Iàspector Thomas J. Lynch, inspector for Cook and Lake counties, it is ex- plained that the practice of burning rural areas resuits eacb year ini in- juries to frees, both young and old,, as well as to game and bird life, and every brancb of' the department is called upon to restrict* the practice. It is hoped the public wiIl appreciate the importance of tbe- warning and cooperate iii every way in the con- servation movement. The.department also calîs attention to the fact- that sôme type 'of flushing bar should be used, particularly where any mowing is done during the nest- irlg season. Mowing should be avoided, it is cXPlained, during.that period, insofar as possible. Mason Confident of Vitory Next Tuedy In the closing days of the pre- primary campaign William Mason. 419 Ninth street, Wil1mette,ý demo- cratic candidate for representative ini congress from the lth district, is supremely confident that victory will perch upon bis banner, and that he will be elected in November. Op- posing him in the primary is Charles, J. Wightman of Grays Lake. Mr. Mason, who is weIl known tbrougbout the district because of- his long experience in the building, contracting, mortgaging and real estate business, began his campaign immediately following the elections of 1934,-and bas kept consistently at it ever since. He has probably con- tacted more individual voters than any other candidate on either ticket. His platform provides for the abolish- *ment of taxes on real estate for theý small home owner by Federal legis- lation, thus compelling the states to follow ý in order to receave go.vern- ment benefits. Among other planks in bhis platf'ormi are old age pension s, unemploymenti..insurance and the re- establisbment of bank credit for the small business mari. Mr. Mason was 'born and has always lived in tbe ltb district. winner of Tbe Jeffery Amherst' Com-j petitive scholarship and i8 averaging among the highest in schôlarship and college bonors. Pi Kappa Alpha Siates Alumni Meet for April 24 Tbe68tb anniversary of the found- ing of. Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity will1 be celebrated by the alumni, of Chi-c cago. and suburbs at a banquet to te beld at tbe Auditorium hotel on Aprilf Chairman of the banquet is Roy Rylander. Mark Love, WGN singer, is ini charge of the entertainent. The undergraduate chapter from' Northwestern will attend in a body- AMHERST GUESTS Twenty north shore high scbool boys. were guests at the Amnherst Glee club .concert, and dance at the Drake 'hotel April 2, attended by.i50 alumni, friends,, and guests., go to the be Bay and El teacher asso( 1001 Parent- >115., ARRIVE FOR VISIT Mr. and* Mrs. John M. Morehead of- Rye, N.1 Y., arrived last Friday for a. short visit with *Mrs. More- heads motber, M)rs. George Birk- boif, 3 29 Warwick road, Kenilworth. They came tobe here for Mrs. Birk- boff's birthday. and are.returning east. tbis week. NATION-WIDE $PRIINB COME IN! SEE THE SPECIAL MISPLAY. A sewing club, of which several young women from Kenilworth, are. members, was entertained at lunch- con Wednesday of this week by Mrs. Allen Kiddý of Highland Park. SHORE LIN! MOTORS, I:NC. 726 Em. St. Whmetka. Ill.