oten made at the expense of the child's. happiness, sornetimies resulting ifi serious harm. 0-KI-HI is a *real" camp. where the youiigster feels he.is actisaly camping,.but knows that wliesi night cornesý,he wiIl he able to -tell the family ail about bis day. Froin thé -day1camp, it is a easyý transitioi to stay ai1 lit at 0-KI-Hli, where he alreàdy,' feels at home, atnd thns. caipilig prohleums.are Solved for pareiits in the happiest deliius homne cooked fooi. farmUiy styl-ý and ail you want of if. Dance and concert orchestre fo entertein you. Friendly,,congeniel. eatmosphiere. .tinexceliedkofet alcom'moda-, fions.. Ail Anderson cottages with baths and innerspring mattiresse*s. .Write now for com-, ,Write0. Evereit Vàl.mt$ine. EphraimiWlsco"sn. Anders.. Hotel. A NEAIR-BY CAMP o x ent eIee~r pansion. su the woods ws of Winietka. 4site. ini Neirthh)rtxk. was selected a> the Firty- acre-, give ampe rim -fqr large separate camp>. for o and g irls. with hall ~. crafts. plenty of space for aihties. and ridirig. Mir. Szynianski. who manages the tiitire cam~p, with spmcal lpi fromn a large kroindwas -taff '>1 traitned c,titcillor., is well c.lipped b>% ediicatioi and experience lil for the position. His thorough edge of loudour life. of character and health hbuilding, gives iili a real opper- g the camps'iii and aroundî Olivet Instituite camp* is one.! ollest, and most popular., fthe ns. cottages, and"Iodges ýafBusigaIoý% nîmiiodations, comfortable and: ford aiccuo econoinio cal, for thosc who wvis1i to otste7' or to have board and, "-keep hoi nbe ýcaniip is onthe W et enl' roonî. Tl ofc Lake Geneva at Williams Bay, i Ai witith a large frontage on the lake. vh(ose waters are fainous for! thecir ciai rity and purity. their boating, swiirnii,îg ig aiid fishing privileges. and for the, character of the residents e lake alid- of the sunmmer aboult thu ýociaI ad% on the NORTH SHORE at MISSION Mishi M@kwa W@dcrft Camp 0fers the, Denfits, of Two Camping Plans