R«sl.utiaIol ln -tia% , v.sta. aa.Evamto. ail ot Sor 10 year t.v.a. tow~-amaaIinterest Paym.at@. 1 N. La Sallie-St., Chicago, Central 0227 1571 Sherman Ave., Evamton University .2600 Construction De partment Construction Modernizaf ion Repairs Architecturai Service Fiuumeimg I140 CINTER STREET WINNETKA 3250 /1 Apiticipating the ù4dening and reopeiug of West Rail1road avenuie, Ev- anston, as a link in thte fort/t and south oi» the shore through highway, J. Winstanley Briggs is erecting a new buiilding for hi., interior decoratiing buisiness at 2330 West Railroad avenuie. The loi oot which the improventî is being iina4e-is-400x200 fet. A frame house oit this lot is being remiodeled for workroomns. Thte building show»t above i., being put ont the front of thte hotse. T/he structitre is miade of coitërete cisider blocks~ pain ted white, zvith fluted pilasters in each cornter. Joseph Henzry Bristie î4, the architect. Mr. Briggs is now' focated at 1618 Shermian avenue,, Evaitston. H-e wiIi move to the pieu location in,. feu, weeks. Provide Films Showing Read the Want.-Ads Northern Vacation Spots The Chicago and North Westernl For Beauty aud Proiecdiou PAINT UP!. railwayV has just comnpleted' a three reel moiving picture iii sound which it is usiug to, show' before groups of womnen's clubs, schools, parent-teacher organizations, and other groups, which features the complete summer vacation activities- in. the North ".JV'er L7jti .Fv f ii March advances of $463,780 to Wis- consin and Illinois savings, build- ing and lban associations brought the first quarter's credit extended by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chi- cago to $1,855,837, aà gain of 75, per, cent over the 1935 first three months' business. The niewdisbursements also took the total credit outstanding -at the. reserve institution to a new peak of $17.852,916.52, as of Maàrch 30. These indications of: the continued fllw of funds into the local institu- tions making mortgage blans on. homes are characterized-,by A. R. Gardner, .president, of the Chicago batik,1a S thé most.-nearly normal three months since the bank started operations in December, 1932. "Up to now;, we have had batik credit going out either in, enormous increases from month, to month, or, in, ups and dowNts which- did not testify to any, consisten 't need or policy on the part of the home financiigizin- stitution obtai4ing the credit," lie said. «With the first quarter of thfs year we seem to be entering ait era of fewer fits and starts i the ineed for the bank's resources, and of more, even demand, allowing of course, for the seasonal influence of the honte building period which will be inour midst for the next ie months or New Public Interest New credit extended by the Bank ini March was ten per cent under the February figure, and 20 per cent less than for March, 1935, Mr. Gardner pointed out. The pick-up in receipt of new investuients from the public by the member associations account- ed for their smaller need for Pank funds in their Mardi lending pro- grams as ccrnpared with the previous month, he said. "Far from deplorîing this devebop- ment, the Bank officiais welcome.t* Mr. Gardner said " Weconceive of. this institution oénly' as a means1 of supplementing funds from the public, neyer as a dispiacer of such funr-ds. In the future, the home financing svsteni of this rtunt-yrv mueA,.ro. W. J. .tW*jLUE 1567 Sherana Av., Evanpfom TFe Deliver Univrity 590 ý '"Ill Yen Nerd le Knout About Point lithrI.Jilins wisme*ka37% Day otemNht OLIVER lHANSEN -J11 4)