"American Vignettes," It is consid- cred a program of smart, sophisticat- ed, impelling theater. Uer repertoire is as varied as Katherine Cornell's or.Eva LaGalliene, with this differ- enice, that'Frances Homert's vehicles are ait from her own pen. Her Pro'. grams offering versatility and the artof a skilled actress have received, much commendation., Mr. Miller has sung in opera and Conicert wth merited success'and,.is, starred on radio proigrams over 'na- tional chains. The luncheon is Wednesday, April 29; the place, the Edgewater Beach' hotel, the bour is 12:30 o'çIock. To Meef for: Breakfast Before ChurchService: An April breakfast at the church at 12:30 o'elock Friday, April. 10, will take place of the usual one o'clock luncheon of the Woman's guild of the Wilmette Congregation- ai church. The East End, circle will serve. The question :of rearranging the membership of;the seven circles will corne up for, voting at this time, and it is hoped- that a large number of members from ail of the circles wil be present to cast their votes. After the breakfast, guild mem- bers will attend the Good Friday service in~ St. Augustine's Episcopal chu rch. The board meeting of the guild will be held at Il o'clock in Pilgrim hall. Mrs. C. L; Darling is the president of the guild. Skokie Vmfley D. A. R. Holds April ýMeetingc Mrs Fred erick Bowes, M rs. J. Kelso Farley, Jr., and Mrs. Charles A;- Whetstn will he the hostess Mon in navy, whîite, or bled.o New Bright Colored Fabric Gloves, $ 1 st raw is rlght for your laster but $ 5.95 A grand iiewcolIectiow of t4e loveIeit Easter bfits you'v. ever seen et this exceptiomalIy low pricel Trm fltt fe bre- tons of senit straw (illustrated> for your tailleurs ... straws *with flowers end veils. . . large brimmed mushrooims of rough cbup sfraw <iusfrated). ... ev.ryfthing new ànd sm &H: Art craft. Town Chiffons mdd sheer b.uuty t. £ester cosh.u.s $1.35 The ere's shcer fashion. in Ai+cr*fts. .yot becaupi ,tbey. fit right, they'Il wear right. -And bore re i two rnost fashion-important shedes for buer... Pranks, a rkch copper thot wil accnt any color, end Blue Heaven made epeciily for- blues end groyus. two ... a low neelT Istrap sendalt or tailleurs ana a sandal oxford for.dressier costumes. EDGAR A, STE VENS# 1624 Evons1u~ and 2627.