rrani i U.iLson VISITS PARENTS Miss Martha Huif, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Raiph T, Huff, 706 Wash- ington avenue, is visiting ber parents duritig the Easter holiday 'from the Uhiversity of Illinois. Miss Huff is a: member of Delta. Gamma sorority and has just been initiated into Alpha Lambda Delta, the freshman ,girls' honorary shlatcsorority. e EASTER CANDIES johnston's famous Cele- 50 bratilon Box for only.. i. S C BOULEVARD 'ORUG STORIE. Moleenth and Central Wnl. 49 ings arc be no aÈ it 15 Pci SIiowing tion. pi<ý shown House. ýng over an hour. Thne snow- e open. to ail, and there will dmission chargés or' collection, inted out. The Good Friclay ,s wil concitade the -Bble MO- ture series whch bave been duigLent: ltv the Parish Mr. and Mrs. F. S.. Yantis, 1130 Locust road, 'are leaving- today (Thursday) f or a 1trip to California, expecting to be away about three weeks. Going first to Lès Angeles, theyý will proceed to San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle before return-. ing home. Mrs. Yantis' mother, , Mrs.. Henry Arthur Strain, is occupying the. Yantis' home during their ab- sence. -j Lymagn Phar-macyý Dr. G. Ambuehi Dr. G. Chinnock Dr.. D. R. Cu-nningham Helene Beauty Shop We are happv t welomne Vi-ubac.W c o' nmcrid y for you'r cýourage in, rcbuilding your.,new and modern offices and stores and ýtake pridc wvith i-ou in, thcir b Cuty' and complctcness. You miay noW serv 'e even more cffiienltly your many clients and customcers. Your confidence of succesý Ini this. undertaking is 'sharcd bv cach and every niember of the "L" Terminal. Business. Association, who 'with you shall strivc to better serve' an ever increasing list 'of friends, our' 'i The payments are. aai t. suit yen end yen con baves àus," or in*em* to epay. Why mot use this- om*ey sauviee AddUp whst YODu bed fer Spfut and vee us NOW. Lons u id. &Uf- N namt>a Dorelie, 708 Churci, Sf. WiI. 042 Evansfon PE:RSON'AL IFINANCI& COMPANY wilmet±e beauty shop 1137 Central.Ave. Reimard Nanuig 335 Ridge road, Wilftnette, recently was named. by the' Northuiester, uiversity faculty as one of the students in the uipper tenth of his class scholastically for Iast sernlestee. Prof.' Lovedale, N. U. Instructor, Is Dead Miss Isabel Lovedale, 42 Kenil- worth avenue, Kenilworth, Professor of voice and interpretationat North- wVestern university, anidsenior woinan member of the faculty in ýpoint oi service, died last Friday-at ber homie. Shortly after being graduated f rom Northwestern, 32 years ago,, M.\1iss ý Lovedale joined the staff of tlie school of speech. During the World war she was active in the hospital' Service at Fort Sheridan and Ini the 'Red Cross. Shie was a menber of Zeta Phi Eta sorority, the Kenilworth club. and the Kenilworth Historical society. She would hiave beeii50 years old. this month. Funeral services %were. held Mon-ý day at her- homie,. with interinent at Graceland-cem etery. She 1wa .s sur- vived by two sisters, the Misses Maryv and LouiseLovedale, with whomi she had made her'home. 1