Af ter the -Primary and my reelection as a Republicail Precinct Comnitteeman j on a platform advocating the defeat of Peter M. Hoffman as a member of the Republican County Central Comiittee. the writer personally endeavored to get ail of the the ýCommitteemen of the. Third Commissioner's district together in open ýmeeting to select by ballot their. leader to become a hemnber of the County. Central committee, instead, of fol lowing the old-fashioned xethod of canvassing. for, individual proxies among the' committeemen,. The effort to se- cure hramony failed.,. However, Hoff- nian's defeat was brought about in his own precinct, mot by' Henry Fowýler butby Edwvin D. Macuekie,- so that Hoffman was no longer eligible for memb ership in the County Central Coin- miittee. Cail oble Assertion Ina«curate Now for the, inaccurate statement made by Mr. Goble, referring, as he says. to Mr. Fowler's political record of r activities agaiinst thie so-called Snell- Ickes Croup: He says in WiiNfITrrE- LIiE of April 2nd: -In 1930 the Third Cominissioner'ý, District comprised* the townships.of Leyden, Norwood Park, Maine, Niles, Nbrthfield and New, Trier. Then it was that Peter Hoffman and Harold Ivkes contested for C6unty Central éommitteernan. Peter Hoffman won, Peter H&:ffiinan polled the larges8t vote of bis career and probably Mnost of our vitizens voted for hlm-." This statement is wvholly inaccurate. Peter Hoîfnati was îîot then electeil to any,ý office by "thie largest vote of bis career,'? but by the aid of Mr. Eowler and others of the precinct cominittee- mnen froni the Third Commissioner's' dis- trict he was in the year of 1930 electeil to repre.sent the Third Commissioner's district as a member of the County Cen- tral Committee through controlling the proxies of a mai ority of the precinct committeemen. Mr. Goble furtber states in the sanie article: **In 1932 after floffmnan's los of prestige Henry rowler ,cont:ested mith Peter Hoffman on Prima?>' Day in Hoffman's own precinct, and Hof- port Mr. Snell. The nanies of those five committeemen are well knciwn andt can easilyr be furnished. Then it was that Mr. Snell was chosen a member .of the County Central Commnittee in 1932 _ to represent the Third Cominissioner's district. Mr. ckes was not a.precinet committeeman in 1932 andwàs there- fore flot a miember of the, Republicani County Central committee. Afterý the prilmaiies in. 1932 he aligned hiniseif witb the D)emocratic: party and thus completely eliminated him, self froin the1 Republican pictur e except 'insofar -as he later recognized some of those who hadA loyally supported bis 193 contest against Mr. Hoffmnan« long before the NEW DEAL was even dreamned of, and who bail also supportedl Mrs. Ickes in-Winnetka during the time when she1 was a member of the Illinois State As- semibly., Among those was Mr. Snell who about May 1, 1933, accepted the position of Director.of.-the United States Government Owned and, Operated Alas-. kan Railway. En«Iorses Gmrduer Because Henry Fowler bas by his silence permitted and encouraged thej injecting of f aise issues into the cani- paigp for District Committeemnan; be- cause Mr. Fowler by bis silence has ap-- proveil the erroneous statements above referred to, whichi must have been knowvn by himi to be erroneous, thus accepting credit for bimiself for the defeat of ex- sherif Peter M. Hoffman; because Mr. Fowler bas. permitteil the sanie false' issue to be included in bis campaign literature, and because Mr. Fowler 'did. not at any tinie actively support the in- surrection against the leadlership and domination of tbe Galpin-Crowe-Hoff- man group in the County Central Com- mittee in 1928; because 1 cani find no record and have* no knowledge of Mr. Fowler at any time activeiy opposing the bi-partisan deals wbereby the. party bosses have. virtually appointeil the j.udges of 'our Circuit and Superior courts, I cannot now support bu nfor District Committeeman to,. represent New Trier Township. On tbe otber ln the CouUflY 'Central i.omîttee of thet Repubican Party"by Peter M. Hoffman,, a resident of the sanie distriet-or pre- Deponent further says that lhelias ail of bis life been a Republican, actively interested