MARSHAL-L & FI1ELD COM PANY THE, EVANSTON STORE W. 4ie Aa. Invifes You b 'FieldS Evanstsi ealuty sao« For A Persmet Consutation On TIuCsdoyU Fridey cm&* oturdoy. 384.000. an increase of ten per cent during 1935, and a total increase of 569 'Der cent for the past five years. Sitice its founcling, 24 years ago. mnnre thau 1.500l,000. girls have been influenred by membership in the or-. gLanli7ationi. This rapid increase in n umbers, and in. communities served, nlaces a, beavy re sponsibility unon'l the leaders in regard to the. provram Offered. Dùrin« the côming vear. the Girl Scouits ;,wil , aim at an ,American arts and crafts proirram,. correlated, with' nature stuidy. as" well as the outdoor and. camping progra'.. tEADERSHJP> Leadership, as. always is a major problem of an.organization which de- pends on voýGluniteer effort. The de- velopmnent of a sound leadership of. bigh standard continues to be a chic fi concern ,of the Girl Scouts. A great- er' effort will be made to, secure il. I and to give adenuate training -when secured. Increasing numbers of col- Irge- girls are finin4g t4is an inter~- esting field of interest and enjoy - ment. for the Girl Scouting prograni1 is~ based upon the interests, enthusi- asms. and rieeds of girls. and iç adapted to girls from 7 to 18. CAMPING To know one's self, one must campt -living and sleeping in the open,( relying uipon one's own knowledge ofc the out-of-doors andl upon. the ne- sources at band, one finds a newj 30i P. M. Scouts s are invited. h 28,at eir fami- W IdKaàowIedge Sunday. afternoon at 2:-30 at the, ,Bantist church. Mr. L. -P. Denoyer vvill give a lecture On the require- ments of the World Knowledge. mernt badge. Parents of scouts and the memnbers of thé Wilmette council. are invited to this-lecture. NIr. Denoyer will speak on "Na- -tions, of the Earth." ini each té-nt with the exception of one which bal tbree. When we got to Our tents We had to put up ou'tr cot's andà make them. That sure was a "Strai.Lyttening pun our tents anid ,.btliing thiig.s'was fun.- When Patsv Welter and 1 were flnished with fix- é-g un our thinzs. we went to sec how the other grls had their things Ifxed. and they came to sec ours. Noiv to tell you more about hov %ve spend our time. "\\e got up at seven o'clock in the ,n-orninL, when Tinker played on ber bugle, "WTe càn't get 'em up." Next the girls appointed would go to gath- er wood for the breakfast fire. Differ- ent girls took their turns washiing dishes, getting water, and so on. We got cour water from, ai pump. and1 cooked on a stove whichi we nmade 'Out oftones. Girl Scouting. believes that know- ing1 and loving outdoor life is a last- ing source of enjoyment and satis-' faction. To the Girl Scout, the world of nature is more beautiful and, ful of wonder, the world of people more diversified and full of friends than either could possibly be to the, girl1 jor woman who bas not sbiared tbe. trail Mother Nature keeps :openi to told1 "After breakfast we would dlean up thé place, and then work on needlecraft and we made many dui- ferent things. We bad our lunch at 12 o'clock and sat on stunmps of wood .for chairs. After lunch we had rest hour from one to two o'clock. Wc then studied niature. "At six o'clock we ate- suppen. After supper we sat arôund thé camp fire and taiked about stars. At 8:45 we would go to get cleaned ulp.for bed. 'At~ 9:00 taps were playcd, and everv one would have to keep still. "One night we heard a very scarey THIRO F1.001 - EVANSION STORE girls in one, and t'ie-,hve Young- 'Mrs. Walter Magner, chairman c-f irîs in the other. Tinker had the memorial fund for sending girls re of the older girls, and Robin to camp in Switzerland, reports 1had charge of the younger satisfactory sumi contributed. Eacb We were then taken to our Scout contributes one cent each year and thereby demonstrates "many a ere were four tents-two girls mickle makes a mnuckle."