jI dard(Itiim and arrive at Eagle River at 9--.20 anid.NWatersmieet at 10:10 p.m.ý Th. etion lser-vi'ng the \Voodruff section wilI arriye there at 9 :25 p.m., andI at Ironwood at I 'lc.Certain, sinte'rmediate stops vil be tmade bers wili be presented in the bailrooni at -the Pà1mer house during the three days of. the expositio.n. MIotion. pictures1 and musiceal and dance selectiens wil be off'ered for entertain-, ment. Trhe p>Ublic is invited to visit the exhibitiôn r3oom *at the Palmer: House to inspect the displayýs,-at the exposition. Admission, is free.- mrieial~i 3 ( News i IravVI Club nmcmi-i *Enjoy the uftmost ini cornfort, service., smartness. style. Al Sport facilities from badminton to bicycles end gaited borses. ThrUilta glamorous evenings of dancing, gay.,cocktail, parties, sfrr't Floor shows. Rates, $8.00. to,$11 .00 Arne'rican Plon. -Wrte for information. W. S. Woodfill. President 'Grand Hotel, Méckinac Island, Michigan. a Ctcago Sooking Office 332 South Michigan Avenue Wébash 8381 N é 1 *Wotlds TO MOTOR THROUGH WEST Lorgest Summer Motel Before june 26. "The- Fl imbeauMrs. Robert WV. Bruce, 514- Eighth ivil o.perate on Fridays olv liprth-7 strecet, and M\r'si C. C.. Wiffinl, of ChiI)ould and -Sunda$ n.st thbound cago. plan to leave May 29, on ant 0the Nayys ojnly5.sul 12, and extensive motor trip -through the June 19-Weekends. The soul hbound west. -Thev wiIl stop in Wyomiig schedule wiII be set up Ieavi-ing the and then go on tïo Boise where. they 'Çortlî X\oods districts, earl% Suia3 viII visit Mrs. Bruce's parents, Nfr. afteruoon and arriv'ing in Chi,icago at and MNrs. H. C. Andersen. Betty IQ::4.5 Pj.. uring the sm lef this .Mar~ie ruce wilgo -4fgtri to joiný ,ottli)otti schedule. wiIl be ini iopera- ber imôther iii Boise when school is tion. the train arriving i (Chicago out. They %%will visit Portland and CNvery evening except NManda ivs and Seattle and returil home by way of Yellowstoiie Park the enid of summer. for Furtker Pi C.F. VA Back-Fi <;of'EthN., 313 Kedil. Si., E-vonston, UNI. 4231