Engis Syl Asou.. - ruy.ePortions RM and utrTfr à@ ih rs adIatr.TI CUpl packag e alumfer tht icic V godfo chei.nand 1 %.,A"l.familyi. 14 ývareotieS of choice coolieS Individual portmion l p nacn dfill.d n deal1 appd. An ideol sandwih Evoronecan picnc lnch < pik isfvoi1 b. baix ýmon, are*spocielly fond Of ru ., Sandwich Pickles. Ae Far$eotholig menu. And * ual lat. an Indoor meal.,Sore ai et qypo Uie. Ptt hp Paal n luch a.tnefr .wJti p.1a. Af «h..crisp mid just S nough. A goodprenc t 5 Sweet Cherries Largo Sings. So good jus t t cat ouf of hand or to add te fresh -fruit 1lb. cocktails. Chips. iays hany itd, h lum n .$.on tE pan$ry "hIf. ft.dy f Sorvoe in n. 4hn, o 19 2'«u24hS7 fr,2 fer19c. Pis. ÀAs. did- 19C I.' Ibs. Whi*e Summer, Squshý Cooks quickly anid is mighty, good. 5 CI ILb fruit Cocktail. combine with, bing cherries tor a each Laorge Tel.. phne Peas Sweet and tonderserve wtl fish or jeu rU UWUUU1UUWs ... 1 No wasto t. thoe . ail me.t mend prepared in no timo aai l. lb. 29c Fresh Tomo.s For salads. broiling. fryng oi. baking..2 29c Meus for Stewing Chiçken stew always ha, a dolicius fiavor and is ospecially invi$ing when served witl. fresh peas. 2 Ibs. 19C 29 lb., 9 JUNIE4, 1936 1,