Because1 of the iticlernent weather lait week, we are re- paigthe invitation to the two-hundred memnbers who bave already signed Up, or signified ýtheir intention of doing so, to corne out this week-end, Saturday aternoon and Sunday, and take a swing around the 'course. While this is too earfr our orai opening, the large, commodious club houme will kb open and itirnight b. well for. you to.,Corne out: and select,,your lockers.. As you know, enough golfers. are signing Up 80 that; the plan to ake this a private club is assured of succe3sa. The convenience and. many ad- vantages that WilmetteGolf Club offers. makes the $75 memdbership for 1936 a wonderful value.- Cail Davis 8106 before it's too late. .Wilmette Golf Club mUfnvy btwoem WU..ff. mmd hmvl.w e. Lake Avm. Ffr st Qumity EASTER.- ILILIES 1lra nhÉOOm varionscolora the plan". a Lloyd Holli dynight. t an earlier hour. A std rter piersonnel of appro.i of interested people kept thse people bu.i'y unti late Saksi- Lehie Photos I AB màeýme ael- vited mto attend a dinner at theO cub iloum on F ri daY evenibg April 17, at 6 p. mi. for the pur- porn8o of slecting t h vions cem - uaileece