s- These two new English wasbablg doeskins.will tbrill ber *to ber fingere' tips. The first bas a' slasb. back with. bookless fastener. It c çornmes in white with- red, green or brown, $SUR. The otber is a new tailored style ii wbite with red, or green stitching, $2.95 pair. A PERSONAL, INTIMATE GIFT IS ONE THAT, Strictly feiiniiinie this 5-stranid string of pearis W'ith fili-, gree clasp ivill be particularly suitable to wear witb the uew G ib so n Girl fashion s. 0.- Monograrnmed fobe continue their popu- iarity for wearwitb nman tailored fasb- ions. 3 initiais in a leatber mounting of iuggage tan or pig- skin. $L. WILL-BE LONG FIRST FLOOR - EVANSTON STORE~ Alto êt Our Chicago $lore 1~ GIVE. A MAN: A GIFI HE:: CAN WEAR- Just sbow us: a mnan;Who wouldnt. like: a suit of these beautiful silk pajamas. In blue,: mnaroon, peach orgreen piped in a coIop to, contrast, $4 a suit. REMEMBERED quisite perfunfie in a green, red or yeI-, low egg slbaped box, $3'a set. A verv feininine gift-Coty's new Gar- denia perfume ili two sizes-$Z.SO or ,$5. Three bottles of toilet water are packed ini this Lerenthic set for Easter, $ 1.95 Easter. White or yel- low. gold filIed, $1 each. The one gif t that is always top witb men is a bandtailored tie., DOX.> -J pacts, cases ai 'fume blx APIRIL _9, 19361 WILMBTTB LIFE per- 'S.