Kenilworth PAINTED WHITE BRICK JHOUSE having 8 rms., 3 baths. Very at- tractive.- Price $27,000.00. HAVE; YOU LOOKED WITH LONG- ing eyes at N. îE.. KenilWorth and decided' the location was perfect, but the price' prohibitive?"Neý thought so :too. But now we are. proud to offer this 014er home sur- rounded by. beautiful trees, 100 ft. of, frontage. Less thaàn ground value, $20,000.00 Winnetka EAST SIDE,-SEVEN RS,2 -BATHS. Lot. 5Oxl5O. Real value. Price only $13,000,00 NORTH EAST SIDE-MODERN SPA-ý clous home. Neyer before on the market, Four'bedrooms, 31/2 bath.. Third floor piped for additional moins. 27car att. gar. Priced to mseU now. Gliencoe 445 ýN. GREEN BAY ROAD. LOT:166 X203. 7 rmns., 2 bathii. Aut.- gas Ir. W. ieat. Garage. $22,500.00 505 MADISON AVENUE. DELIGHT- fui modern house. English brick. 7 rnis., 4 bedrms., 3 baths. 2-car attacb. gar. $22,5pO.00 01ÉTy 1571 Sherman Avenue Evanston, fil. Univ. 2600 WiI. 2602 IIILTN49-lte DON'T OVERSTAY THE STOCK.MARKET TAXE YOUR PROFITS AND BUY THIS English Gothic Horne on choie hill- aide overlooking the lSth fairway of Slçokie Country Club. This lovely home la mnodern ln everydetail. Two fireplacea. ,1ardinge oll burner. ]Plate glass Win- dows. Insulated ireproof. wallu. Six bedrýooms, 3%3 batha. Sun rooni. Diningý angrd sleeping porches.ý REDUCED PRICE FOR QUICK SALE Wmlrlr WTMAWflUi W. G. RUOGLES & Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENT 517 Davis St. Wil. 1660 _____ 1 llLTN49-ltc MR. HOME SEEKER: AR' Y0U TIRED 0P BEING "cooped up" in a congested city bouse or apart ment? Wouid you like te have a nice modern home with a fulli acre of ground, beautifuîîy-wooded and land- scaped. 8,000 tuiips, 4,000 rose plants and, many evergreens. You can get aIl of this at one-haif of what it cost the reet owner. Located in.Glen Oak Acewest of Wiimette Golf Course. Cali us for an ap)pt. te see this *"smàall elîtate.". QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 151Sherman Avenue Evanston, Ill. Uni. ý2600 WIL. 2602, l1LTN49-ltc GOOD VALUES à1j. KENIL.. 9 RMS., 3 BATHS, E-X. suri & slp. rms. Large lot on Robsart Road. S. E. WIL-5 BEDRMS., 3 BATHS, Colonial, like new. East of Sheridan Road. Exclusive section. WINNETKA. - 10 Rit., 3 B AT H house. Repaired. $12,800. Terma. 7 *RMS., 2 BATHS, DEN, 2 ENOL. pohis., ohl ht. $10,800. Nr. achs., transp. North Shore Houses and Lots FRANKCLIN WANNER, REALTOR 19 'South La.Salle, Chicago State 5111 Kenilwôrth 5111 l1LTN49-ltp 301 Seventeenth Street WILMEI'TE SMÂLL HOUSE OF DISTINCTION. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath. Ex. lav. lut. Hot water oil heat. 2-car garage. Lew oout ~hetng and taxes. Will trade equity for vacant or larger iiouse. Price $13,500. See our display ad on Page 81 R. B. WHITAKER CO. 140O CENTER STREET, WINNETKA 1l1LTN49-ltc TWO HOME VALUES BOTH IN HUBBARD-WOODS. ONE, a modern, attractive English Red Brick of 7,rms., 2%2 baths, 2-car att. garage, on terms,, at $14,000 (about mortgage value).' Also a 6-room mod. stucco home, hot. water heat (oil), 2-car garage, for $2,000 cash at low price of $7.000. HI LL & STONE SHORE-TOWNS 163REALTY CORP. 163CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON GREENLEAF 2200 WILMETTE 608 lllLTN49-ltc UNUSUAL KENrILWORTH- BUYS! 1. Baiot. Whiteý fr. on 75 ft. lot; S bed- rrns., :3'pehe3., 3 batiis, 2 blike. scbL, trans. .Offer. 