Seed company at 1502 Sherman> avenue, stomach. pWois such as lead arsenMliss Dorothy Hanley, daughter of Evanston, where he maikes Mis htad- ate, paris green, flouride dusts, andi the like, and also nicotine suiphate *Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hanley, 827 Chest- qatîs nut avenue, *has Ieft -for Seattle where land tobacco dust, long-the standard; she' will visit the A.,ý E. Scbuylers, SPA-ADSAEcontact sprays for sucking insects. In former residents of WVilmette, for TOUR PL.ANTS the, pyrethrum sprays the gardener about a month. Her sister, Marie, is Eeyplninorgadbet has a non-poisonous contact spray: planning, a trip to Washington, D. C.,lreo plveeal rfoe.whlch is, pkasant*:to use and whicli with several fiends. shrub or 'tree, is Just a choice Âeast efciei elcn h for some ittle bug. And sinceplants i cotin n oacomtras brands of; appetizing to the vast horde'T eaenmru Miss: Bettyi Phillips,79Hradaes pasnw n yehu street, spent.Ias week-end at Bell- of,însectsý present every year it, is rôtenn wood, III., as the guest of Mi A,-,del necessary that we recognite that aailable, in both large ýand small Lang. 5 these- plants will. be attacked and that containers. ý Somne of these have been' must take steps to prevent thej made-more effective byý combining' HW»Wr Wo"sinjury being of more than Mmior ex- quick acting pyrethrum contact spray, ANIMAL: HOSPITALtet with the. more deadly, double acting Whe Your Pets Have Surprizing. as it may. seem we owe rotenone. ln others sulphur bas been: ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~much to the savage black people of' obnd ota te r fetv Boaruilg -PIueling - ClippInlç the tropics for Our modern control of; in~ controln ea pt'mlead« la ~.bat4Woos, i iinsects. o generations these peopfle other fungous diseases, as well as' O Lied..Ave. Win.3737-44 j have used a unique inethod of fish- the insects. Such products reàlly methodI whieh is wvry effective answer the spray piloblem. In pur-i *SIAWN E"but which would not ineet with the cIîasing, ask for rotenone sprays or approval of our conservation uhr for rotenone combilied'.%-ith sulphur. Wsolnsitîes. Instead of using hooks, spears, More detailed information will be, or seins' as we have doue for years. givenl if you will 'address 'your in. Swlmmlng, Rlding, Hiking and Basebail these natives poison the lish and'Iquiries to this department. Tutorlng - Excellent Foodf gather them up after they 'have died_________ yFite fr pruicidkri and floated to the surface. Laura Way, Director, Tigerton, Wma. îmsectici«le SBut what 'kind of a poison could use which would not make the ; àY Di.ý.O.... fislh unfit forbiiman cpnslumDtion *Chicago 'Titie and Trust company. pnsooyan eae suim," rotenone sprays dispiace the old fivey fwe I Rose Marie Meyer and Joan Wil-' son.' 3. Irish Trap Dance Katherine Fisher, M ar y .Lou Hughes. Carol June Kahn, jean Ann Mozliy, Mar), Lou Mozley, Nancy. TOq3I,,Shirley Sherry. 4.- Tango *Catherine Becker, -Jean: Bostwick, Adele C h en au-1t, Mary Jane' Kreamner, Virginia Lee_, Patyiciaý Rutledge,, Lois Sulanka, Lorna' Wooiard. 5. Chinese Toe Dance Betty Altfit!isich and Lois Halé6. -1IFeel Like Dancing" ElIlyn Becker, Nancy Boothe, Hosalie Brown, Mary Davidson, Nornma Evans, Rosamond Figher; JO Ann Funkhouser, *Joyce Lust garten. 7; Joliy DolIy Barbara Gavin, Judy Herbuveaux, Meyer,' Marlene Wendell, joan, Wilson, H4elen Louise Nichols;. 8. S-'hortnin' Bread Kenneth Davis, Donald Wiiiklehake, Wane, utlede 9.. Dowfl South Doils Phyllis Chapm-an, Joan I-Ioffnian, Aliee Ke~nnedy, Marion Nl(,fod, Barbara MeNeil. i 11)>. '%aise Caprice Florence Whittingtoii. -. Scotch Taps Dawn Herbuveaux, hîstljackson, Ev'eiyn Jacobsen, Biaîbarit Oier, Dqi'othy Gasqsînan.. 2. Jchoes of the Volga .Patricia Rutledge. 13. Petite Toe Dance Dianne Lustgarten, Rose Marie ________________________inig-a Forn SchoI bforUBys 'PowerfulI P "Sthey Model Farrn Opened Ne JI.d linII N ar M n eenb .. Adý co10z Y Iand poisoned the filh. Sience bsfru isolated the active 'agent, present ni opened '"Mc n oe.i'I to H. C. ) 30, accÔrdiig~ M-ay' our t he juice of the derris moots and it Revnolds. district superintendent of "Rtn.thle conipany.1'i bas been given the name of oRhelartwreadiun ffrilf one," It bas been found to be the of th ieo ecoe mnost powerful insect poison yet de-,-ý cati now i)e done etectricalIN, givîng veloped. Rot'enone is nom- produced cm people who live in' the cotintr all inercially in large quantities for the ih~avnae.adcnein~o preparation1 of 'spray in the. control ciVliîg"he ad.r eyod.R tNr i,,*E. for àLN r i ped . oLniinLyt .. 1- ý i.? ,i viirgi la Loi.~îak., Patricia .i thythnmTai) Su-san Toe* Niiitttu I-Ivax .Mary Oilar, Lo"is fiaie, Marlon; .Nleleod. ,--robaLtie Waltz 1.A Flelen Steffcns;. I 1 Sundays. In ere is a recpicnic grove, courts, dance stand, fully equipped shower and washrooms, and convenient parking space. These facilities are available to groups for outings and picnicking."