stiutes a warning again that our laxity in vaccination is bringing about more danger from a disease which can be completely wiped out. We are asking once more that everyone sec to bis own status in re- gards to inimunization against smal- pox, and that Vaccinaino childreni be taken care of. t is probably Wise that a, child be vaccifiated sometime during bis first year of Hife, aginh at 6 or 7 years, and once more about 18 toe2M years. and after* that in- the: presence of cases va ccination. should again be done. If, 'tou are immune the vaccina- tion will not take at any time. If You are nlot immune you should wish it toý take because it is the only way of producing. immunity'. The Health department encourage You to sec your own physician ,re-ý garding vaccination and to have it done by him. Even if you are flot capable of paying for vaccination at least consuit your physician about it. We are offering fre vaccination te those who arc unable to pay. The exact date .and time wiIl be an- nounced next week and notices will be sent out with the school children giving the date and time. If you wisb to be vaccinated or haevnnr rhilvIren vacin~*ate &2i speaker, John B. -De Voney, . 18 a Chi - cago business 'man, and wilI discusu the Townsend plan.from the view- point- of' its -advantages'to business. me.The business men and women of the north shore -are 'cordialily in- vited to' hearhi. AttentioniW di-, rected1 to the joinit meeting, for. the Chamibers of Commerce of Wibnettc, Winnetka and Glencoc, at the Com- muty House, Winnctka, at 8 o'clock on Tuesday, ý April 14. Information and' ilterature -may: be had at. 1125 Central avenue and M4, Prairie ave- nue, Wilmiette, and -839 El1m street, .Win.netka. CH4ANGES RESIDENCE. George, E. West, formerlyý of 931 Twelfth streetis now residing at 815 Forest avenue.' .- Pl Ail wool coats and skfrts to match or in contras- igcolors .. COATS' SKIRTS $3.2.5 Plein colors and ini cheks 'and'stripets Boucle Fabric $1 275 Op-YOUNGW U -ZN PIG PORK Rabt «s L.OinEnds aIL Curd Thes. are made in tii. new spring shades . pai r ~I4 BEBF.1. LWE SELL d 1 ee-: