CLASScRAFr m. oi~. MML W34 .son, 822 e 'Hanson is spend- r vacation from the Elinois with her par- Mrs. Richard C. Han- od avenue. MiýssNondas Rodenkirk, 911. Sher- idan road, motored toc Milwaukee over the week-end witb a few of ber frieuds. I EPMMN SIC IICREAN 39C l'reze-FIle Crton Delivered Quart-RegularY 0 Wilmette 3122 ONp 1g3ad, Winnetlma3122. HOMEAE I CE FAMS Pak33 R*rt's end Oak Swetmoct HAMS ~Wh.U l. 3 il t. 151b. Average In addition to the relays themselves, in- which the, points are . counted 10-S-6-4-2, with corresponding. ad- vantage to. the teanis which wmin in these, there will be the spécial track and field, events, with thfe five pla ces scoring 5-4-3-2-4. Morton, and Jones will be entered in the hurdies, it is planned,,with GaI- lager in the shot: putý and Fyfe in the pole vault. Eight Lap Ialy The* 8-lap relay, with. a total 'dis- tance of a littie short ýof a'mile, in which -eacb of the runners haî 390 yards. to, do, will be run for New Trier by Cowan, Barber,. Bill Mur- ray, and Coonley. In the one-lap relay there's to be Cowan, McFadzean, Shorf, and Ceonlay. Vernon, Johnson, Browne, and Harrington bave been entered in the two-mile relay. Eacb of the boys does the hall-mile in 2:11 or there- abouts. There's a xnedley relay, of 24-1-4 laps, in which New Trier will be en- tered. Carson is to run the two-lap. opener, while the two one-lappers will be selected f rom Snorf, MvFad- zean, and Barnard, and either Hotze or George Murray is to be the anchor man. Spring Football Program Begins Faced with the stiff problem of re- building anew his championship teamn of last year, Coach Walter Aschen- bacb this week was only waiting for warm weather to give bhis hundred candidates for spring. football the beginÏning of a..six-weeks' drill pro- ce his whole aed other suburbý 15 maingt5~FmA pian ur *.iLic son. to begin on* April 20'aiainst Deerfield igh - schoýol on tbe High- land Park school's diamofld. 1The season wiIl begin With a bang, because,. due to New Trier's spriflg vacationt, which comfes next week, the schedule will bie shortened by runrnng three, games- within, the space of four days. The other two early contests will be on April 21, against Proviso at, Maywood, and on April 2ý3 witb Wau- kegan at New, Trier. last year's squad. They are Glover, a junior, wbo will probably play. in' the outfield -wben not on mound duty, because of his heavy, bitting âbilityp and Wade, another letterman, who is a senior, this year. New"conierpitcjhers. on the squad include Brun and Thompson, juniors who came up to the varsity from the freshman-sophornore team. After completing the three-year course at Northbrook Higb scbool, Dehne, now a senior, is to play for New Trierý He's the only soutb paw on the pitcb- ing staff. Hurd, the sixtb man on tbe hurling staff, is a junior who has nôt taken active part in baseball up to this year. Captalina t Firat For the infield, Coach Grater will have Captain Del Morton at first base - Driscoil, who played on New Trier's great football team last fait, at second; Haas, a basketball man, is to play at third witb Ulrich at, short. In the outfield there are Fisher, a basketbali man, Carlson, a football player, and Crittenden and.Spredes, both of whom played, for Coach Grater on New, Trier's cage team, thS, winter. -w-i1h.. Glover. w ivho lead the in. wth .414. been. fourtn in t that évent.. lie placea Icbai iship race in vac; out eof tbe he field ied wiit1i wouIGd. e pos51D1 to w(