forn. Ma0y %wne, brown. violet, gray., $29.50. Swagger coat in theli c iàus, new coWr May in, srich and heêdy as fhic name implies. 'The luxuelos coller is gjrey Canadi 4on Wolf. $39.50. A noay Suit with aàgalant -swin ing jaclet lined In faoffefa which whispérs yeas you walk. Shoei wool nov.Ity. fab ric.l $28-00., *ciel Easter coats, only one or oof à kind, in fleeces and ,Ilfy W.eave, fleeces. Swagger in à vari.ty of Sprinq colors. mo»retaf his price when thes ini Bemborgs,. sheers, pure dy. silks, ami prlnted chiffons. The. but colors are Jubonnet, Miar, ,biis, powder blue, aqua, green, ami qré , and the always-gooýd black or navy with lingerie 'trim. -Size 12 l 20 1 612to26V2and 38Sto44. $1.0Aiso a. group, of.. 12.95 and "$1.95., Second floor Second Fieor 4: Kàyser 0O-Kay Gloves $1 * ""Where did you get that marvelous hat?" "1. bouglit it, at LORD'S wkere te collection this'year is simply stunning. And so rea- soneblo, toc." Easter SA.LE of Handýkerchiefs Part icularly timcly is this sale of belter quaityhankerchiefs. Pure qlify, 39 e acth, 2 for 75.C qlitn 39te asthenkifos,75C Brightf printed linens, 3 for SOC ami 2 for 50C. Street Floor_ WILMETTE LIFEARL ,13 APRIL ge 1,936