Baster service. .l a. m. Commnniaion service .......12 noon Luther league ........ 5:30 p. m. BOLY WEEK szEyVICBS Rôou opmkuhuion-'Xhufsday évenin.- at 8 o'clock. Good Friday Union servié-1Z to 3 p.m. at theé St, Augustine>. Episcopai church.oichrh t Nvenln1fg service at'oré rt e The munie for the Elaster service next Sunday le . fioa orgau Preiude--histus 1ReurreXit. Ânuei-Âwake. Uttei a song .-Case 'Thé Senior Choir Anthm-Hsana.........Granier The junior Choirý Pestiude."Aliegre,.. Symphony Ne. fi.. Viéorl oiinsty ...Widor HoIy' Communion viiil'be adminis- tered et the service this.evening (Thurs- day) at 8 o'Açck. A fineý group of peopple have mnade application for Mem- bership ln' oui' church and wii l' e re- eeried into menibershlp at this service. Uet us make this Hloy Week one of sinoere prayer and reconseeration. At- day ïjtriing at 8 o'ciock. Junior choir rehéarsai -, Saturdtiy morning at 10 o'ciock.' 'Te Church séhoohl ldren are s'e- ininded to bring thé fiowers for the Cross whleh viilb. assembiéd during the Church school heur on Easter Sun- day. W. Invité you to attend our Uaster service at '11 o'eiock. Tnmmeae1Y iVfniiêwie'the Uatsr a very Interestung program. B~e mure te Corné!1 Thé Womnan's aociety vili meet on Thuraday aftrnoon, April 16, at 2 o'elook, at thé home of Mis, William Linlberg, 647 Garland, Winnetlqa. Arrangements are veR ulidér' ay for théeceell'brapton of. ou i fit»téétbanniver- prayers and hymna and an addrs. Thé adâresses wlil'bel'ased on thé seven "Sgayings of Our Lord on thé Cross.»l Thé addreisses iil'be given l'y thé ministers of thé various churchés.,Wor- shipers, attendilng- are fre to corné and go as they pléase, as an opportun-. it iil' e .afTordéd atthé close of éach. 25minute priod., The order of preach- èere viiil' e as foliovs* Thé eNé. P. J., Tromp, thé Rev. Hubeért Careton, -the Rév. J.,G., Hfindley, the Rev. George D. Allison, thé R Pev. 'Amos Thornburg, thé 11ev. Daid 'R. Kabele, and the Rev. J. T. Veiektl3en. There wiiil' e ne Wednesday éveninr service ln Holy 1 Week, l'ut thèré viii l'e a short service.,wlth addréss on Mfaundy Thursday evéning (tonight), at 8. Thère viiil'be a short_ dévotional1 service ln thé church vhen thé Boys' choir' viii sing: "'the Story of thé Cross" on Good Priday évening at 8. ,tthe .concluelo!1 of hieh the, .n gregatien viii adJourn. te thé Pariait lieuse te see thé devotional moving picture et thé lite ef Our Lord. Thé dévotionai moving picture et. thé lite of Our Lord viiil' e show11 twfce ln thé Parisit liuse on Good Prlday. at 4 p. m. and .8 p. m.: éach ahowing lasting somethine ovér an' heur. AIl are veicome t6 either ef t hèse showIngs.1 iiev. Geéorge D. Allilson, pastor. Easter Day, thé climax ocf thé 'Chris- tian year, copies again on Sunday. Our young people viii . participate ln thé sunrise service In the First Congrega- f-lonaI church at 7:30 vith tbhese. 'et neilghbor churches, ln connection vîit a Communion and an Nastér breakfast. Thon thé Churoli ichool vili observei thé dav' with départinent pregrams. In thea Senir n artment J. Tanis .aemne Thé Three Heurs of the Cross wil be cornmemorated on Good ff'rday l'y the Wilmette churchés In a commun~- ity service .at St. .Augustine's Episcopai churel', 12 te 3 o'cioek, witi sevén ministers particiipating. Bach Inter- Preto one of thée'<Seven Last Word." of Jésus, Dr. AlUseon spéaking t 1:25 <Wclock on thé. tourth word. There nrè aise leep services l'y thé cooperatingý churches,'at. Firat:Methodist Temple. fer those, werklng downtown. On Tuésday, April 14, thé. trustees will hold th'eir final meeting et the fiscal year. At this timé arrangements willi le made for the annuiil meetinoe of thé ,church, May 13.