Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Apr 1936, p. 68

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GEORIGE Fe BAI REPUDLICAN £ANDIDATZ APPEL.S C, Coo kCuf Is a state, men wi and child in %vithi pride as of intelligent nois, look w< nomistake!1 om every man, wornlar the state can point to evidence of the action voters. Voters of Ilii- .1l to .your ballot, make In electing IlenUA.urie rn voters will havie a &nImitteeman who is absolutely and positively free from Chicago political machine control or factional influence-a mnan whose business affairs are in, no- way an obstacle. to his independence. SEES FOWLER AS "IYES MAN" FOWLER VS. GARDNER April 7. 193() Eitor, WiLIMETTELliPS Editor, WiLMETTM LîE: There has been'much discussion lit As one, of those who persuaded y-our "Public Forumf" as to the quali- Henry A. Gardner torun for Repub)li- fications of Henry Fowler of Wil- can, Township Committeetnan for'mette and Henry.A. Gardner of Win- New Trier'at the coming Prirnary On netka, the candidates for Republkia April l4th, I.arn most anxious that Township, Committeenan in New, the voters shall fully. understanid the Trier 'townýship. .On January 29, 1936, reasons for our opposition, to bis -the Tenth District Young Men's club, opponient, Henry, Fowler, wbhich are after a thorough investigation of the (1) that he represents machine 'POli respective candidates, endorsed Henry tics in general and the Chicago Fowler for Township Commnitteemant.- machine ini particular, and (2) that We ýéfeel that our findings may help to he. is and always bas been'a paving . clarifythe situation:for the voters of contractor, whose business success- is1 our, township when they cast their ufterly -dependenit on the favor, of ballot. politiciails, thus, creating a constant Quote Committee Report possibility of conflict between the The committ 1ee found and reported natural. human desire for personal on, the candidacy of Jlenry FVowler gain and the independent and uinfet- as follows: tered discharge of political duty. Xitb During bis 35 Years of residence ini the flrst reason our voters are more WIliijette, he bas given definite proiof of or less familiar. as our villages have bis commuilt1,y sPirit and î,nterOst. Hr, for ear ben bttlig aaint bingwas one of thée-original orgalnizers of the foryeas ben attingaganýs bengNorth Shore Area CoUneil of the Boy engulfed ini the maelstrom of1 Chi- Scouts.of'America, and for the past six cago machine factionalstrif e. As to years bias heen president of it. He. was the second reason, 1 w'ould like to ""0e'of the founders of the Wilmett,'_ elaorae bielyas t lesin relmComniunity Chest associationi, and for- unkow to moefyas tfius. n ea the past.two yeams bas been président. 1 ipinown o mo of s. Ie las Ùen actively associated during Pictures Machine Dictation 70l the period of his residence ili ilI- À aigcontractor's business. is mrette, with the affairs, of the Episcopal paveofte ewwer tg aty-o hurcb on the north shore, and is no%% one f te f w were he artyOflsenior warden of St. Augustine's. Epis- the other side is practically always .-opal churchi of wilmette. somie public, body, be it city, village, For a period of more than 36 years couinty or township. Theoretc' l th as been engaged in road construq-- is a conipetiiebsns ihcn tion mork wýNIth the firni of Johin I trats lt to he ~ ~ <~ n nd compaIly, whhh cnern ! rcsbeing ltt h lowest responisi- carrnes on large operation s in the states ! Ie bid.der; practically it is far, otl1ir- rf Illinois, Indiana , WisconsinMn- 1Wise, witb ail but the crurnhs going sota. and Iowa. During the period o! the ý the favored f ew IWho arc "in igbt" last four years, although Mr. Fowler to ha's been district leader for the Repub- politically among whoni is John i A. I lican Party in N&ew Trier-Township, bis Mc(Garry & Co., of: vhich Henry.,company lias bad no .paving contracts Fowlver is one of the partn ers.1 Hi% from, the, County o! Cook, non bas he A.Mcanylies~ done any work in New Tri er Township parter. ohnfor over 15 years. Chicago and bas long beeni active in Fror 20 years be bas been acommit- politics there. Between the two part- teeman in bis precinct, an active worker ý esthe i 1rn.repmans "ini rit" poli-, in the Republican cause,. and for the he done nis job as an upsninIIin- "' itizen ln his communlty, but has nt dependent Committeeman accountable nqrticipated -to any szreat extent In any to the Republican voters of New of the communlty affaira. Trier? And precisely the same con- The committee mnde its report of flict might arise in connection with its findings and recommended the anyv of the other nominationls made endorsements of Hienry Fowler, feel- by,' or finctions. performed by the ing that at a critical time such as County Central Committee. The pav- (Continued on page 70) i j 1 .

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