iii this thought to Mrs. Hughes wheni from the. Detroit Conservatory of n she admitted me. Laughing, she -saiMusic. She gave piano lesn Woodlawn the of choir the in sang 0te pole had said the sanie thing M. E. cburch. to them. MIr. Hughes was a seniorlaw stu-. of jindeed the. bouse bas. a look and attended the saine churchi. ident comfortaand graciousness, serenity, met, they -feul in love. After living iicteofhehacter'itThe be Mrs. Hughes calis "a'lon iigago.,what of those who built. it,- 30 years oo they mienan gaemnt," we',y Wood Grant If corne October.. builciWoodlaVn. a in to paint the portraits of Mr. and Mrs. an apartment Hughes against the background of ing owned by the University of Chithe'ir bouse, he would have as interesting a study, of a totally different kind, as he had in «"American, Gothic. I' Fln. CeioulaiStck fot ,be 'eXtolling the r4ht t',-A Hughes unduly to suggest that they represett the finest flowering of the Americani colonial: stock. The background of ýmany Yankee f amilies in the Middle West is*much the same Nlew England ancestry and back of the third migrationl into Illios Iowa Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan. seems to have taken the fourth move more seriously than other states, practically evacuating the prair:ies in favor of California. Andre Siegfried bas pointed out that the Pacific Coast is more Anglo-Saxon than the New England area because of this. trend westward. the U.T S. Supreme court. A glance at the dlock prompted nie street." to withdraw before the interview bc~i."'.cr uhscie r. came an owl session, but Mrs. Hutghies or flot ta curb !" took me into the nmusic room to vûe It seems that it was considered citi-t the fatnily pictures and conlided that fied 30 yearg ago to build a curi> she was a very lucky wom-an to have, along the street. such,, a nice family. I privately Formoe Village PresidentS thoiight that they were lucky to haveý The-Hughes becarne bona fide resi-t her and Glencoe fortunate indeedlto ens Mr. Hughes served.as. pre~i have thie Hughes in its-midst., A.s dent of the Village board during the.:j Eddie Guest says, "it takes a heap aià miud age, was later preside t of: the living ta make a home." And 83. Grave street looks like a place where àn.! a real. Arericans live, sturd sercile. Saturday Off crs, Three College Club Ev~ents The Chicago College club lias ,)lanfied a three-fold prograni for, Saturda, May 23., At il o'clock. according to the club bulletin, Ethel Il. Colson Brazelton is to discuss ciirirent evts of Amiericaft flavor and to review tbc followving books: :"The Thinking Reed," by Rebecca 7est: "Moniogram," by G. B. Stcrii: \V "'Sparketnbroke," bv Charles M-\orgai: "Stubborn Roots,," by Emina Go(chaux: and "South Riding," by ini fred Hoitby. *Best sellers -of a few vearsý ago wiIl l>e on sale in the club iirarv fromi Il :30 throughout the aftrnoo .. At 2 o'clàck the club is to have a i bination favoted by pionieers of some education. And it *was because of the books around the bouse that the career of Walter -Clay Hughes was formed. "We didn't bave niany books, commented Mr. Hughes, "and 1 re;d them. aIl. One was Parsons 'Laws of Business.' I was mucb impressed by that. I thougbt it would be fine to bec a lawyer." "Todav and Tonlorrow'» isfithtlc 4i the lecture ta be givein atiil o'clock Mondav by C. L.. To\\-ii. This is the final lecture in Nir. Toivnie's series on "The .nr~i Novel, and is under the auq)Ict .oi th tt group. Night.,"'spotisor(,cl h An "mateur the College Club Pia ers, and prusented by members and their s~tr and their cousins and tlheir aitant. il" ta take place at the club Tl.irsdav éveniing. 'May 28. The contest stârts, at 8 a'Clock with Etnilv C.oehst tiiling. tions of à the sfory their coming he affec- laie. TI hes. And side, so interest- have ta their cniaren wot ~ssthe traclcs ta en and ave' bad' tve ba tis year for cl nt law j 'ummer camp, on my tive. ýe Wilm~ette girls,. ade by the board niof Arden Shore especially attrac- 'M