to the annuai meeting of the Health board, held- at the township offices i the Village hall,'Winnetka, Tuesday evening.. The.-miembers ofth board are: Township Supervisor', Mrs. Gertrude M. Thurston; Township Clerk, lirs. Margaret S. Pierson; and, Township, Asssso H.Si. Marshall. Dir. Orvis'-report follows: The general health conditions dur- ing 1935 hav e been favorable., How-? ever, the incidence. of communicable disease witb a, total of 35 isgreater than some years. The bulkof these cases, were. German measies_ and mumps which occurred in each case eleven times. The complete list of ail reported communicable diseases is as follows: Measies .... ....6' Wbroopling Cough .Il... ............4 Scarlet Fever .........3.... . . . . . . 1 . . . % .. .i l Gerilian Iteales ... ......l 35 Incidence la Higli The incidence of communicable dis- ease. in this area and ini the state at. large was unusually highi and the relative number of cases here is not greater, than that experienced else- where. Some of the more ser 'ions dis- eases asdiptheria, infantile -paralysis, meningitis, typhoid fever and small- pox did flot occur. Most of the cases wer .e seen at least once for establishment or re-. lease. from quarantine. There were also 9 nursing calîs fr"om this office, exclusive of work done by Mrs. Bliss throughi the Wilmette ciinic. At the Child Welfare conference in August 28 children attended fromi Northfield and the township. These received physical and,dental examina- tien and advice. There have beeni 20 babies and 8 preschool childreri attending, the in- fant wélfare clinic. There have been 51 nursing catis f1or the following purposes: February, ±VLrLLI, £1jpily via june. There were three cases each, of scarlet fever and mnunlPs in February; one each of ineasles and whooping cough, six of mumps and three of a CONVE *'SYNDIC PRICE. per front féoo (Stbiect ta change without notice) eINVESTIGATE. NO- OBLIGATION R.B. -WH ITAK .C0 'Real Cst «te . Building *Insurance Loana 14eCnter Street, Winneth Winnetka 3250 Robert Merrimanl 644 Green Bay road, Kenilworth, received high praise recently from Ieuding Chi- 'cago critics, for his outstandi ng work in "Secret Service," a federal theater prolect. North Shore Girls Are Honored at Wellesley Three former students at New Trier High school were honored at Wellesley college recently upon the occasion of an award assembly. Miss Jean Brownell and Miss Janet lege News. Miss Eileen Burke, a junior bas been named a "Wellesley College Scholar," the second in ranking to the "Durant Scholar." RETRNTO KENILWORTH Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt S. Stiliman moved a week ago Monday from 1011 Ash street, Winnetka, where they have been living recently, into their former home at 7(17 Tent rn2a . en- Total numnber of calse made ln be- hait of Patients............... Attendanee at Chid Welfare Confer- ece ........................... Âttendance Babies te 1 year ......... Attendance Preschool age. group. Climn g.Yet I nexpensive Gr»nnIaf 2450 MIAKES