ý Thé Budget conimiitte la novengaged ln canvass- lng the. meml'ership for subecripýtions for thé coitng year. Kenilworth Union Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister Dr. Wiiiett's sul'ject for Sunday, April 12. w.i1ii l' Thé Confident Mmnd'"'a thème appropriaté to «Eastér Sundayr. Baptistn vii l' e adinisteredand mi-m- hors recèivéd into thé c hurch. Thé church service ls at Il o'ciock, 'The SundlalJ mehool iWl!!l hld J& Easter exércises and distribution of flowers In the church gymnasiuin at thé usuai finie 9:45 a. m. Thé Sunday scho providiàs classes for chiidrén between thé ages ef the kindergarten an~dthe-..high sêhool.' Vie-, itors are weicome. First Congre gational: The TRev. John G. Hindiey, mnistér Prelude-Qild Easter Meiody (11()F1111 et Filiae").......... ............ West Carols-. "'Jésus Christ Is Risen". ....Traditional "Thé Ttrée Hoiy Women'l....Gaul Mary Magdaiene._.......... Warren Anthèm-'Worthy , IoThés Laml"'(Mes- siait).............Handel OffertoryAnh -Th Rsurto' .... .. .. .c... .. .r. Quartett&-"In théE'Ind of thé, Sabbath", .Speaks- Pestu4e-Aiiè ..a........... Dub'ois Miss Emily Roberts, organist director at St. &Augustines uptscopal cnurrcn fer thé copmutity. Board meeting cf thé Woman"i; Guiid at il o'wcock at thé cbureh on Priday, Aprîl 10. Woman'sGuiid breakfast at 12:»30 P. m. Friday, April 10. 1Thé Question oft'the circies viii bé voted upon at this time., The meeting viii be: diaiissed In, ordér te unité vlth thé community service. at the Épiscopai church. A dessert benéfit party wil l'be given by thé Créscent circlé.. April 19, it 'l 'elock at the'homéet Mrs. Fred White.. 2810, Garrison .street, FZvanston. ,Mrs. Fre ParyIs In charge of the arrangé- mene A Feiiewship church dinner vii l' e held Thursday, April 16, lat 6:45, ln.the Dining room. A Social Haif Heur 6:15 te. 6:45 viii providé accluaintance be- tween the old mombers and the n-cw. Our own Dr. Stoffi3r of Madura, India. -viii visit us and l'e our speaker. The dinner will l'e servedl'y the North-West citrcle. Bunday-l,:80 a. m.-H;Iigh necheol Sun- rise. Communion service; 9:*30 a. m.- Primary and Junflir departmnent hiarch s chooi;- 10:45 a. m.-Morning church, service; 10:45- a. m.-Beginners' de- partmnent; 10:45 a. m.-World t"r1erdéii greup. Tuesday-3 :30 p. m.--Camp Fire Girls. Wédnesday 3.-3 :0 p. m. -Brewnies; 7:30 p. m.-Boy Scout Troop No. 2., Thursday-8 :30 p. m.-Gfrlis choir ré- héarsal; 4 p. m.-Boys' choir rehearsai; 6:30 p. .-Senior choir rehéarsai; 7:45 p. i.-Maundy Thursday service; 7:80 p. m.-Boy Scout Troop No. 1.- 1 Saturday-10 :30 a, . cil~ hoir ré- hearsai; il a. m.-Boys' choir rehearsal. S.John', Lutheran 8 P. nm., Haundy Thursday-In Ger- man, with Holy Communion; 'pré- paratory service, 7:45 P. m. 8 P. m., Good PFriday-In English, with Hoiy Communion; préparatory service, 7.45 P. m. 6:30 a. - m.-Farly moru Easter serv- ice. e :15 a. m.-Easter service, in Germani, 9:30 a. m.-Sunday achool and Bible classes. il1 a. m.-Easter service, In Engiish. Monçiayý, with eutral avenue. y, 8 p. mn. .....................................................................................-'co--il Ivteyo .t orhi wt [auny Tursay ervce t 746 us on this great day of thé Cfiristiant auny Tursay ervce t 745Church. the auditorium etf thé church. Théenmusic arranged for the service thème 'Trhée ening of Sacri- by Miss Urina Rounds, directorviiil'be as toleva: prélude, "Christ Triumph- 1 mnusie l'y the choir and 'juartet ant," Yen; nhm TeyHv aè va. .Away My Lord," Stainér;e soie, "Heu- -Good FridaY Musie from jsana," n. r E8 dOis ffertery fa~vi5K Am