lewel Coffees and Teas coppse ',u: ELUE JEWEL ra. ROYAL JEWEL 2:a4. PE--E-TEA--';- " XMW = LD. 2 HALF POUND PKGS. Ec 1 d7m...a.h ,éNvL Li Goyudepreaiug pvoet vitaumne auwel a laer. -,Serveite s, Seal. LOGANBERRY JUICE TM. fues 0( fruit jics. TIe aver la L>ugilve of blackbr& a r v5p. NO. Lbbns. Have oend 3a? ^ 2TALL LibbysDep Brown, B.ans 3 c"" 25, athe Week-nd4 .ing FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES AOW RIPA ALUÂkIA~PER A fl A U A~ LB PER 1115 Central Avenue, Wmee APRIL 9, 1936 ise 219 49c 24e Ceg~ Ce 19,e CANS (also 317 Park Ave #16-" -il c4e tee