24,MoIftths to Pay $1125 F. B. M»OTORlS SEVIEINC.M AtaoriulChrjvsler atid Plymouth Dualera toi the NothfsShoe 9ILMEfITI2600 Fr.. Pick-UJpemd D.Uiv.ry721. MAIN ST., 'W VILMETTE n __________________ There is no. guesswork about buymng Consumera Coal or Coke Lecauso cvery ton is sold with an unconditional guarantee of high quaity, full weight and customer satisfaction. Whcther your requirements be large or smail, you will find it economical and more satisfactory to Buy Your Coai on Approval. * COKE . .. FUEL OIL @nsumers @pn WILMET 130 WINNETKA 3386 GIENCOE 75 BrmVg.*. 303Un ?SSW. Ralfrnn Av. umiw"ty lTm PHONE 1 "I S4- . i