Nominate Candidates for New T146reiWilmette, Ke nilwor&h Posta -Withou6t OpPou.tion High ýschool and grade school borsof educationw iil be electid this Saturday in New'Trier township. Pols- wtt! open at noon and will close at 7 o'clock in the evening. Polling place for both elections will be the Byron C. Stolp school for -Wîlmette, and the gyniasium of tbe Joseph Sears àchool, Keniiworth. In .ail tbree cases, candidates have been.1nominated without opposition. Two members of the New Trier High school board of education are. to be chosen for: three-year termns. Both candidate~s whose naines.,wil appear on the ballot are incumbents. They are Herbert Mulford, 835 Elm- wood avenue, Wilmnette, and Abe R. ,Peterson, 227 Raleigh road, Kenil- Preident fer 0. Ymr On the Wilmette school ballot will appear the naines of Henry E. Cut- er,- 407 Central avenue, to succeed :himself ýas president of the board for a term of one year. For inembers of the board, for ternis of thrce e ars. avenueý i wo are to be electecl. Two members of the Kenilworth school board are also to be elected for 'a terni of three years. On the baàllots will appear the narnes of Mrs. Virginia Ellis, 2207 Cumberland avre-' nue,.and Harry Williams, 205 Oxfordi road. Health Center's ClJiniç Thanks Tu EDITORI8 NOTrE The Public Forum contribution$ f0 be found in ,iitikise clina seeral tweeks of discuion th rough %tirismedium 0f imPortatat information cotiieriiing candidates:fodbe voted *pou i ifte Primna.ry elec lion Tuesday, APffl. 14. While titis nw-aaieassumes, no Pes pànsibility f07 thé statements appear- ing iù these, commimications, if bças, altuys,,opeiied its coluis'fo frec and fIli discussion of candidates and issues involved in the Prinary election coan- Paign. . If lihas been our pleassure - i fhus encourage openî hri#htt exr change of viewst. Reade-rs are againt rerninded litai thi Public Forum 'belongs fo fenai a <suinies> affording as il dots a means of preseDittng theïr ztews on maffers of generail iaierest and concern in thet com»:unity. It is our hope f/sot generous use wviU be made of te Public Porum ftrouigitout lteyear. FOR HARRY .9. DITCHBU RNEÉ Editor, WiLmtTer Lipe: It would be a novely to elect a State's Attorney for Cook county Who is experienced in the trial of criminal cases, one who could actually take personal charge of any 'case that came in his office, no niatter how grave or important, and ýprosecute it to a successful conclusion. Such a, mian could abiy supervise the wôrk of bis assistants and see that they were efficiently preparing their cases, and the candidate best fitted for this posi- tion is Harry S. Ditchburne, former Assistant State's Attorney. Lawyers should know, regardless of politics, who are the able menibers of their profession, and the Chicago Bar As- with' thé lay on "-ehand every obJoefloft ralsed by the dofenso, and, belni uiert, thorough and accurate, the case wau per- fectly pregonte&. Though the trial wu» au actual phys1eal $train oit hlm towarl the. end ho didunot lot.down lu the loaet The, vlctojry for hlm was e eevd~ The writer of this letter was for - merly an office associate of mr. Ditchburne- and has personal .lcnowl-ý edge of his efficiency and1 high. quali- ties. It is, respectfully. urged, that we, look forward and beyond the pri- maries and nominate a candidate that ail New Trier can support next No- veniber. John B. ]Boddie', 1730 Fiorest avenue, Wilmette.. EXPRESESAPPRECIATION April 7, 1936 Editor, WILMEm T t* <: At this tîme 1 wish to thank you for'ihe consideration shown me dur- ing this campaign. It is indeed a ble'ssing that your publication is available for the pur- pose of delivering a message to the people of our district. 1 had flot heretofore realized the extreme im- portance of a community newspaper. To me its value bas been inestimable aiU i'UU1ispenbie parE or OUF VUIU munity. Very. truly yours, Clark E. Nolan, D e mi o c r a t i c candidate for New ..Trier- Township tom- mitteemian. fAnnual Town Meeti no Doval- ope Proicamnt; Seek Ways of Using, Funds Despite the fact that "the Town of New Trier has not levied, a tax since 1933, it finds itself with, sè much money on hanid that the .greater, part of the, annual Town'imeeting, held at the Village hall in Winnetka Tues- day. aftrnoon was devoted to. discus- Sion oüf suggested legal methods for spending some of it. >The gteater part of this surplus, it was explained, resulted from exce ss commissions turned over to the town- ship by. Tax Collector Sanhoru Hale from> the. 1934 collection. Mr. Hale agairi led ail town collectors in the. county in amount of collections, and has turned over to the township $17,- 795.00. As a, result of a change in the status the 1934 collection was put back on the old basis, as a result of whichthe township received $11,429.- 92 more than it, would have received otherwise. Matou a N- Medeatmr Frederic G. Mason was elected moderator of the meeting. There were twenty 'citizens present, the largest group at a' session of this fund; Township Highway G ommis- sioner Lloyd C., Ayres and T'ownship Health Oficer Dr. H. A. Orvis were received and plaved on'111e. Have PS,47.1 The report of Sirpervîsor Thurston showed receipts in the general fuud for the fiscal year ending March (Continued on Page 5) An important b the Miinuette Kn will be held nexi April 13, in the Central avenue. by, refreshinents. WULMTTUE sodge hall at H Iteolus at, ewas Most ta tes. He was.m .mani.