ln, the success of theý Repub- ican Party, but bas neyer hel a.ny, political office of profit. In 1928 deponent becanie Interested ln the uprlsing of good Republean cit- tzenis against boss rule of the' Rèpublican. Party 'Count>' Central Committee. At tRe Plmary ln 1930 deponent became a. candidate for preclnct comrmitteeman against Peter M. Hoffmnan, and was de- feated by less than fifty votes. ,Th thé 1 April Primary of 1932 deponent was again a candidate 'againat, Peter M. Hofl- man, and on, this occasion' defeated Peter M. Hoffrnan. for Precinct Com- mitteexnaf by a. maJority of nearly two to one. Deponent 1as recently read, the state- fients publlshed ln MWtLMErrs Litrato the .effect that "in 1932 after Hoffman's ls of prestige witli the voters, H-enry Fowler (of Wlbmette) contested wth Peter ffmlah on letiflary aIn ffl *man's own precinct atnd 1-offman loat,@" and aiso other statements to tlie effect that Henry Fowler of Wilmette liad sonething to do with the defeat of Peter M. Hoffman as Precinet Committeeman ln the District in whlihlie, Hoffman, resided. Deponient says that lielias full1 knowiedge of thie facts and knows that H{enry Fower liad nothlng whatsoever to do with the defeat of Peter M. Hoff- man for Precinct Committeeman by and tlirougli the election of déponent as Pre- .clnct Comnmitteeman in lis stead. De- ponent's defeat of Mr. Hoffman In hs own Precinct ln 1932 madle Mr. Hoffman ineligible for niembership lu the .County Central Commlttee. Deponent further says, that lie at no time had ary contact wltli or assistance from Hlenry Fowler ln thie figlit whleh deponent made to défeat Peter Mý Hoff- mani for Committeeman ln lits owu Preclnct, and that to the best of de- ponent's knowbedge and belief Henry Fowier did not corne into thie preciuct ut any time except as a friend or as- soeiate of Peter M. HoffMan. EDWIN D. MAC LUCKIE. S'TATE 0OF ILLINOIS COUNTY 0F COOK Edwin D. MaéLuckle; bei-ng flrat duby .sworn, deposes and says that hie bas read the foregoing statemepnt by hlmn subscribed and tliat the sanie la true. EDWIN D. MAC LUCKIE. Subscrlbed and sworn to before me qthia 6th day of ,Aprll,. 1936. kuuu. 1Mrs. Schwartz hus leased the prem.. ises for a restaurant .and 1 know you wiIl find ber a charming hostess and thatshe wiIl menit your patronage. Youres.Truly,: Stanley K. Gage' Library Lists Names of. Newest'Volumes Names of books recently added to the; collection at the Wihnette Public Library. were* announced, this .week by Ann L. Whitmàack, librarian. The names follow: Fletion Adams--Uflpeakable Petit Athertoni-Splendid 1db Foprties Cozzens-Men and Brethron> Glasgow-Bai'ren Ground Green-Winchester House Nordhoff-HuricaflC Powell-Turfl Magic Wheel Rabne-'-Run of the, Brush Saiten-Baminh Stephens-Crock of Goid West.-Thtnk1ug ,Reed Wliarton-Ethafl Freme Travel Law rence-Morliigs, in Mextico Bell -Bahamas Curtis-New Orleans. Calvin--_Sky Determines Austin-The Flock Rothery-South Amelica Blography Clum-Apache Agent Doyle--Child Went Forth F'arson-'Way of the Tranag1ressor Green-Whoie World and Companly NorsworthY-ILady of Bleeding Heart Yard Reid-The Great Physkbian Liudwg-Seblielnnu History Durant-Story of Civiization Barnes-History- of Western Civilisa- tion Thompson-Tbe Middle Âges Seymour-Amerlcé.n Neutrality Fergusson-Danclng Go4s Lippmann-Interpretatýion, 1933-35, Bolton-Outposts of Empire SWilmette COUPle. Called Away by Death of Father' > Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Ives, 1630 :The fact is that sîîac euc riir -1 u" I"A nor Mr. 1Fowier could obtain proxies insofar as he desires to serve tbe best since uni froin a majority of the pre cinct commit- interests of the Republican party as a. Village oý teemen. in the Third Commissiofl&'s .member of the County Central Commit- I persoe di strict. in 1932, certain committeelten tee in binging about the ends above recieved - iii, Park R Iidge refuseil to support Mr. referred toi, I unhesitatingly endorse *rant at 1 nits issued by the Hutchins, Sr., of Jiigi ,te. crasbed into the rear end uested, paid for and driven by Fred Bailey of to operate a restau- A heavy snow storm was idan road from the at the time, causing low vis aukee. ogress