HERE ARE MONEÉYUSAVING DRUS; Staff Photo Wimtescaninle «">addy wagoni" has beeii biisy thèse days, in t he face of thrcatenced rabies epidénnic, collecting petsç that tr-niy rm oe mis iIfltezIcs. This big -Iecifon'unas hoving a grand romP twhei the' dog: catcher Iiterally cauighi up zith hii,, ith the' resrît as Pictured aboz'e. It cost his master.a tidY suM to get thii feller "out. of hock" at the dog poid. S J h 'sPi.Marcell&. 1urdeck .. Leona Daelenbach au o n lyers Mrs. Vlovert ........alle Reinhardt WilPrs n F re Mrâ- Henderson .... ....Jane »dwards WScn i rèsn t a ceLell oto". Genevieve Wt "Second Cildho6d. a, farr r,,m- 1Judge Sande.rtin ... nntA a-a %.Iziilua v.m a, I .. tecin- cdy in 'thrée acts by ZelIah Coving- ton and jules Simnonson, will be pre- sented on April 23 and 24 by the St. John's. players. The play i8 being directed by Rex. H. Asbdown. Thie stor-y coincerns a profes,1 or who lias discovered ail elixer of youth. PracqticaI experimients on anl old gentleman prove its effectiveness only too welI. The cast includes:1 Prof. Fredrjck Reiyeal.. Theo. J. Schlorf Mr à. Wellsmiller ..... Alice Seifert -Sylvia Reiyea .. . Evelyn Borme PhiIip Stanton . .-.George E. Cramer Gienemal Burbeck ... ..Paul E. Gamron Sheriff Johnson ..Herman meyelr Dr. and Mrs. ]Rufus B. Stolp:, 336' Warwick road, Kenilwort.h, enter- tainedý their evening bridge club Tueslay of this week. $$WANTED$$ ~OLD CLOTHES W. Call Everywhere SPECIALS YOII MUT OT MISS.. ANMME WINSle 2M Shoots IMS hffe 1890 Shoots 4k au sfev days t h.. Priness Pat Beautiy ]Expert wfl b. ait our stores. Arraug" nov. foria frieFac- ial , in.7. yor 2 f 1,25C Ale When a child doesu't take a keen,'.t In neuls sornethlng ls wrong. Botter look into It rlght away. If the condition Persists, and the child ls lietIeeas and fails to gai weight, go anid have a taik with Your doctor. He wlll make a thorough and coin- piète diagnosis and Prescribe the needed remedy. When YOU have the Precription we wili Welcome the opportunity to 1111 it for you. Prescriptions are our specia.Ity. You cain always be aseured of fresh 'drugs at fair pices. . . B. C. CAZEL. to rying or Broil LAM 10 %a .25o ImcHIKENs lb. BABY LAMB Spoil-2e-li».À U. S. Gvsded ChoicesBeef STrANDING RIB ROAST Large End. I Young Fig h. I Loiw or tib Poik loaut 21 "t. 3-1b. Avg. IL. Dichloricide.. 49c Quart Puit, 2 garment baga free......8ke Pint Enoz Moth Liquid 79C 25e Apex Cakes Lb. Cauplior..$1.19 1 Reaeffies $1.50 Agarl ...... . Pimi Cod Liver 011 .. . . .. g 25 ABD. .. C4asules.... 50 Halibut Live (0i1 capsule. .. 89e.» Noec Viosterel *3.19 81.89 Adex m Establisbe Yèrk sud Cheul.. 3f age b e re i s m v k q t. Perfume Statigoery Fev gifts eau Compare with tins., for lux- uzY and E».. ter chenu. "-b" fý do 1 1 à