on a fine wooded lot Oxl76 in a very niice ueighborhÔàd wo have to offer a flune ten-rooM bouse. There are six bedrootns, two bath., a , solarium, a itea ted .sleeping pé a diflng porcb witb a tle lor a"i a two-car detache& e. The béat ià bot water fred by gas. ' The home la lu ex- cellent shape anid ijoîl construct- ed wth, ail steel suipports. The owrner,.aniouu to ueÏl, bas placed a prie obu,, t of .........1,0 TIis boin l Genoe'u fiuest rosi- doutlà.l district la really a magnifi- cent thlug. It ls brick and of Einglisb architecture. ,There, are elght roonis with four bedroolus and thiroo aud oue-li&lf baths. Iu addition are a. sunrooml and a beated, sleeping porch. The ga- rage lu one-car and the. Ileat bot wator. The borne In Well con- sttiicted and Iyiulated ttréeuOt andf la nicel>' located on a grand lot 80x2l0. Ver>' littie in re- qulreil te put this homo lu per- fect shape witb Its perfect price of.....................25,000 VACANT In Glencoe wo have some wooded vacant of 50-foot frontage for . . . .. . . . .. . . 2,500 This Highlanid Park wooded lot of 75-foot frotage lu an excep- tional buy at........... $3,750 Another Glencoe vacant lu a grand ueighborii0od wlth 100 foot of frontage and . 180 feet deep willUell' for ..............$8.000, lIENTALS9 W. stîll have several rentai list- Ings for Immediate or May' lst occupaflc> both furuished aud un- furnlshed. CUSACK. 4 IGN 'WITH CUSAC"Kl" 1ILTN48-ltc 10-ACRE E STATE. IDEAL AM. COLONIAL Sprý<oius living, diuing aud breakfast Over 40 Years of Dependale Servie 328 Park Ave., GleDelcoe Ph. Gleucoe 13 1 11LTN48-Ite GLENCOE ATTRACTIVE. ENG4d'L IlE TYPE shingle home, 4 bedrmsè., 3 bathe, ex. iav., pine paueled sun rmn., screened pch., ohi ht Muet be seen te aàppreciate the vlue at $14,760. Call Mrs. Wakemaf. THE BILLS REALTY, Imc. 529 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON: Greenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740ý 111L1N4 S-tc 510 ASH STREET REAL FAMILY LOCATION. B 1EAUTI- fui grounds 75X187. Lge. livinùg rmn. and don.'.5 bedrmu., .oil. Location and: price warrants rempdeling te intereeted buyer. Inspection by appt. E.E. Stuits Realty Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. 460 Winuetka Avenue Wv'"'itiA1900, 111LTN48-1tC NEAR"L LARGE HOME, 10 ROOMS, 2 BATES on 2nd floor, b. w. heat wlth Qil, screened pcb. flOLC financing ail set. $12,750. Owner anxious te seil wlthin 30 days. Eddington & Allen, hIc. End'I " ~410 TLnden Ph.. Wil. 408 1IltTN48-lt») $5,750 A REMARKABLE BUY FOR A SIX rm. home lu a good Wilmette loca- tion. 3 bedrms. 1 ba., H. W. ht. Deeji lot, 1-car gar.»Call Mr. Vous. )THE BILLS REALTY, Ic. 529 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON .Greenleaf 1166 Wilmette 37140 L lll1LTN48-1tC- - W -LMT-Ê -EAUÀVTIFUL GREEN- shuttered Southern Colonial with tlu pillars, on % acre wooded lawn. Fluest nart of eqst Wilmette. 7 rms., 3 baths, ,lav.. $21,500. Hokanson & Jenks, hIc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS p 513. Davis Street Greenleaf 1617 1 111TN4 8-ltc COL ONIAL'RESIDEN%È-4«CEý i841 FOXDALE AVE. (EAST 0F RAIL- ! rad), 8 roonis, 2 batts, hot water heat. 06M. Shown b> 'eppoîrnol oi>., QUINLAN & TYSON. lac. 1571 Sherman Avenue, Evanston uniWI. 