TALK ABOUT LOW PRICIES! For Mony Teors Thifs Lau.adry Service 'S@Ud for Scg- Pound.' OLD MEDAL DAMP WASH Garo.teed I. Icefthe PiÉeit M00 ou a. y CHIEF WASH CO. Phone Enterprise 5500 (No Toil Charge) QUITE THE" CORRECT EVANSTON ADDRESS "If you know what you like (and we think you do) you'U liïke the Oak Cret In the pIeasant atmos- Root Photo What type of mansionuoukl :yoti choose for Your d«ughter?. The Mal- iiiiekrodt* High school Dramatic club wiill help to provide au an.rwcr to' that question. Sanday oepcingi., A prit 26, «at 8:30 o'clock,' wheU it presents "Mansions" in, the' school ariditoriumi, ïWilmewttc. The tast, show» above, iv- cludes: (stading, 14i 1ta rz1mt) Alice Meyer, Yvonne Singer, Betty Janre HNu- macker, Ann Hoffmnann, Marguerite Renich, an&d Florence Schmidt; (seated, left to right) Wilmna Brodesser, Rose Marie Krier, MVary Katheryln Schiller. Helen Gibbons, and Barbara Guenot. CA NDIDA TE National College to Observe Sth Year The National College of IE4uca, tion ini Evanston will open the cele- bration of its 5Otlh anniversary with a dinner for the officers Tuesdav.- MissjElizabeth Htarrison, the. toundc- er of the college, will address a col-. lege assenibly after dinner on -the early bistory of the National-Col- lege of Education. The college was established ïi 1886 as "Miss Harrison's Training School," the first classes beiingfield in the original Art, institute build-ý ing ini Chicago. The "Mothers Class," started by Miss Harrison at about the saine urne, becaine the first '"Mothers Congress" ini 1894 and, later still, the National Associa- is easy lo AU ApA&T oE NIT- HOT Et AT j1170 EVA NSTOm OAIC AVENUE record for absolute fairness to the poor, see ta h as well as the rich, made his re-elections is falrly va certain. energy, abili Ih ob George Barrett's father la one ot tew ini the hand judges who ever reslgned frorn the county han bench, having quit his circuit court post ground towu ln 00 alter live years, service during tak matte rà ng QI propei ,ven me ex 1 a Just adJug at corne befo Il * ,id, -I wilI ýax payer$ ve all the 1 have to experleiice s ln Cook ent backè- 'tion-of al lie board."