Wmete Yo t»to-Be w itb, the metbods employed in ana Mok onenio Ladrtional meeting, and a more _ per- Harold W. Osborn of Wilmette. has manent interest in political affairs 'is. been appointed, clairman of a com- arous.ed. mittee of: the mock political conven- Osborn -is the son of Harper, E. tion.. to be held April 24 and 25 at Osbornl of 715 Linden avenue. 'He is, Nortbwestern University. fa senior in the: college ofLiberal Arts. The mock cerernony, a take-off o01,1e. wil be on the committee that has the national presidential,'convenltionis, charge of' the arrangements for the lias, b)econie an institiutioti at North- use of Patteni gymu, the scene of the western. 1avinig beetn given. with the. conventioni. exception of 1932, for the pasttel' yvars. WIN CAGE--AWARDS The various -noineiies' campaigus.ý., jEmiji and: Donald Aunderson of 82î including speeches, parades ai-d thé 1l-itndeni avenue, Wilmette. were usual ýfani-fare' attending a nation~ai amonig* the freshmen baskethall per- conentonwiI ad rclis totheformners to receive numeral sweaters scenie. at Cornieli college, Mounit Vernon, là., In executing a prograni of this last %veek. Both are finie prospects type, the students becomne acquainted for varsity positions iiext season. Sixty-five traised student voices, iii be heard in the concert to be given at Winnetka Community Hoste Tuesday evening, March 31. by thse Lawrence college A Cappella choir.:Tihe concert twill be presented under. tise sf>onorship Of thée La- rence Aluinni Club> of Chicago. This years choir consists of 20 soprsi os. 14 teno~r.e, 19 altos, ad 16 base voices. Dr. Carl J. Watermian, deaii o! tise Lawrence college conserva- tory' of music, is the director. Thé grou> h<is been organized for sevciu years, and durinig tise past fouir sea- sons has made an oenual tour te? mnany cities in Wfisconsin,JIlinois, and Indiana. They travel by bi", filiug as many as three engagements in a imu4leh dav. Billings Candidatefor 1PurpIe Basebail Team Gerald Billings of 'Wilmette is a candidate for the Notthwestern uni- versity basebail teamn which has al- ready started indoor, practice in Pat- te n gymnasium. The Wildcati will play a 22-game schedule this spring, eleven 'of the. gaiues with Big Ten teams. Billings is a candidate for an outfield position on the Wildcat varsity. The stocky youngster bas, appeared quite potent at the bat wbile his fielding 15 far above the average. According to the coaching staff Bilings will undoubtedIy hold down the center field berth when the lineup is announced for the first game. He is a right-handed bitter., LLOYD HOLLISTER INC.. 'Printers 'Pie blisherýs' Engravers Bri tggthe Ckildren