Presents the' HOME ENGINiEERINGAN ARCH~iTELEX HKIBI T Firsi NoalionolBaiwkluldîngj Wllmeli'et Illinois A new and complète -building service is now-.ý ailable to residents of the Northý Shore.. Before you b.uild, remodel or decorate-visi thiis interesting exhibt. The cut-away sec- tion of shows the actual details of. a pproived construction. Modern kifchensý show the latest develop- ments in w ood and steel, plumbing.andi com- position tops. Modern bathrooms and air.- conditioning units installed just as if they were in your own home. Modern appflances show how to ighten the work of housekeeping and food preparation. Houts 10.,a. m. fo 8:30 p. m. SundaysI to66 p. m. Ph... eWfImeli'e 4490 Mohair Friezes and Broadlooms Estimates and Samples Fre 4619 N. WESTERN AVE. LONGSEACH 6123 St. Charles: Kifichen Cabinets in.Steel ST. CHARLES ýMANUFACTURING CO".* Chicago Office 221 N. La Salle,. Ran. 9-111t S'. our displey et thé S how HOFFMANN BROTHERS l2M8 Central Ave. Wlefe131l Sue Us aithie Show LENNOX AIR-FLO SYSTEMS F0 HOME AIR CONDITIONING ENGINEERED AND INSTALLED BY REYNO.LD.SCORPORATION D;s pla 'd et the Show- M agic 1 Air Se. our demonstrafion at the Show WOOD-DAVIS COMPANY, * 1565 Sherman Avenue, Evanston *Visit our display ani paint store at> the Frni National Bank, WIIme$te. GAS BURNER GAS HEAT AT LOWER COSI MARCH 26, 1936 'I.