JI;aYdJMrs.Johua Brashears, shan avenue, annoitnce the -:4-igagellicii of their daughter, Jeai ie-l-iradley; ýoi Robert Wolff'. So ioMAls.an .. .1fred fl'olff, 119Central aventie. Mlr. fl'olff is in busine.ýs with his fathter w/wo is of thé 1Wol6ff-Griffis Hardware ~colirn$.zy of Wilsie ffe; aird -Miss Jlrashears is gradriatiny iin June from the National ColIeyc of Il-dicatioz. They plan to l'enarried m'il Kappa Delta Moihers to Have Luncheon Meetina -0 'ig 15 calied for Il o'cIock .and wiII he followed by luncheon. Asssiting *on the luncheon comnittee wilI be MNrs. 0. R. Coutts, Mrs. j. F. Stiles of Lake Bluff, and Mrs. R. T. liard-] ing of Ehnhurst. The Kappa Delta miothers and fathers wiil be entertained at a picnic Sunday afternoon.i May 24, wben Mrs. W.ý R.Eig wilI open ber home in Libertyville! * for the occasion. ' ~a&L Florence, 333 Park Avenue. GIeac<e iss aaveu kn.wn designer and stylîst on thse North, Shore