.DWTN.. Under New Management OÛPENS FOR THE 1936 SEASON Soturday;, Mtiy 23rd 0W. will b. delighted to haveyou cail, write, or telephone for de. mils and information. * OFFICE 1001 - Field BIdg. Adamts & La Salle St., Chicago Telepirone. Randolph 0077 *-r Fer- _ 0 Fr yýurenjêyrent we ofler yu these attractions whnch jou will C 0y cs,seasn more Ln ever beore. The enchantment of fifteen acres of lawns, ravines, woods, bathing beaches. You'Ill lad the roonis large, cool, cheerful. De- liehtfül recreation faciiies. Excel- lent food. 45 minutes to Chicago.' C5eWASHIN'GTON THIS POIPUIAR WAY Most interes8t- Ing of l the world's capitals,. ýWasrhington lin-. v itèeu! 'If Yeu wànthistoryand. patriotismmade real te your faux. ily plan a visit te Washington this season'-.. LOW COST TOURS April 13-18-26 *DSAPPOINTMENT .... The return engament played here by Old Man' Winter certainly put. a crimp in Wilniette sea scout plans. The boys.had worked bard in order to get their 40-footý cruiser in the water this. last week-end. Unfor- tunately, snow and. cold weather made it impossible to finish necessary last minute odd, jobs before launching., The delay, although te be regrett-ed, bhas served mérely to heigbten tbe an- ticipation of, the first trip down tIhe river and up, the lake.. jack, Barnard, Edwin Colegrove.- Edgar Goelz. Jim Musson, and,,Claude Smith are the boys wbo bave washed and painted the huil of' the cruiser. The cruiser is' spotless iii its new wbite and. green. coat and bas tbat much-desired, sbipsbape appearance. Some of the rither boys ithe Orip have indicated t heir willinigness to ,help i fitting out. They have been unable, bowever, to arrange their programis so as to be present during working bours at the sbipyard. There will be plenty to do on tbe vessel after it ig brougbt up to Wilmette 'Harbor and it wilfl then b e tbe turri of tbose boys wbo bave not a s yet done anyv work thisi season. MJFET AT CABIN fThe Scoutmasters, Assistant Scout- masters and Commissiotners of the Nortb Shore Area counicil will ineet at the Cabini-iin-te-Woods. %west. of Glencoe, next Tuesdav eveiîiner at 7:45 o'clock. The meetiniz %will be one to discuss the snring prozram 6of..the council as it affect the Scouts o(f the variotis trooos and the events in which troops will participale. An important point of discusssion %vill b)e the summer caing prograni at Camu Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. Tbe meeting will be in charge of p.B acsn IWINS In a MEET contest. Trooin', Ithie activities service ofthte diîvision of program; Harvey Cordon, nation- al- camp engineer, and Charles N. Miller, assistant director of the di- vision of operations. Mr. Keane will devote bis entire time to. the senior program for the older Scouts.of tbe scout troops; Mr.. Barclay will discuss special projects andi demonstrate activitieÉs, Mr. Gor- don- will Iead the group in, bis section iii troop camnping, discussion, *hile Mr. Miller wilI. devote bis attention to the local council-fintance programn and prob1ems.. .These seminarÉ are being held in seven different places througbout. the four states of Region Seven, Illinois, Indiana, Wtýiscon, sin- and. Michigan. RFGISTRATIONS Registrations for Camp Ma-Ka-Ja- WVanîindicate a full. camp this sum- nier at tbe: North Sbore- Area coun- cils camp site n ortheast of Antigo, -Wis. Within the week -following th<x de- li-very of the. camp folder to, the Scouts of the various, troops, over 50 periods (two weeks each) were reserved for the 1936 season. The camp has a capacity of 480 boy periods in the six weeks it will be operating this summer. The present speed with which registrations are coming into the council office indi- cates that there will not be roomi for the late-comers and that it will be necessary 'for applicants to put the name on the dotted line very sooni, indicating the periods they wouild like to attend. A number of the troops of the council are planning to. go to camp this summer as a regular troop, the majority of the troop membersbip going to camp together and under their own leadership. The camp is divided into six sinaller camps, giving troops tbe opportunity- of doing that and remaining an indepen- dent troop even, at camp. Scout-, masters cari work out their own pro- grams with the belp of an expert camp staff and cari use as mucb of the personnel *of the staff as tbey Mav né»d nal . leaders ar different a Evanston 0 ten o'clock -Mrs. William McGibbon, 201 SIrer.- o'clockin idan roiLd, Kenilworth, will entertain the members of ber bridge club at will take luncheon and cards Wednesday, April grQup dis-15 the North on Sunday, in themi the afterno Four na charge of