Sponsors Bridge and'Fashion Show On. May 13, the Evanston Country club m-ill t)e the.scene of'a,:gala party, given, by the menibers of the Mary' Cran.e league. The party xiii be a des- sert tea, and bridgeý, starting.at 10 Q'Cýo*Ck, with afashion show. During ihtermission and just pre- ceigthe card game, ,:the- guests will be entertained by Mrs.Rt Col- vin Friedlund, soprano;. Mrs. Rhea Shelters, will accompany Mrs. Fried- lund at the piano. Mrs. Friedlund is a. true lyrico- spinto.. which mneans a voice with drarnatic qualities but with the.agility of a Ivtic. Mrs. Friedlunl received ber training with Louis I3achner, of, Berlin, Germany, Mr. and Mrs. Vitorrio Arimomdi and Richard De Young. Her operatic coaching was with Forest Lamont, and oratorio and song interpretation with .Edgar Nel- son. She also was a member of Mary Garden's scholarship class in operatic, study. .Mrs. Friedlund is a membef of the Committee. Mem bers' for Parish Party As the day draws closer and corn.mittee chairnien report the, newest developmnnts and plans. enthusiasm waxes keener and flhc success of another St. Fran- cis Naývier- Spring l)arty seemis as sured. T his event is rapidly becoming a tradition. and once attended is'neyer missed. ,'No. energy is being spared bv, the chairmfien ,and thieir .commnit- tees. and 'ShawnéeeCountry club will present a1 gala scene indeed, when it opens, itsdoors on Saturday, May 23. at 8 o'clock at night, to we1comnethe mie mbers of, St. Francis Xavier parish and their friends. .Mrs. A.. R. Houle is co-chairman, with -Mrs. Howard Hickey, of t he paàtroniess- committee. Mrs. Guy Glad.- son and' Mrs. A. W. Witherow; co-, chairmen of thie reception commit- tee, announce the following as mnem- bers of their conxmittee: Messieurs and Mesdames Harry, Barker. George Beaudin, John Boyls- ton, Warren Clohisy, Henry Dalton, Thomas Gibbons,.Robert Little, B. W. Lynchi, Joseph1 Joyce, Marshall V. Kearney, J. D. MéCue, W.. D. Mc- Junkin. Harry McDermott, Joseph O'Neill... M. A. Morrison, Frank J. Oelericb, Albert Stail, Fran~k Seng,' \V T: Svillane, Francis X. Thale. jMrs. Shelters is well known to Chi- Icago audiences and is much sought- jafter. for superb artistry as an acý- Icompanist. Mrs. W. G. Olsen, of Kenilworth, is chairman of the card, party, assist- ed by Mrs. Ernest Cramer of Chi-> cago. Mrs. William M. McNamee. jof Evanston, ini charge of tickets, j Mrs. George Stevens, table reserva- tions, Mrs. R. E. Spaeth, of refresh- ments, and Mrs. G. D. Theisen of. Du1Bois-The Drâke Photo Mis s Eli:-abetl: Babcock zvore the traditional white satin wedding gown .aimd tulle veil with a wvreath of orange blossonis, tohen site becae the' bride 'of Auguste C. Babize, Jr., of Glencoe.. Her flowers w.ere liles of the vallcvy and qardenias. The zeeddin.q, the 6>st bo be Perforiied in. the tiett Wlinnetka Con gregational church, took place April 18, and 'was follozi'cd l'y a -receptiont art fl home of the brides miiither. Airs. Williamn F. Babcock, of Wijiletka. Evaniton's'Garden Merk£à. e May 16 The Evanston Garden :club an- nounces its Garden market Saturday, May 16,' in Raymond Park, EVanston. It ivili start at 1 0 o'clock with Mrs. Alfred H., Grosse mistress of cere- monies The raisinoz of the flaoe will orne, asd. ias wil et.avenue.. weanesaay, june Mrs. .Fred, Whi street, -Evansto. the meeting for the bridge to be held ! 3, at the home of ite, 2810 Garrisoni