The exposition3, whichi looms as onie of' the most important civic eventb siiice A Cenitury of .,Progress, it is announced, will appeal to men as well as womien in the character of entertainment that has been afrranged andi in the business aspect which will be reflected by the hundreds of. in-. dustrial exhibits which wll.reveal the, wares, products and services of lead- ing ,manufacturers. ."T he pageant wilI be of ýequal ii:- terest to both, sexes," said %frs.,Bur- nett Dewey Warner, iis president. **Women hope through the medium, of the exposition, to do their part in leading the. country, back to pros- perity. Statistics indicate that women dishurset 85 cents of every dollar. spent, own 70 per.cent of the wealth in America and hold 65 per cent of ail saviligs accounts." The proceeds of the 1ageant willý go-toth benefit funds 'of the club organizations and church groups iden- tified with the movement. -Many or*ý ganizations have been forced to abani- don or curtail their. charities because of econonic stress during the last fwyears. More than a, dozen, women's clubs have contracted. to reveal to the public the ir various activities. An active force of more than 2,000 club womnen is, undertaking to selI 2(X),000, tickets in adance of the opening. Famous American woinen who have gained distinction ini public life will Mrs. Homer. H. Johnson, 158 Mel- rose avenue, Kenilworth, and ber two daughters, Isabell and Caroline, have been home about a week or ten days from Florida where they had been for a number of weeks., They divided their time between St. Peters- burg and Florence Villa. Mrs. John- son' s mother, Mrs. Carrne Horton, w ho makes her home here and was also ini the south with her daughter, arrived home Monday of this week. Visits in Floreda ýMrs.- Warren Pease, 320 Leicester road, Kenilworth, left Thursday, of last week for Clearwater, Fia., to be- the guest of MXrs. Robert O. Law of Kenilworth for, about three weeks.- At the endi of that -time, Mrs. Pease and ,Mrs. Law are motonring home to Kenilworth together. ^T -H M INEVANSTO1 BOYS' SWEATER SUITS --the Dunmoor, with Brit- ish striped wool jersey sweater, broadcloth blouse and Ilined wool flannel1 shorts. Practical, Bm>art, a 64W Y," Sizes 4 to 10 years BOYS', RUGBY SUITS Among the outstandig features will be an laborate style show to bc staged ini a colorful setting desigiicd by an artist who contributed much to the artisticemnbellishmùents of A Cen- tury of Progress.. The st age will be iii four tiers measuning 1.145> feet overal in Ieilgthi, 9 feet at its greatest hieight and 28 feet wide overall. Woinen imniortals of history will bc given a coiispicuous place in the selection of 'vocations. Those Who apply will be given assistance ini de- terminiftg the career best suiteti for their ability, Leading educators anid P ~j) K m-J. - - .1*'te o 4~ HIENRY C. LYTTOi Ordsgt.« and Cburc"-. L.-ni Open.Tues., Thurs. and Sa.1