260 i.2 Uni. 2600114LTlX48-lte SELECTION0F EXCELLENT VALUES 76x155, east Winn. per ft......$100: 41I60, east Winn., "per ft.....$0 60x180,' wooded, gd. loe,, per ft. _$75 7bx1560, wooded. gd... per ft.. . .$60 75x160 exel. loc., per ft......... ... $40 8OxIOS, excl. loc., per ft ..........$40 Other- good values, reas. terme, prompt service finan<eing. new building. 5B6 B. H.BARNETTý 62 Conter. St. Wiunetka 965. 114LTN48-1tp GLENCOE HOMESITES SE V ER AL OVERLOOKING THME Skokie Golf Club grounds. 82X150 ... ................6,500 lOOxSO..................8,0 SMART.& GOLFE, mec. Wtt. 2486 Evanston Uni. 0283 114LTN48-Ite, SUNSET RIDGE., LARGE TREES, LONG VISTAS. ,5 acres. G"s, light and Winfletka watef to the lot lino. Special value at $1,600 an acre. B3AUMANN-COOK 553 Lincoln Avenue Winuetka 3450 114LTN48-lte WO BUILDERS SPECIAL DEAL ON VACANT LOTS lu Northfleld for timuedlate building, WInn. water, low taxes, Publie Service gas and electrîcit>'. Lowest prices and terms. LEWIS T. DODDS 1750 Willow Rd. Winn.. 1111, Gre. 2738 114LTN48-ltc OSX154 PT. VACiANT SOUTH1iÀS' Wlnnetka, near schools, transportation and laite. Beautiful building spot. Cati bo had for $6,500.00. Trelephone Dearboru 6613. 114L48-tp WANTED TO SUY-VACANTr WÎLLPAY UP TO>$2,500.00 CASH FOR~ Sver>' desirable East ide lot. Private party would prefer to deal ,with owners direct. Address detailu te H. L. Storch, Palmbltve fBuilding,- -Chicago. - %.asllua ul c t- çk- --, ~ ~- -- 1 Inquire In log eabin at entrane for detaflu. TempsI# f desired. LOVELY HOME SITLES. FROM $4,000 UP Hubert W Butler AGENT TE LECPHONE HIGHLAND. PARK 930 124LTN48-tfe WE QMI'R RECAL VALUEC IN THIS perfect Col. of 9 rms. 4 bed- rmu., htd. slpg. pch. É col- ored tile bathi, lb., ige. oui rmn. ovorlooking rockgardoen ad pool. Over 1 acre of ground. Noar Highl. Mk.lit ine homesction. Mr. Rink. B3AIRD & WARNER, Inc. 790 ELM STREET, WINNETKA lVlntetka 2700 Briargate 1955 l24LTN448-îtC ACRE HOMESI1TES $800 flEACH-a ýONLY On paved road, In Northfteld townshiP. Wateri sewage and gas avalable. Lesu than mile to transp. 3 ne'w homres :built lu last year adjoining. Raise Your own vegetables-enJOY the open for reat health. TIGHE REALTY CO. 521-4th Street Wilmette 910 124LýTN48-ltc ]Uy ACREAGE IN HIGHLAND PARK. 5 aci nits N. W. Highlanud Park. GoQd gravol or concrete frontage. Per acre $800. 2 te 3 acre unitff ln Bannock- burn~. $1,600. acre, Deep 100 ft. lots lu Demar Woods. Pavlpg pald, 10w taxes, Y4mi. from Skoklê Valley. $10 per f t. Easy terme and no Iuterest. Wooded lots or acreagonuite lu Highlad Park- some have al huprovements-$412 per ft. F. B. Williams 641 Central Ave. Highland Park 3360 124L48-ltp BE SMART BUY VACANT NOW!. 1 acre near Northfleld station. .. $1,100 1: acre ou Suuset Ridge'R'a...... $ 1,500 2% aces, ail Improvemets lu and paid 1for.............. 1-.......... 4,000 Sacres quiet ahd seciuded ......$21500 Small country estato, mod. home$ 12,000 19 0-acre tarin with woods and stream, $85 per acre. LEWIS T. DODDS 1750 Willow Rd. Winn. 1111, Gre. 2738 124LTI'M*R..lf ixiSo ........... . 15................... 4x350 .................... >X200, vewOf lake ........... MURRAY & TERR: Centrai & Sherdan, Highlai '~~i 18,00TT-OONS kIWaukegau Rd., Glenview Phono Il 4tp 124LTN48-ltp 1IiLTI ceulars. 127A-V