2. Just reduced té $16,500: 4 bdrms., 2 tile baths, open scr. pch. Att. gar. 011l. 80 ft. lot. 3. $2.500 down takes '6 rm., 11/2 baths, soild brick. EAST WINNETKA BUJY! For thi. charming fr. col. on Ige. cor. lot with 6 bdrms., 2 baths, 2 pcb.., att. gar., 2 blks. laite, schl., transi. Owner ni gt consider less than $15,000. Try $ 4000! . EAST GLENCOE Imagine buying a wbite,'c1aRboard col. with 4 bdrms., -2. baths, for just $11,500. We have it! SEARS REA L ESTATE 556 (freenwood Ave. Kenilworth 4 19 0 11LTN4-ltc WOODLAND RAVINE. SETTING, LATEST WORD IN CON- otruction. 8 rooni brick, tie roof, 35 ft. living room. Hait acre lot. Modlerni, iabor-saving devices. Ail one can hope for ln a home. 113 Ravinia. Court, High- land Park. Price? It is riglit. W. .RUGGLES & CO. Exclusive, Agent 517 Davis St. W'Il. 16t0 111LTN49-ltc IN KENILWORTH 5 BEDROOMS, 3 BATHS A CHARMING HOME WITH BEAU. setting in east sec., near lake. If you want a welIplanned house with privacy of location then see this »rop- erty. Price of $32,000. W%*ant offer. Ms Mead. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON Greenleaf 1166 Wiimette 3740 111LTN49-ltcl $22,500 ËI<GLISH F A RM flOUSE STYLE h. ome, located ln Noribieapet Giencoe, 8 roonis, 3 tiled bath., lav,., 2 summer porches and 2-car heated garage. A rustie setting on 3/2 acre sit-, heaily wooded, near lake, and convenient to .cbools and transportation. Immediate Winnetka HUBBARD WOODS-$20,000 Stone and Hait Tumber Eng iish. 9 rms., 3%/ bathe. 60 ft. iwooded corner lot. Siate roof, oilhlit, 2-car igar. Mir. Pietsch, Winnetka 2700. Briargate 1855. MUST BE SOLD THIS MONTH Attr. 7 rm. home, ni-. Indiau 1-111 on higli corner lot with over 128 ItL frontage. Price $19.5600. Mr. Pietsch, Briargate 1855, Winnetka 2700. Kenilworth SUBSTANTIAL EAST-SIDE HOME: Beautituily remodeied; paneled library, heated sun loch., 4 bed- rms., 2 baths. Maid's rm. and bath. 011 hLt, 2-car gar. Owner wants quicksale. Mr.. Pietacli, ,Winnetka 2700, Briargate 1855. Gle ncoe FACINO THE LAKE On large wooded grounds this -q r-n. Colonil i th 6 bed!'fti., 3 baths, la a real buy for smie- one wbo acta quickly. Mr. RInk, Briargate 1855, Winnetka 2700.. Highland, Park YOU WOULD BE PIROUD TO OW14 2727 S. Deere Park Drive. Attr. French style. 6 bedrms.., 3 bath., brkfst. nook,' sun i-m., wooded lot 75 ft. frontage. Beaoh privileges. Inspeet this quallty home. Mrs. Matthews. Winnetka 2700, Briargate 1855. OPEN SUNDAY 10 TO 6 626 S. ST. JOH*NS - COIW- pact 9 rins., 2 baths. SmalI down payznent, balance under $75 per mo. Buy now as à hedge against rislng rent. Mr. Piersen, Briargate 1855. Win-. netka 2700. BAIRD& WARNER, c EVANSTON OFFICE,-Zr22 DAVIJS ST. Hollycourt l855+-Greenleaf 1855 WINNETKA OFFICE -* 790 ELM S3T. Winnetka 2700-Briargate 1855 lI1LTN49-lie' IN BEST LO( W.1 to> Us Lfmis a i nc. strie QUINLAN & TYSONmc. A" 1 servi 1571 Sherman Ave. Uni. 2600, -Wil. 2602 104 111LTNi49-1 tc ers fg vis st. 4-t 151à 11IL