Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Mar 1936, p. 38

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CýhiCaqoOfilCes -. 1016-IP18 WILLOLGOHBY TowERi Tele>k.ne CENTRAL 3 3 55 SUBSCRII'TION: $2 PFft YEÀR SINGLE C~OPIES 5 CENTS Ail commiunications and contributions intended for publi- cation must bear the naine and address of the author, flot .neceèsarily for publication, but for our files.' Such inaterial 1must reach the editor by Tuésday noon to be in turne for the current issue. INsTANT AcrloN Th at foresight is'better than hindsight has again been demonstrated in the providing of relief, for victims, of the. flooded areas of the East and> Soutb. When* these ernergencies arise time'is too often lost and suffering. extended be-. cause communities are.flot, prepa red to takeè in- stant action.. Organizations miust be formed, plans devised and machinery set up toe gat ber and. for,%ard the necessary materials or rnoney. Alil this takes f ine, precieus hours and days if l.ives are, to besaved and distress alieviated. The Winnetka Community Cheaf recegnizeci- this ditiic.ulty several years ago and prepared to overcome it. A reserve fund was establislied which co uld be drawn upon at a momnent's notice, and instant action taken te put the inoney' at work ini the interest 'of hurnanify. As a result of this foresight, theWinnetka Chest- was en- abled f0 do ifs part in the present ernerge ncy without any loss of timne, while the Chicago area proceeded with the slower work of collectîng individual contributions and forwarding themn through the regular American Red Cross chan- nels. If is a splendid example of'the efficient man- ner. in which fthe affaira of the Winnefka Corn-. tnunity Chest are conducted. The plan might. we l be followed by the Chest organizations of other villages., Docs The dog population ini north shore villages is pre senting te officiais a problem of no smnail di-, mnensiïons. Jn some if approaches 75 per cent of the hurnaix population, and thaf means a lot of dogs. If is conclusive evidence of mxan's fondness for the aninials, and his commendable desire to enjoy the cornpanionship of a pet that in many cases shows almost hurnan intelligence, to say in gardens or conxritting nuisances at store fronts and en privafe porches, then relief must 'corne through police enforcernent. T1he wise owner of a dog wil net run chances of cither eventuality. OUR, NETGHBoR WINs It is :in~ a spirit of genuine prideý our bat.in, congratulation te, our 'neigi ton, upon b aving won,. for the, secoi grand prize in' the fourth national 'J. conteat sponsored during 1935 by' Safety Couneil.. Th is, too, in coînip egthundred and one cities frorn c< ,Her honors were firet for al ,g>roups. Evanston's rernarkably - ow- auto during 1935, and ber progress in ed gineering and enfercement, when the cities tbrougheut theé country werei sizable increases in their death-r merited the 'first prize honora among sizes. That rate was but 2.9 deaths population, comnpared wit h a rateq national average for ail cities of a'l groupa reperting te the coirncil. In ifs own population group, 50,00) Evansfon was also firsf. Illinois won in the interstate contesf in wbicb itc Thiere isn't even a tinge of .envy or our congratulations te Evanston.1 were honestly won tbroxg'h bard w gent planning and unswerving devo, set purposé of rnaking life, limb and pr Her succeas should acf f0 spur our munity te greater efforts abong the s« IT'S THE WEATHBI The bure of the highways in the bring disaster fo the IlotQrist who fauh trate on bis driving, cautioned Secreta Edward J. Hughes in a safety bulletin week. "Moforistasbould exercise unusual.. fine oft the year," said Mr. Hughes. indicaf e an increase in the number of. ,accidents in the spring, due largely to at the wbeel, excessive speed and cong that-we dof ghbor,'Evans- mnd 1time, the Priaffic Safety the National1 oasf to, coasf. As usual, the American people are floc king to tbe aid of flood sufferers. You just can't beat 'em when it cornes to big hearts. If b.as, just beendsoee that a life fermer i Joliet penitentiary was quiet ly released nine years, ago, and bas been.. at liberty since. The discovery was made when he applied for citizenship papers. 'orne parole system, what? Jirnmy Walker bas adopted a baby frorn Ev- anston's Cradle.. Watch your step, ,Jimnmy-1 Re- inember what happened when New York adopted yeu. death. rate President Roosevelt bas asked for an additional ducat ion, en- $1 ,500,O0,000 for ýrelief. This, witb a billion or éMajority of twe wbich he bad inadvertentlyleft in, bis ether experiencing pant's, pocket ' and forgoffen, rates,, ricbby wiIl, be "thinka," be. enough rcities cf ail te keep everybody alive unt il Qe QM sper 10,000,oe they get jobs. And then, dog-- - of 181, the goned if he don't toss t he un- Il populat ion employinent problem right in- to the lap of indusfry, telling )0 te 100,000, if, in that brusk, deferrnined ýn firat place manner whicb be assumes on. competed. occasions, that unlesa fbey r jealousy in corne across with jobs the Her honora 'New Deal will be compelled vork, intelli- te become qulte barsh. The afien te tbe question thaf bothers the ýroperty safe. patient taxpayer is, wben wibl the President gef r own cern- through aslcing for more? In bis latest message ;ae line. te Congress be admits the failure of aIl the ."purnp prining" stunts be heralded witb se, much gusto. Now that the white rabbits bave refused ýR te corne ouf of the bat, he pefulantly blames in. sprin may duistry fer bis faibures,. and threatens if wifh dire spri ng may punisment in fte form of more goverrenf . t conen- cent roi uinlesa if employa tbese now eut of jobs.. ary of State ..*** Iissued thîsý care at this «Statisiicsý f automobile )inattention gested bigh- Répres entative Greenway, a ýdernecratic lady fromn Arizona, bas, refused. te .run for reelectio n, athbougbu prornised, a, clear field.. And. yef soine peeple dcaim thiereý are ne modern miracles. Mr. Mussolini, whe directs affairs in Itaby, bas anneunced the abolition of the chamber ef deputies sole purpose ot guarding children ancu grownups frorn attacks by doga that might possibly cern- tnuncate rabies, or otherwise do bodiby barm. The contempt sbown by owners of doga in ignor- ing the proclamations is nothing short of as- tounding.. That anyone should be se indifferent able, .anc Trhat's a gway from $200, Dect Dust stornis are starting the season early in the -western states. And tbere seerna te be notbing te do about if. Seventy in the shade. We shall immediately. go- out and dig in tbe garden. That is, we would if we badi'a garden. That is, if we bad a spade. Thinga being as tbey are, we shail enjey the lalnxy.breeze and pof take violent exercise. THE ?HANTOm RePORTER, m

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