and 'candidates for office,'ani making considéral progress ini wifnning support amiong independent voters. Hoffmanni hall, on1 Ridge, avenue, bas been secuired by tive Of the faculty, M,%rs. Elizabeth Farwell, memnber of the scbool board, Frederickc A.- Kahler, dean of boys, Arthur WV. Vani Deursen, faculty sponsor of tbe student council, andà Harry Pifer, member of the English deprtneîtand past president of thie EFveinig Gardeni club~ of,,ýimette. gallizations is schieduled for the WXoi, an's chml> ilEvanston. The head- liner %vil l Ie Governor Henry Hor- lier.~ by GibsO'n A good value at 35c a deck decks k for 25e MENNEN 'S TÀLCUà --- >R27c OTH PASTE, *.27c 'l7 c 49c 'S TAR 1138 Central AMentie PhonoWilmet. 28Central and WHinette Avenue& Phsone Wiluette lB Do Net Buy .,,argoïus on Vitamins> Lotki 0f spurÎous bra nds are offered. for sale dally at a Iow price. There li[)novalue to TRASH. Buy only auch vitamins as, are produced by recognlzed. rellable -concerne. ýik"wrate ý Pl to lis* ý ý, Phone wilmette 28

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